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#1 2018-01-11 06:34:38

From: Perth, Australia
Registered: 2018-01-11
Posts: 22

[SOLVED] How to find out compatible stable releases?


I have just read
= panel 4.13.0 xfconf trouble

in which it appears that

xfce4-panel doesn't support xfconf 4.13 yet. You need to build it with xfconf 4.12.1

I am trying to build packages for 64 bit TinyCoreLinux and used the most highest release number from

but now I am not sure I am doing the right thing...OK I rarely do the right thing heh heh

How to find out what other packages I need to build against.

I was unable to see that 4.13 is a development branch. Where is the info on that please?

Plus exo and garcon and a number of other packages don't use 4.12 or 4.13 release numbers.

Thanks for reading

Last edited by aus9 (2018-01-11 23:01:36)


#2 2018-01-11 13:57:07

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: [SOLVED] How to find out compatible stable releases?

aus9 wrote:


Hello and welcome.

I have just read
= panel 4.13.0 xfconf trouble

in which it appears that

xfce4-panel doesn't support xfconf 4.13 yet. You need to build it with xfconf 4.12.1

This issue was fixed shortly after that post.


How to find out what other packages I need to build against.

You should be okay now building with the latest versions of each package. Trial and error will tell (I build directly from the git tree and all is currently good). If you haven't already seen, here are the general instructions for building Xfce.

I was unable to see that 4.13 is a development branch. Where is the info on that please?

Can't seem to find anything documented that specifically states this, but Xfce releases are even numbers skipped and development is odd-number based. So therefore:
- 4.10 = release
- 4.11 = 4.12 development release
- 4.12 = release
- 4.13 = 4.14 development release
- 4.14 = release
Here are some related links:
- https://wiki.xfce.org/releng/start
- https://wiki.xfce.org/releng/4.14/roadmap
- https://xfce.org/about/releasemodel

Plus exo and garcon and a number of other packages don't use 4.12 or 4.13 release numbers.

Yeah, the version numbers don't all match up. If you're building based on the latest released version of each package (tarball) it should be easy - just grab the latest version. If you're trying to target a specific date or specific version in the past, look at the dates of the tar files and try to match them up.

It would also be useful to subscribe to the Xfce-announce and Xfce4-dev mailing lists to get notification of releases and general development chatter. As well as joining the #xfce-dev IRC channel.

Please remember to mark your thread [SOLVED] to make it easier for others to find
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#3 2018-01-11 23:00:17

From: Perth, Australia
Registered: 2018-01-11
Posts: 22

Re: [SOLVED] How to find out compatible stable releases?

Hi and thanks for the breadth of replies

I failed to read the docs page that says

If the minor version is an even number, this means that it is a stable release

I am reluctant to use git so that my build script is "reproducible" so must use release packages. But based on your excellent reply
I will do the reading and go back to my original plans of using my download page but this time avoid dev packages.

thanks again for the heads up, I have marked this SOLVED and hope all goes well for you for the balance of 2018

Last edited by aus9 (2018-01-11 23:02:24)


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