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#1 2024-03-03 15:34:25

Registered: 2024-03-03
Posts: 2

[SOLVED] Run downloaded executable in xfce4-terminal in a launcher?

Hi all - pardon my ignorance and stupidity as this is probably a really easy question for most of you...but I've been trying to figure out the correct syntax for this (Terminal commands are not my forte...) but just can't seem to quite get it.

Long story short - I downloaded the Discordo lightweight Terminal-based Discord client and want to create a launcher in my Menu on MX Linux where I can click the launcher and have it then open that Discordo executable in xfce4-terminal. Cool-retro-term is my default Terminal, but in this case I specifically want it to launch through xfce4-terminal.

I have the Discordo executable (simply called discordo) saved in this location:
/home/username/Various Applications/Discordo/discordo

Now...I can use this command in a launcher to launch discordo in cool-retro-term and it works perfectly:
cool-retro-term -e ./'Various Applications'/Discordo/discordo

...BUT....that same command modified to:
xfce4-terminal -e ./'Various Applications'/Discordo/discordo

...does NOT work. Instead, I just get this error:
Failed to execute child process "./Various": Failed to execve: No such file or directory

...which makes me think there is just something about the syntax in my command that's not letting it understand the space in my launcher command...?

How would I go about getting this to work? I imagine it's just a slight syntax issue, but I haven't figured it out...?

Thanks so much for any help! smile

Last edited by rallydarkstrike (2024-03-03 20:36:20)


#2 2024-03-03 17:55:57

Registered: 2020-12-31
Posts: 305

Re: [SOLVED] Run downloaded executable in xfce4-terminal in a launcher?

xfce4-terminal -e "./'Various Applications'/Discordo/discordo"

There are two quote removal smile


#3 2024-03-03 18:34:58

Registered: 2024-03-03
Posts: 2

Re: [SOLVED] Run downloaded executable in xfce4-terminal in a launcher?

Tamaranch wrote:
xfce4-terminal -e "./'Various Applications'/Discordo/discordo"

There are two quote removal smile

THANK YOU! That did the trick, cheers mate! smile


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