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#1 2023-07-07 15:30:12

Registered: 2023-07-07
Posts: 2

Editing oomox theme manually, which file takes precedence?


there are a couple colours in my oomox theme I need to edit manually as they don't line up well with other colours (text under desktop icons, and the pop up boxes used for 'panel preferences' etc) and themix doesn't give an option to change them.

I've tried replacing all instances of a main colour to try to workout which file takes precedence, I have tried this in these files:

  • gtk-2.0/gtkrc

  • gtk-3.20/dist/gtk.css

  • gtk-3.20/gtk-dark.css edit: gtk-3.20/dist/gtk-dark.css

  • xfwm4/themerc

and so far not gotten any changes to anything. Could anyone point me to the file I should be editing? Or resources/documentation that would help me figure that out?

edit: Here is a file tree of the oomox theme generated by themix

Last edited by dvdmulti (2023-07-08 12:56:35)


#2 2023-07-08 06:43:58

Registered: 2023-03-19
Posts: 24

Re: Editing oomox theme manually, which file takes precedence?


It should be gtk-3.20/gtk.css, not gtk-3.20/dist/gtk.css and it's the one that you need to edit or gtk-3.20/gtk-dark.css for the dark variant.

Xfce+gtk3-classic (no CSD)+Picom


#3 2023-07-08 12:57:41

Registered: 2023-07-07
Posts: 2

Re: Editing oomox theme manually, which file takes precedence?

@gogogadget thanks for the reply! themix generated my oomox theme with ./gtk-3.20/gtk.css containing a single line:

@import url("resource:///org/numixproject/gtk-3.20/dist/gtk.css");

i thought this meant it was importing from ./gtk-3.20/dist/gtk.css but i wasnt too sure?

i've edited my original post to correct a directory and added a file tree of everything in my oomox-theme's directory that themix generated too just in case that's useful for anyone

edit: after moving each folder one by one it does break the theme when i get to gtk-3.20, suggesting that's where i should be, but when I replace a colour i can see with something like #ffffff, save, switch to another theme and back, there's no change?

Last edited by dvdmulti (2023-07-10 22:21:18)


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