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#1 2024-05-15 10:49:14

Simpi Som
Registered: 2020-02-20
Posts: 4

Reasonable speed of content scrolling in windows of running apps

XFCE 4.16 on Kali 2022.4 (Debian-based)
Speed of window content scrolling (e.g. terminal with shell, web browser, possibly also Mousepad)
is at insane high level. This way it is not possible to scroll the window in reasonable and ergonomic way.
I tried to fix it in Mouse settings - the operating system level - however it doesn't help.
Also every time the dialog of mouse and touchpad settings gets open by user the settings
are always back to previous ones (sounds like defaults).
Laptop built 2024 and Windows 11 as virtual machine terminal.
Connecting to virtual machine via VPN and web-interface, former one is hosted on ESXi 8.0.1, client version 2.12.0.

How to fix it?


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