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#1 2023-10-26 20:57:23

Registered: 2016-09-04
Posts: 55

scroll trough thunar side panel with keyboard

Is there a way to prevent thunar from automatically opening the bookmarks in the side panel while scrolling through it with the keyboard?. It does not only show the content of the location but it also gets you to the file list box in some cases, like the "recents" item, not to mention the "devices" (this will get you a window dialog), or some locations that are currently not available, like network shares.  I find this behavior highly inappropriate. It does not let you scroll the hole list. It does not let you control what bookmark or location you want to open. Instead  i would prefer that the item is activated only when you press another key (Enter o something). Just as most of other file managers do.


Thunar 418.4

Last edited by Laurentius (2023-10-26 21:42:44)


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