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#1 2022-11-11 13:01:33

Registered: 2022-11-11
Posts: 2

Window button size in deskbar

The window button (vertical) size is too small for me. There are as far as I know no options in the settings menus for this.
I tried changing the size with css, but whatever I tried the size just wouldn't change.
Here is an example of what I tried using the gtk interactive debugger, as you can see other elements did change in size.
My worry is that it's hardcoded in the C code.


#2 2022-11-11 15:23:37

Registered: 2018-01-28
Posts: 299

Re: Window button size in deskbar

Settings>Window Manager>> Style
-hdpi or -xhdpi


#3 2022-11-11 17:46:18

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: Window button size in deskbar

dr4k35 wrote:

The window button (vertical) size is too small for me.

If you hide the text, the button will increase to the size of the panel launcher icons above. Or you can use xfce4-docklike-plugin for larger icon sizes. There also has been some recent work (to be released in 4.18) that will increase the icon and button height.

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#4 2022-11-12 08:29:41

Registered: 2022-11-11
Posts: 2

Re: Window button size in deskbar

CwF wrote:

Settings>Window Manager>> Style
-hdpi or -xhdpi

This does not seem to have any effect.

ToZ wrote:

If you hide the text, the button will increase to the size of the panel launcher icons above.

That does work, but I would like to have text.

ToZ wrote:

Or you can use xfce4-docklike-plugin for larger icon sizes. There also has been some recent work (to be released in 4.18) that will increase the icon and button height.

I will check it out, thanks!


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