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Qubes OS 4.2; xfce4-Terminal 1.0.4 (
Customized theme:
I have a bash script to automatically generate VMs (in Qubes OS).
This script installs and configures many appVM... Now, one change I wound to make is to replace my default XTerm terminal with the Xfce4-Terminal. For this I would like to set some defaults within the base template, consequently all appVMs build from this source will have the same terminal settings.
I was already successful in adding the 'Nord' theme to the base line template:
remark: … ersistence
But I still have to make the selection manually in all appVMs:
Edit > Preferences > Colors > Load Presets... > 'Nord'
I am looking for a command like: xfce4-terminal --color-text ...
Is there a command to set the color theme 'Nord'? Or where to place a config file that triggers the default color coding 'Nord'?
Last edited by disp8571 (2024-03-05 13:39:27)
Hello and welcome
xfce4-Terminal 1.0.4
1.0.4 hadn't yet migrated to xfconf, so its configuration files is located at ~/.config/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc
But I still have to make the selection manually in all appVMs:
Edit > Preferences > Colors > Load Presets... > 'Nord'
I am looking for a command like: xfce4-terminal --color-text ...
"man xfce4-terminal" to see what command line options exist that allow you to set foreground and background colors.
Is there a command to set the color theme 'Nord'? Or where to place a config file that triggers the default color coding 'Nord'?
For 1.0.4, no. You'll need to manually edit the terminalrc file and make the necessary changes - just make sure there are no xfce4-terminal processes when making the change.
Note: in xfce4-terminal 1.1.0, it migrated to using the xfconf database to store its settings. In which case, you can use the xfconf-query to make configurations changes live.
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Hi ToZ, thanks for your explanation.
When I update my Debian 12, xfce4-terminal I get 1.0.4 as the latest version. Is 1.1.0 already available on the repo?
I'm sorry but I don't use Debian. Its quite possible that Debian 12 doesn't have the latest released version of xfce4-terminal in their repositories.
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Debian 12 or "stable" will not change much other than security updates. To get newer packages you will need to get them from "testing"(Trixie) or "unstable"(sid). I use sid via Siduction and have done so for many years. Stable(Bookworm) will get stale pretty quickly and you could add the testing or unstable repos to get what you want. You will have to make the decision to either move completely to one or the other or just get the packages you want then disable the repo. For the latter you will need to enable the repo again to check for updates to the selected packages. Currently in Sid(unstable) Xfce4-terminal is at version 1.1.1. You would need to check Testing to see what version is there but I would guess it's the same.
Debian Sid
Xfce 4.20 with Wayland/Labwc
linked to:
Set Encoding: 'UTF-8' with a config file / command / bash script?
One workaround for xfce4-Terminal 1.0.4
Do not use the proposed theme (Customized theme:
Instead copy this
to "~/.config/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc".
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