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#26 2024-05-29 22:02:14

Registered: 2024-05-29
Posts: 1

Re: Estimate the total number of Xfce users

Thank you very much for XFCE!

I use it for 11 years, 10 years on Linux and 1 year on FreeBSD.

XFCE runs on every pc and laptop in my familiy. My mother in law use it on openSUSE Leap, my wife on Linux Mint.

Today the FreeBSD 2024 Community Survey was published: approx. 20% of the FreeBSD Users use XFCE :-)

Best regards


#27 2024-05-30 20:05:40

Registered: 2023-07-28
Posts: 3

Re: Estimate the total number of Xfce users

Pardon my presumption and allow me to speak for the millions of XFCE users that never post on forums and don't have gitlab accounts;  Thank you to ALL the XFCE developers, past and present.

I'm am one of those that don't post unless there is a problem and, even then, I search forums for answers before posting a new topic. I've been using XFCE on Arch for years. I don't post there, either. MX is the distro that introduced me to XFCE. Never posted there either. Now I feel bad. wink

A low user statistic is testament to the fact that the DE is solid and without telemetry. I doubt that the even entire user base of desktop Linux itself is anything but a wild guess.


#28 2024-06-16 23:00:12

Dude Guyman
Registered: 2023-07-13
Posts: 2

Re: Estimate the total number of Xfce users

Alexander Schwinn wrote:

Actually, I can't believe in these numbers ... if so many people are using Xfce, I would expect much more activity on the IRC/matrix channels, bug reports / forum, etc.

I'm not surprised at those numbers at all. The vast majority of us using it, you will never hear from. If we have a bug, we just wait and "it goes away", or we dig around a bit and see forum posts or bug reports already ongoing, so we don't say anything, or everything else just works good enough. The folks you would actually see using IRC, making bug reports or that even know how to do so, are tiny.

Example, Thunar often crashes/closes (for years now) when right clicking a file/folder to make an archive, after the archive completes. This is the very first time I've mentioned it anywhere because it doesn't actually hurt anything. The archives seem to get made successfully and you just reopen Thunar. Honestly, if it did interfere with making the archive, I'd just find a different way to make them or move to MATE or something, you would not see me on IRC. Not worth trying to install/learn find the IRC channel, or registering at some cryptic bug report site to complain about it. Also most know IRC is basically dead. You can go in there and say "Halp!?!?" and no one may answer for hours/days.

MANY people use Xfce and never speak a word. Several of the best, most popular distros default to, or have a fully supported flavors of it. Manjaro, MX Linux, a couple others I forgot.

Thanks for your work!


#29 2024-06-17 12:58:55

Alexander Schwinn
Registered: 2016-03-26
Posts: 9

Re: Estimate the total number of Xfce users

Thank you for your comments ... just let me put some updates regarding the most recent one:

Dude Guyman wrote:

we just wait and "it goes away"
Example, Thunar often crashes/closes (for years now) when right clicking a file/folder to make an archive, after the archive completes.

Haha, excellent example ... fixed meanwhile in thunar-archive-plugin 0.5.1  smile

More details in the related merge request.

> Not worth trying to install/learn find the IRC channel

Note that meanwhile we moved to Matrix   big_smile 

> or registering at some cryptic bug report site to complain about it.

Looks like you did not try for a long time ... we do have gitlab.xfce.org since 2020, which is much more fun to use than the sometimes cryptic good old Bugzilla.


#30 2024-06-18 04:26:22

Registered: 2017-11-22
Posts: 89

Re: Estimate the total number of Xfce users

Revolution! ⚔️

Debian ~ Devuan & FreeBSD + XFCE = <3


#31 2024-08-04 01:57:09

Registered: 2024-08-04
Posts: 1

Re: Estimate the total number of Xfce users


i have just created this account here to make this comment.

i am one of those silent ungrateful users that just use this amazing software for free.

my story is simple, i was using XFCE for servers mostly since "I do not remember when", but since 2019-2020 I have moved my desktop machines from gnome to XFCE too.
gnome is now pathetic bugged piece of s that is based on big tech money with vector of proprietary decisions, so XFCE is the only desktop I can use these days.
as part of this proprietary war i also consider introduction of wayland over x11.. but that's another topic.

as for being silent, XFCE just works and it fullfils all my desktop needs, I do not need fancy lagging bugged crap, so yeah, nothing to say more.
One thing after all these years I still do not understand in Thunar the purpose of "Network", especially "Network -> Browse network -> Windows Network", but i can live with that!

as for being ungrateful, i will try to repay my sins by making some donations!

thank you for this gem and have a nice time!


#32 2024-08-22 15:58:34

Registered: 2024-08-22
Posts: 2

Re: Estimate the total number of Xfce users

I had been browsing this forum occasionally. As a popular desktop environment, this forum is surprisingly quiet as hell. But I guest I'm probably like one of those people who just use a desktop environment, happy with it, and stay as it is.

I changed to Arch linux now from another linux, using the same desktop for comparison. This desktop is rock hard stable and never caused any problem at all on my laptop. I don't need much feature myself and only needed a few, and this desktop just nailed it without consuming much battery power. If there's something I don't like, for example the top panel, I can move it to the bottom of the screen. A lot of things on this desktop is surprisingly customizable too.

I really don't have anything else I can complain of at all smile


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