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#76 2014-11-10 02:48:16

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: What's New in Xfce

A whole boatload of xfdesktop bug fixes:

[xfce/xfdesktop] 01/19: Decide on move/copy action before items have been dropped
[xfce/xfdesktop] 02/19: Fix HTTP URL performance issue / wrong action proposed
[xfce/xfdesktop] 03/19: Unselect the desktop icon after activating it. (Bug #8640)
[xfce/xfdesktop] 04/19: Fix for trash always showing empty on system startup (Bug 9006)
[xfce/xfdesktop] 05/19: Use the Path key of desktop files if a path is not set (Bug #8741)
[xfce/xfdesktop] 06/19: Always move files from the trash (Bug 3983)
[xfce/xfdesktop] 07/19: Fix template sub-menu loading code for 4.10 (Bug 10138)
[xfce/xfdesktop] 08/19: Speed up template sub-menu loading code (Bug 7834)
[xfce/xfdesktop] 09/19: Don't set ESETROOT.
[xfce/xfdesktop] 10/19: Check for thumbnails in the new location
[xfce/xfdesktop] 11/19: Fix missing thumbnail on xfdesktop when thumbler fails to create it. Need check if exist thumbnail file before emit THUMBNAIL_READY. Seems that thumber not returns the full path. So xfdesktop assumes two directories. Checked to see if the file exists in the first folder but not the second!.
[xfce/xfdesktop] 12/19: Update intltool
[xfce/xfdesktop] 13/19: Lower update delay of icon size spinbutton (Bug 9882)
[xfce/xfdesktop] 14/19: Workaround g_thread_create being deprecated
[xfce/xfdesktop] 15/19: workaround g_thread_init is deprecated in glib 2.32
[xfce/xfdesktop] 16/19: Fix possible uninitialized    variables
[xfce/xfdesktop] 17/19: Filter out changed events for special icons (Bug 10755)
[xfce/xfdesktop] 18/19: Remember the window size of the settings dialog.
[xfce/xfdesktop] 19/19: Fix for extra blank lines in backdrop list (Bug #10763)

Last edited by ToZ (2014-11-11 13:18:24)

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#77 2014-11-10 04:36:49

Registered: 2011-12-23
Posts: 58

Re: What's New in Xfce

ToZ wrote:

A whole boatload of xfdesktop bug fixes:

[xfce/xfdesktop] 01/19: Decide on move/copy action before items have been dropped
[xfce/xfdesktop] 02/19: Fix HTTP URL performance issue / wrong action proposed
[xfce/xfdesktop] 03/19: Unselect the desktop icon after activating it. (Bug #8640)
[xfce/xfdesktop] 04/19: Fix for trash always showing empty on system startup (Bug 9006)
[xfce/xfdesktop] 06/19: Always move files from the trash (Bug 3983)
[xfce/xfdesktop] 07/19: Fix template sub-menu loading code for 4.10 (Bug 10138)
[xfce/xfdesktop] 08/19: Speed up template sub-menu loading code (Bug 7834)
[xfce/xfdesktop] 10/19: Check for thumbnails in the new location
[xfce/xfdesktop] 11/19: Fix missing thumbnail on xfdesktop when thumbler fails to create it. Need check if exist thumbnail file before emit THUMBNAIL_READY. Seems that thumber not returns the full path. So xfdesktop assumes two directories. Checked to see if the file exists in the first folder but not the second!.
[xfce/xfdesktop] 12/19: Update intltool
[xfce/xfdesktop] 13/19: Lower update delay of icon size spinbutton (Bug 9882)
[xfce/xfdesktop] 14/19: Workaround g_thread_create being deprecated

Just an FYI, those patches are actually for the 4.10 branch[1]. I'm working on a new stable release, see https://mail.xfce.org/pipermail/xfce4-d … 30908.html

[1] http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfdesktop/log/?h=xfce-4.10


#78 2014-11-10 06:33:08

From: Where Mr. Bankruptcy is Prez
Registered: 2013-03-24
Posts: 1,115

Re: What's New in Xfce

eric_the_idiot wrote:

I'm working on

Thanks, BtW.


Mountain Dew Maniac

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#79 2014-11-10 12:29:48

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: What's New in Xfce

MountainDewManiac wrote:
eric_the_idiot wrote:

I'm working on

Thanks, BtW.



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#80 2014-11-16 11:12:01

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: What's New in Xfce

xfdesktop 4.10.3 released

Release notes for 4.10.3
New stable release of xfdesktop.

- Fix for extra blank lines in backdrop list (Bug #10763)
- Remember the window size of the settings dialog
  Patch by Harald Judt
- Filter out changed events for special icons (Bug 10755)
- Lower update delay of icon size spinbutton (Bug 9882)
  Patch by J?r?me Guelfucci
- Fix missing thumbnail on xfdesktop when thumbler fails to create it
  Patch by Matias De lellis
- Check for thumbnails in the new location
- Don't set ESETROOT.
  Patch by Alistair Buxton
- Speed up template sub-menu loading code (Bug 7834)
- Fix template sub-menu loading code for 4.10 (Bug 10138)
- Always move files from the trash (Bug 3983)
- Use the Path key of desktop files if a path is not set (Bug #8741)
- Fix for trash always showing empty on system startup (Bug 9006)
- Unselect the desktop icon after activating it. (Bug #8640)
- Fix HTTP URL performance issue / wrong action proposed
  Patch by Dennis Tomas
- Decide on move/copy action before items have been dropped.
  Patch by Dennis Tomas
- Translation updates: Arabic (ar), Asturian (ast),
  Bulgarian (bg), Catalan (ca), Czech (cs), Danish (da),
  German (de), Greek (el), English (Australia) (en_AU),
  English (United Kingdom) (en_GB), Spanish (Castilian) (es),
  Estonian (et), Basque (eu), French (fr), Galician (gl),
  Hebrew (he), Croatian (hr), Hungarian (hu), Indonesian (id),
  Italian (it), Japanese (ja), Kazakh (kk), Latvian (lv),
  Malay (ms), Norwegian Bokm?l (nb), Dutch (Flemish) (nl),
  Occitan (post 1500) (oc), Polish (pl),
  Portuguese (Brazilian) (pt_BR), Romanian (ro), Slovak (sk),
  Slovenian (sl), Serbian (sr), Swedish (sv), Telugu (te),
  Thai (th), Turkish (tr), Ukrainian (uk), Urdu (ur),
  Urdu (Pakistan) (ur_PK), Uzbek (uz),
  Chinese (Hong Kong) (zh_HK), Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW).

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#81 2014-11-16 14:24:44

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: What's New in Xfce

xfce4-netload-plugin updated:

- Add option Show values as bits (bug #9932)
- Add bufBullshit value in commandline test program   
- Add argument as_bits to format_byte_humanreadable function
- Fix unit_names index
- Revive commandline.c test program

Some screenshots:

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#82 2014-11-16 15:25:44

Registered: 2013-11-09
Posts: 860

Re: What's New in Xfce

Add bufBullshit value in commandline test program

Man, would that be handy as a general net feature or what!

MX-23 (based on Debian Stable) with our flagship Xfce 4.18.


#83 2014-11-17 11:10:23

From: Where Mr. Bankruptcy is Prez
Registered: 2013-03-24
Posts: 1,115

Re: What's New in Xfce

<LAUGHING>, no, it'd crash due to overflow error too often - probably each time a person checked their spammail I mean email.

As always, ToZ, thanks for the thread, the updates in it, and everything else you do around here. You - and numerous others - have taught us a lot.


Mountain Dew Maniac

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#84 2014-11-17 11:38:12

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: What's New in Xfce

xfdesktop bug fix:

[xfce/xfdesktop] 01/01: Default application not respected with glib >= 2.41 (Bug #11306)

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#85 2014-11-17 14:54:35

Registered: 2013-11-09
Posts: 860

Re: What's New in Xfce

Jerry3904 wrote:

As always, ToZ, thanks for the thread, the updates in it, and everything else you do around here. You - and numerous others - have taught us a lot.

Amen to that!

Last edited by Jerry3904 (2014-11-17 14:55:27)

MX-23 (based on Debian Stable) with our flagship Xfce 4.18.


#86 2014-11-20 12:06:51

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: What's New in Xfce

Some more xfce4-panel bug fixes:

[xfce/xfce4-panel] 01/01: Panel action button Logout always save session (bug #7930)
[xfce/xfce4-panel] 01/01: Don't save the session during unattended shutdown

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#87 2014-11-21 11:15:29

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: What's New in Xfce

[xfce/xfce4-power-manager] 01/01: xrandr brightness: Check for eDP devices too (bug #11308)

[panel-plugins/xfce4-systemload-plugin] 01/07: The plugin works on !linux, and florian is not longer maintaining it..
[panel-plugins/xfce4-systemload-plugin] 02/07: Prepare for 1.1.2 release.
[panel-plugins/xfce4-systemload-plugin] 03/07: sys/dkstat.h was removed on OpenBSD, merge patch
[panel-plugins/xfce4-systemload-plugin] 04/07: merge patch using HW_PHYSMEM64 inconditionally on OpenBSD
[panel-plugins/xfce4-systemload-plugin] 05/07: update NEWS
[panel-plugins/xfce4-systemload-plugin] 06/07: Fix comment in all po files referencing removed systemload.desktop.in.h, pleases make distcheck
[panel-plugins/xfce4-systemload-plugin] 07/07: Declaration before code

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#88 2014-11-23 15:14:23

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: What's New in Xfce

Some more xfce4-netload-plugin fixes:

[panel-plugins/xfce4-netload-plugin] 01/02: Revert "Do not enforce max length for text/device entries (bug #9869)"
[panel-plugins/xfce4-netload-plugin] 02/02: Define iface length name to 32 chars max (bug #9869)
[panel-plugins/xfce4-netload-plugin] 01/01: Extra char for \0 on if_name
[panel-plugins/xfce4-netload-plugin] 01/01: Get size of pointer from array, not fixed type name

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#89 2014-11-27 02:19:08

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: What's New in Xfce

A couple of xfce4-panel intelligent-hide fixes:

[xfce/xfce4-panel] 01/01: Fixing problems with intelligent panel hiding, bug #11331
[xfce/xfce4-panel] 01/01: Fix panel being initially hidden with intelligent autohiding

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#90 2014-11-27 23:45:32

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: What's New in Xfce

New xfce4-panel plugin - xfce4-hardware-monitor-plugin:

Hardware Monitor is a monitor applet for the XFCE4 panel (originally
the GNOME panel). It supports a variety of monitoring capabilities
(CPU usage, network throughput etc.) and different kinds of viewers
(curves, bars, columns, text, flames).

(flame viewer displayed)





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#91 2014-11-28 19:22:25

From: Where Mr. Bankruptcy is Prez
Registered: 2013-03-24
Posts: 1,115

Re: What's New in Xfce

ToZ wrote:

New xfce4-panel plugin - xfce4-hardware-monitor-plugin:

Is that the same thing as what is here?


Because I'm interested in checking the app out, but it's not in my repos. I found that link, though, which has a version 1.46 but as IDK who wrote the official XFCE one, I'm not sure that they're one and the same.


Mountain Dew Maniac

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#92 2014-11-28 19:30:50

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: What's New in Xfce

MountainDewManiac wrote:

Is that the same thing as what is here?


Yes it is. Its an official xfce plugin now thats being hosted in the Xfce git tree.

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#93 2014-11-30 04:11:08

From: Sud-America
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 111

Re: What's New in Xfce

But I not see that plugin in transifex, so I can translate it...

XFCE :: Arch Linux
:: AMD E-300 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics @ 1300 MHz
:: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Wrestler [Radeon HD 6310]
:: LED with aspect ration of 16:9 in 14.0'' (1366x768) [Radeon driver]


#94 2014-11-30 14:31:50

From: Where Mr. Bankruptcy is Prez
Registered: 2013-03-24
Posts: 1,115

Re: What's New in Xfce

ToZ wrote:
MountainDewManiac wrote:

Is that the same thing as what is here?


Yes it is. Its an official xfce plugin now thats being hosted in the Xfce git tree.

Ah. I downloaded the .deb, ran it, and saw:
Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libglibmm-2.4.1c2a (>= 2.42.0)

Whoops. Synaptic Package Manager tells me I have version 2.39.93-0ubuntu1 installed, and no newer version shows as available. Looks like I'll be waiting a while. IDK if there's a place on the Mint forum to request newer versions or not.

Dumb-user syndrome strikes again, lol. Guess I'll continue to plod along with my separate CPU/memory/swap (System Load Monitor), download/upload (Network Monitor), Core0/Core1/HDD Temperature (Sensor Plugin), CPU frequency monitor (CPU Frequency Monitor), and CPU frequency changer (I can't remember, it's sitting in the "Indicator Plugin" area). I was hoping that other one would consolidate things somewhat in order to save space on a full top panel. Oh well, everything works, and everything (barely) fits, so no worries.


Mountain Dew Maniac

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#95 2014-12-01 21:06:12

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: What's New in Xfce

More bug fixes:

[xfce/xfwm4] 01/01: Remove maximize button from non-resizable windows (bug #10910)
[xfce/xfwm4] 01/01: Extremely paranoid hostname lookup (bug #11289)

[xfce/xfwm4] 01/01: Fix maximizing when window is tiled vertically or horizontally (bug #10084)

[apps/xfce4-taskmanager] 01/03: Default "Show/hide the status icon" to FALSE
[apps/xfce4-taskmanager] 01/03: Add filter entry to search especific command lines. (#9856)
[apps/xfce4-taskmanager] 01/03: please cppcheck, check for i < N_COLUMNS before using i to access the array (#10664)
[apps/xfce4-taskmanager] 02/03: filter_entry_keyrelease_handler() is supposed to return a gboolean, make it return has_text
[apps/xfce4-taskmanager] 02/03: Default the focus on the process list instead of the exec button (#10643)
[apps/xfce4-taskmanager] 02/03: uninitialized variable; cppcheck
[apps/xfce4-taskmanager] 03/03: fix indentation in previous (tabs vs spaces)
[apps/xfce4-taskmanager] 03/03: Make Escape key close the main window

[panel-plugins/xfce4-places-plugin] 01/01: Use the new Gtk+-3.0 bookmarks location, with fallback to the legacy file.

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#96 2014-12-02 12:18:14

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: What's New in Xfce

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#97 2014-12-02 12:30:43

Registered: 2013-11-09
Posts: 860

Re: What's New in Xfce

I downloaded the .deb

Err, from where exactly (sorry if this is a DUM question)?

MX-23 (based on Debian Stable) with our flagship Xfce 4.18.


#98 2014-12-02 14:25:05

From: Where Mr. Bankruptcy is Prez
Registered: 2013-03-24
Posts: 1,115

Re: What's New in Xfce

Jerry3904 wrote:

I downloaded the .deb

Err, from where exactly (sorry if this is a DUM question)?

Are you quoting me? It looks like what I wrote, but since you did not add a name to the QUOTE tags, I'm just guessing. Regardless, I'd give you "extra points" for not quoting an entire post when you only needed the above text, though smile .

If it is me you quoted, see the link I posted. Left-click on version 1.4.6. You will see two file links (32- and 64-bit .DEBs).


Mountain Dew Maniac

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#99 2014-12-02 19:00:59

Registered: 2013-11-09
Posts: 860

Re: What's New in Xfce

MDM wrote:

Are you quoting me?

Got it, thanks. Didn't add the name, you're right--my bad.

MX-23 (based on Debian Stable) with our flagship Xfce 4.18.


#100 2014-12-07 05:04:02

From: Sud-America
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 111

Re: What's New in Xfce

I think that have a version thing like wait to xfce4 4.12 is not the best for xfce
maybe anything more rolling could help, I thing.

XFCE :: Arch Linux
:: AMD E-300 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics @ 1300 MHz
:: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Wrestler [Radeon HD 6310]
:: LED with aspect ration of 16:9 in 14.0'' (1366x768) [Radeon driver]


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