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Pages: 1
Hi ,
I have faced 3 problems using xfce with lightdm.
1) No Sound
2) When we boot there is a loader (the blue loader right below xubuntu progress bar i mean...) which remains even after logging in.
3) No suspend,shutdown and restart buttons working .. Only log out works
Installed xdm !!! Doesn't work at all I got some DPKG.... not set for two variables when i ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure xdm ..forgot to note them. Xserver failed to start no login prompt.. only blank screen. so i went to command line mode and tried startx and startxfce4 .. got message display server already running.. :|
Then installed gdm everything works like a charm now..
All 3 problems solved.
Don't know why the problem.
Can anyone tell me what could be the reason??? I am somewhat confused problem 2 and 3 can be because of a dm but can sound also be dependent on which dm i choose.
I use Debian Xfce with LightDM and it works perfectly. That happens to you, happens to me when I use Slim, which is not the option of Shutdown and Reboot. But everything works fine with LightDM.
twt: @elavdeveloper
Pages: 1
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