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#1 2023-02-19 23:41:29

Registered: 2016-08-27
Posts: 30

window manager app with FancyZones functionality that will show zones

I am on Windows 10 right now. I use an ultrawide monitor and absolutely love FancyZones. I'm looking to move to Debian + XFCE. I'm well versed in Debian and used to use XFCE a decade ago.

I'm trying to find the best/easiest way to replicate certain features of FancyZones:

  • As I go to drag a window while pressing shift, an overlay screen (with transparency) shows different "drop zones" and when I let the window go into a specific zone, the window resizes to that zone

  • As I am doing the above, if I also press CTRL it will let me select 2+ zones to resize to both zones

I'm not stuck on the UI/UX working like above. What I need to be able to do is quickly, using mouse, resize window to specific zones and or multiple zones. If, for example, I can create some kind of 6x2 grid and then draw where I want my monitor to resize to, that would/could work too.


#2 2023-02-20 02:02:48

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: window manager app with FancyZones functionality that will show zones

There is some work currently ongoing to implement window fences, which I believe are the same as fancy zones. You can follow the work, and test if interested, the code at the above link.

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#3 2023-02-20 02:49:49

Registered: 2016-08-27
Posts: 30

Re: window manager app with FancyZones functionality that will show zones

Oh that looks awesome. Thanks!


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