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Remember to edit the subject of your topic to include the [SOLVED] tag once you're satisfied with the answers or have found a solution (in which case, don't forget to share it as well), so that other members of the community can quickly refer to it and save their time. Pretty please!
Happy new year, yeah here's hoping!
Last edited by alcornoqui (2022-01-01 13:49:03)
My simple desktop.
Last edited by sipizolix (2022-01-09 07:44:29)
I don't change around themes and such a lot but did sit down one day and messed with the elementary theme.
Just added a couple more folders, shrunk the link arrow and replaced the desktop folder icon
My old fashioned desktop...
Last edited by agashamu (2022-01-11 04:52:45)
Linux Mint Xfce 21.1
MX 21.3 Wildflower
Xfce 4.18
Xubuntu 20.04, before installing gtk3-nocsd:
Last edited by Florian (2022-02-14 05:03:11)
I like unity
My desktop
Updated/Edit: add new screenshot
Last edited by XfceIsTheBest (2022-03-08 12:20:56)
Intelligence is the ability to avoid doing work, yet getting the work done.
― Linus Torvalds
I use Xubuntu 20.04 LTS | Send email
I like it clean... with a lot of bling And libxfce4ui-nocsd and gtk3-nocsd
Edit: Discovered embarrassing Conky fault and updated screenshot
Last edited by Ferdinand (2022-03-08 08:04:37)
This is mine on Ubuntu. I used only packages that are included in the distribution (21.10) but from various sources (yaru icons, materia themes, gnome-backgrounds).
Monitors: classic 1600x1200, 4K, 1920x1080 Wacom drawing pad/tablet LCD.
4K needed double-height taskbar but unfortunately programs can't be double-height also without losing half-height systray & launcher icons.
Last edited by dchmelik (2022-04-02 07:04:10)
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