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#1 2022-11-15 14:58:38

Registered: 2022-11-15
Posts: 2

[SOLVED] Help needed with xfce4-panel 4.12.2 right click context menu

I'd like some help customizing the options available in the right click context menu of the xfce4-panel (i believe it's associated with the panel at least).
I'd like to remove the help and about section, screenshot below in case i've explained myself poorly.

Xfce4 right click test

Last edited by Garrukr (2022-11-15 17:08:37)


#2 2022-11-15 16:52:11

Registered: 2021-11-05
Posts: 689

Re: [SOLVED] Help needed with xfce4-panel 4.12.2 right click context menu

You can't really do that apart from modifying the source and recompiling. I've tried with GTK CSS but this has side effects (some other menu items may disappear or become ugly) and is unreliable.

Remember to edit the subject of your topic to include the [SOLVED] tag once you're satisfied with the answers or have found a solution (in which case, don't forget to share it as well), so that other members of the community can quickly refer to it and save their time. Pretty please! tongue


#3 2022-11-15 17:09:13

Registered: 2022-11-15
Posts: 2

Re: [SOLVED] Help needed with xfce4-panel 4.12.2 right click context menu

KBar wrote:

You can't really do that apart from modifying the source and recompiling. I've tried with GTK CSS but this has side effects (some other menu items may disappear or become ugly) and is unreliable.

Thanks, i'll try my hand at modifying the source then.


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