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#1 2023-09-11 14:35:03

Registered: 2023-02-12
Posts: 11

Thunar Drag and Drop (again)

While the difference between copy/paste and cut/paste should be obvious when using the menu or keyboard shortcuts, it is not so when dragging and dropping. The drag/drop operation performs a move when the source and target folders are on the same partition but it results in a copy when the source and target are on different partitions.

I understand this, but I find it counter intuitive. Is there some way of making the drag and drop action consistent, preferably copy & paste?



#2 2023-09-11 16:13:48

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: Thunar Drag and Drop (again)

How are you determining "counter intuitive"? I believe this is the way it works in Windows (if we are allowed to use windows as a standard). Or is this just a metter of preference?

It doesn't appear that thunar offers this as an option, but you can always right-click drag and drop to get an options menu from which you can select copy, move, or link.

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#3 2023-09-11 18:46:22

Registered: 2023-03-19
Posts: 24

Re: Thunar Drag and Drop (again)

AndyM48 wrote:

I understand this, but I find it counter intuitive. Is there some way of making the drag and drop action consistent, preferably copy & paste?

Ctrl+drag = copy
Shift+drag = cut
drop = paste

Xfce+gtk3-classic (no CSD)+Picom


#4 2023-09-11 18:59:53

Registered: 2023-02-12
Posts: 11

Re: Thunar Drag and Drop (again)

@ToZ Sorry, I haven't used windows for yonks. I meant that it is counter intuitive to the same action with different results in different circumstances. Thanks for the reply anyway.

@gogogadget Thank you, I didn't know that.


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