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#1 2020-11-08 15:12:40

Registered: 2020-10-28
Posts: 6

Window Manager doesn't do anything in xfce 4.16 preview

Clicking on the individual configurations in the window manager options doesn't change a thing. Are these going to be removed soon because I don't see any functionality.


#2 2020-11-08 19:25:10

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: Window Manager doesn't do anything in xfce 4.16 preview

The changes you make here will only apply to windows that are not using CSD decorations. The settings dialog is now CSD so you won't see the change. Open another application that still uses xfwm4 to draw the decorations, like xfwm thunar, and you will see the change.

Last edited by ToZ (2020-11-09 11:37:22)

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#3 2020-11-09 05:29:11

Registered: 2020-10-20
Posts: 52

Re: Window Manager doesn't do anything in xfce 4.16 preview

And related notice: If someone does not like CSD and wants to preserve the old-fashioned window decoration, there is a way: to instal gtk3-nocsd package and to switch it on by environment variable

export GTK_CSD=0

which enables window decoration affected by the Window manager > Style again.


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