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im using an own autostart-entry
[Desktop Entry]
it works fine!
contens of /global/system/autorun.halt :
/usr/bin/firefox &
/usr/bin/thunderbird &
/global/system/XrunForEver.tclsh /home/halt/.RC/raiserc
XrunForEver.tclsh reads alle lines (Path and Command ) of file /home/halt/.RC/raiserc
and executs this command (tcl-code eval exec $line & )
this works fine without problems!
However, after leaving the xfce-session (logout), all prozesses, startet by eval exec $line & , are still running.
This can i find by login as root in a konsole
ps -Af | grep halt
halt 21985 1 0 12:34 ? 00:00:00 /bin/bash ............
halt 21991 1 0 12:34 ? 00:00:00 /bin/bash ............
Why this prozesses are not terminated?
Hello and welcome.
If you are using a distro that uses systemd and that distro builds systemd with "--without-kill-user-processes", then have a read through Kill user processes on logout and this explanation (if you are interested in the inner workings as to why).
tl;dr, set "KillUserProcesses=yes" in /etc/systemd/logind.conf.
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the related line in /etc/systemd/logind.conf was a comment
a new line:
and reboot has no effekt for the problem.
Im using openSuSE Leap 15.0
I think this is an critical security problem. Not for me at home, but for professional users.
Does openSuse use systemd? How is it configured?
Setting the same for me in Arch Linux kills all user processes on exit. Perhaps you should follow up at the opensuse forums?
I don't think this is an Xfce issue.
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Yes, openSuSE use systemd. In the next days i try to run the programms in a virtual machine with Mint as operating system. it will take any time.
May by, my username is the reasion for this problem to.
Since 1985 i work with unix and later linux (soloaris, hp-unix ..) and allways my username was "halt" (this is my famaly-name).
In XFCE this name will be not shown in the login-menu.
only after
systemctl mask accounts-daemon
systemctl stop accounts-daemon
my the name "halt" can be selected to login.
Thank you for answers
Now i know, XFCE is not the causer.
The same problem takes place at openSuSE-KDE and Linux-Mint-XFCE.
May by, independent from windowmanager and a distribution.
"Single-Programms" startet by "autostart" will by terminated successful.
A script, running as loop and starting an other programm will be not killed after logout.
Start the following script as autostart-programm:
while true
After logout xclock ist still running!
KillUserProcesses=yes should take care of that. Can you post back the contents of your /etc/systemd/logind.conf file?
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>>>>>>>>> /etc/systemd/logind.conf of openSuSE Leap15.0
# This file is part of systemd.
# systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Entries in this file show the compile time defaults.
# You can change settings by editing this file.
# Defaults can be restored by simply deleting this file.
# See logind.conf(5) for details.
# vv-- this line line i have inserted after your comment #2 from 2019-04-26
in all of may Linux-Systems (openSuSE , Manjao-virtual, Mint-vitual ) i find #KillUserProcesses=no as comment.
in all of may Linux-Systems (openSuSE , Manjao-virtual, Mint-vitual ) i find #KillUserProcesses=no as comment.
The comment means it is the default.
If you are running as root, note that the above line will exclude root processes from the kill list. Note: I am not sure of the effects of removing root from this list, as many other processes run as root. Best option is to not log in as root.
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As root? No no never as working user, only for adminisitration, -> su root ; command ; logout.
I check the proceses as root on a konsole, not on grafical system!
The not killed processes shows may name resp. may user-id (1000 )
who shows only "root" no other users!
I am not a beginner!
Since 1994 i use linux at home and worked as linux-system-administrator (without systemd) in a company too.
Now i am old age pensioner (since 10 years). Linux is may hobby.
I can life with the described effect, the "linux-world" too?
[I check the proceses as root on a konsole, not on grafical system!
Sorry, I mis-read your first post about root.
I'm not sure why those processes are not being killed on exit. I don't have an openSuse system available to test. Perhaps you could follow up at the opensuse forums?
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"I don't have an openSuse system available to test." -> o.k.
It is not necessary! I mentioned already, it takes place in Manjaro-Linux and in Linux-Mint too. Manjaro and Mint in a virtual
I am sure, it can be reproduced in all distributions.
All not killed processes are direct-kinds of process-id "1" (systemd), not kinds of xfce4 or other sub-processes.
Thanks. Günter
Canada? Are you involved in flooding?
Sorry for may english, never i learning it in a school.
the openSuSE´-Team worked now on this problem
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