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pop tips system seems broken with recent update,the pop tips keep flashing.hover mouse on thunar sidepanel item such as Filesystem ,easily to reproduce it .and select 'show tips for app' in whisker didnt work
,g$$P" """Y$$.". OS: Debian GNU/Linux unstable (sid) x86_64
,$$P' `$$$. Kernel: 4.18.0-2-amd64
',$$P ,ggs. `$$b: Uptime: 11 mins
`d$$' ,$P"' . $$$ Packages: 1605 (dpkg)
$$P d$' , $$P Shell: bash 4.4.23
$$: $$. - ,d$$' Resolution: 1920x1080
$$; Y$b._ _,d$P' DE: Xfce
Y$$. `.`"Y$$$$P"' WM: Xfwm4
`$$b "-.__ WM Theme: Vimix-Light
`Y$$ Theme: Adwaita [GTK2]
`Y$$. Icons: Faenza [GTK2]
`$$b. Terminal: xterm
`Y$$b. CPU: Intel i5-4590 (4) @ 3.700GHz
`"Y$b._ GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti
`""" Memory: 2045MiB / 7897MiB
~$ thunar --version
Thunar 1.8.1 (Xfce 4.12)
Last edited by FateRover (2018-10-06 07:32:28)
I think this might be two different problems with similar symptoms. Can you try using a gtk3-compatible theme like Greybird or Arc to see if the problem replicates? It looks like you are only using a GTK2 version of Adwaita (and I'm not sure if this an actual package or if the package includes GTK3 configs or if those configs are up to date). If that doesn't help, can you post back any contents of ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini and ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css?
As for whiskermenu, I think you have found a bug. The popups don't work for me either. You should probably create a bug report.
Please remember to mark your thread [SOLVED] to make it easier for others to find
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I dont think it is theme related。xfce never load GTK3 themes on my machine even the themepack contain GTK3 parts。 and there is no .gtk3.css in my profile
Can you post back the results of the following commands:
ls -l ~/.config/gtk-3.0
ls -l /etc/gtk-3.0
xfconf-query -c xsettings -lv
Please remember to mark your thread [SOLVED] to make it easier for others to find
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pad@Padmin:~$ ls -l ~/.config/gtk-3.0
总用量 0
pad@Padmin:~$ ls -l /etc/gtk-3.0
总用量 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 890 9月 30 23:45 im-multipress.conf
pad@Padmin:~$ xfconf-query -c xsettings -lv
/Gtk/ButtonImages true
/Gtk/CanChangeAccels false
/Gtk/ColorPalette black:white:gray50:red:purple:blue:light blue:green:yellow:orange:lavender:brown:goldenrod4:dodger blue:pink:light green:gray10:gray30:gray75:gray90
/Gtk/CursorThemeSize 0
/Gtk/DecorationLayout menu:minimize,maximize,close
/Gtk/FontName Sans 10
/Gtk/MenuBarAccel F10
/Gtk/MenuImages true
/Gtk/MonospaceFontName Monospace 10
/Gtk/ToolbarIconSize 3
/Gtk/ToolbarStyle icons
/Net/CursorBlink true
/Net/CursorBlinkTime 1200
/Net/DndDragThreshold 8
/Net/DoubleClickDistance 5
/Net/DoubleClickTime 400
/Net/EnableEventSounds false
/Net/EnableInputFeedbackSounds false
/Net/IconThemeName Numix White
/Net/SoundThemeName default
/Net/ThemeName victory-gtk-theme-18.07
/Xft/Antialias -1
/Xft/Hinting -1
/Xft/HintStyle hintnone
/Xft/RGBA none
[ Generated in 0.010 seconds, 7 queries executed - Memory usage: 548.27 KiB (Peak: 549.11 KiB) ]