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#1 2024-05-15 10:35:21

Simpi Som
Registered: 2020-02-20
Posts: 4

Terminal presenting certain sequences of ASCII chars in other form


Terminal in Kali 2022.4 (according to /etc/os-release) and the use of interactive shell.
Problem: certain sequences of ASCII characters are not presented as their native symbols, rather the graphical presentation is a consolidation to form nice to read for human, affected character sequences e.g. <= or -->   
It is observed while one types as well as in commands output stream on stdout.

For myself it’s hard to type here these forms terminal presents to me. How to disable it character conversion on its presentation in terminal?
How to force terminal to present ASCII chars as their native symbols?

XFCE 4.16 on Debian/Kali

Last edited by Simpi Som (2024-05-15 10:41:29)


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