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Still 2018 in here! Happy new year though.
Xubuntu looking georgous on classic Arc with Compton's fade-in/out and shadows.
Happy 2019 and a great government to Jair Bolsonaro, lastest Brazil's president.
Happy new year
love xfce
Last edited by ManjeetSingh6987 (2019-01-09 16:56:57)
I am new on the forum and I love XFCE, so I thought let's subscribe to the forum. Here is my desktop:
The RAM usage is high because Google Chrome and Mailspring are running in the background (minimized).
I made my own modified XFCE4-taskbar-plugin (with larger icons that fit the theme). The modification is based on this post and this is my git repository if you want to build it yourself. I'm sure the modification can be done more elegant, but it works for me.
Last edited by Joris Blom (2019-02-17 17:32:23)
I am new on the forum and I love XFCE, so I thought let's subscribe to the forum. Here is my desktop: … g?raw=true
The RAM usage is high because Google Chrome and Mailspring are running in the background (minimized).
I made my own modified XFCE4-taskbar-plugin (with larger icons that fit the theme). The modification is based on this post and this is my git repository if you want to build it yourself. I'm sure the modification can be done more elegant, but it works for me.
nice to know all works well at 4K (3840x2160). i've heard rumors, not specific to any DE, that 4K has many problems.
Last edited by Skaperen (2019-02-18 06:01:00)
Loving the simple elegance.
I made a utility (really, a hack) that allows for fast gaussian blur in the compositor/window manager on Xfce. It comes with an installer script and a settings panel. (Please read the included Readme file first.) You can download it at
background: mage (
A bit macOS inspired.
Been looking at a lot of desktops on r/unixporn and got lots of inspiration for some further customization.
Here's my take on a "minimalist" desktop, Xfce style!
My desktop running on my old MBP 17" : )
Last edited by juanfon (2019-05-23 04:11:10)
!# (no comments
Been an xfce user since 2003 and loved every minute. Here's my current xfce setup on a minimal ubuntu install.
Whisker Menu.
Window Buttons set to flat with labels hidden.
Clock wth format: TIME: %H:%M - DATE: %d %b
Xfce4-genmon-plugin 3.4 - Generic Monitor.
Notification Area.
Power Manager Plugin.
Workspace Switcher.
I use genmon-plugin to display conky in my panel.
Simply create a single line conky config and set it to output to console only.
Next pipe conky to a temporary file & have it load on startup.
Here's my conky to panel script & here's my conky battery script
Finally add genmon-plugin to your panel & add the following code.
awk 'END{print}' /tmp/conky.txt
I have this script that is set to run at startup & it displays a notification whenever my battery is fully charged 100%. I also run wakefull to always keep my laptop awake. My theme & icons are both arc btw....
Very nice designs.
I remember when the migration to GTK3 began and there were alot of concerns about Xfce changing too much and maybe becoming more like gnome. In the end, its great to see that it has retained it's simplicity and style and that it can be made to look very modern.
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Manjaro Xfce
Mathca-sea theme, papirus-maia icons and Kvantum-matcha theme for qt5 appswhere do forensic anthropologists work
Manjaro-Stable-Linux4.19 - Xfce 4.14
HP ProBook 450 G4 CPU:Intel Core i7-7500U
GPU: Intel HD Graphics 620 - NVIDIA GM108M - Bumblebee
The current Xfce desktop on my ThinkPad e470. OS: Debian Buster. Icon-theme: deepin.
The dock on the bottom left is Plank with increased spacing.
Here is how I integrated a Whisker menu into Plank: … 047.0.html
Last edited by Fritz74 (2019-09-14 10:46:55)
arco-mortica pinkster
Last edited by spnzdg (2019-10-02 11:24:50)
I have a feeling @Moderator is gonna help me on how to make panels see through.))
If this is xfce4-panel 4.14.x, then have a read through this document on how to add transparency to panels.
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u666sa wrote:I have a feeling @Moderator is gonna help me on how to make panels see through.))
If this is xfce4-panel 4.14.x, then have a read through this document on how to add transparency to panels.
Yes it is 4.14, thank you, gonna read it.. If you now can help me with my screen saver thread. Using just plain xscreensaver power manager sucks, it does not differentiate between battery and power line.
BTW: This linux is on samsung, but on my lenovo W520 I had LCD burn in, was using it since 2012, business use. Can post a screen shot (via phone photo) of how it looks. It looks nasty. LCDs do get burn in.
P.S. I read somewhere that xfce4-screensaver turns off monitor power management if xscreensaver is active, so maybe that could be the key here. But in any case I'm open to using whatever other screen saver application. I'm a new linux user, one month old in about a week. I'm a linux newb lul.. Not first time I'm installing linux, even bought mandrake back in the day. But this is the first time I see that linux is more developed than latest windows.
Xfce 4.14 running on Crux on top of a Huawei Di3
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