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#1 2024-06-18 21:33:43

jeff story
From: Shelton, WA, USA
Registered: 2011-05-09
Posts: 29

Red/Blue circle in "Windows Buttons" when using nspawn [SOLVED]

I noticed red or blue circle within Thunar "window buttons" when using systemd-nspawn command in the console terminal.

Is this something new or am I just now noticing it? What do the colors indicate?

Using current, up to date Arch.

$ Q systemd
systemd 256-3

$ p -Qs xfce | awk -F"/" '/local/ {print $2}' | column -t
exo                      4.18.0-1              (xfce4)
garcon                   4.18.2-1              (xfce4)
libxfce4ui               4.18.6-1              
libxfce4util             4.18.2-1              
ristretto                0.13.2-1              (xfce4-goodies)
thunar                   4.18.10-2             (xfce4)
thunar-archive-plugin    0.5.2-1               (xfce4-goodies)
thunar-volman            4.18.0-1              (xfce4)
tumbler                  4.18.2-1              (xfce4)
xfburn                   0.7.0-1               (xfce4-goodies)
xfce4-appfinder          4.18.1-1              (xfce4)
xfce4-artwork            0.1.1a_git20110420-6  (xfce4-goodies)
xfce4-notifyd            0.9.4-1               (xfce4-goodies)
xfce4-panel              4.18.6-1              (xfce4)
xfce4-power-manager      4.18.4-1              (xfce4)
xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin  0.4.8-1               (xfce4-goodies)
xfce4-screenshooter      1.10.6-1              (xfce4-goodies)
xfce4-sensors-plugin     1.4.4-1               (xfce4-goodies)
xfce4-session            4.18.4-1              (xfce4)
xfce4-settings           4.18.6-1              (xfce4)
xfce4-taskmanager        1.5.7-1               (xfce4-goodies)
xfce4-terminal           1.1.3-1               (xfce4)
xfce4-timer-plugin       1.7.2-1               (xfce4-goodies)
xfce4-weather-plugin     0.11.2-1              (xfce4-goodies)
xfconf                   4.18.3-1              (xfce4)
xfdesktop                4.18.1-1              (xfce4)
xfwm4                    4.18.0-2              (xfce4)
xfwm4-themes             4.10.0-5              (xfce4)

Last edited by jeff story (2024-06-19 21:55:20)


#2 2024-06-19 09:26:00

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,402

Re: Red/Blue circle in "Windows Buttons" when using nspawn [SOLVED]

Can you post an image of this?

Also, how is the container set up? What is running in it?

Please remember to mark your thread [SOLVED] to make it easier for others to find
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#3 2024-06-19 14:36:22

jeff story
From: Shelton, WA, USA
Registered: 2011-05-09
Posts: 29

Re: Red/Blue circle in "Windows Buttons" when using nspawn [SOLVED]

Screenshot (Screenshot image tag, re-posted as code below, is not working in preview)



This example is an nspawn container running firefox, called up through a script, below.


	xhost +local:

	sudo systemd-nspawn -D /var/lib/machines/firefox-container -u jeff --bind-ro=/tmp/.X11-unix --setenv=DISPLAY=:0 firefox

	xhost -local:

	echo "firefox-container exited"

I have several nspawn containers set up, with one being auto started upon booting the system. I use them for various tasks and testing.

It doesn't make a difference weather the container is booted or not, or what it's doing. When starting them from the terminal, I see the colored dot.

Last edited by jeff story (2024-06-19 14:45:28)


#4 2024-06-19 17:10:22

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,402

Re: Red/Blue circle in "Windows Buttons" when using nspawn [SOLVED]

It looks like that is a thunar icon that is being displayed. Is my assumption correct that in this instance you are running thunar from within the container? If so, then it would be using the icon theme as specified within the container. Which icon theme are you using (in the container)?

Running the following commands from within the container will display the relevant settings:

xfconf-query -c thunar -lv
xfconf-query -c xsettings -lv

Please remember to mark your thread [SOLVED] to make it easier for others to find
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#5 2024-06-19 21:04:49

jeff story
From: Shelton, WA, USA
Registered: 2011-05-09
Posts: 29

Re: Red/Blue circle in "Windows Buttons" when using nspawn [SOLVED]

Is my assumption correct that in this instance you are running thunar from within the container?

That was my firefox container, and no, neither thunar or xfce is installed in it. It's a minimal container and was running only firefox. 
Here is a list of the explicitly installed packages in it:

# pacman -Qe
base 3-2
firefox 127.0-1
mesa-utils 9.0.0-4
nano 8.0-1
sudo 1.9.15.p5-1

Running either of the commands in the firefox container results in "command not found".

Here's the results of running them on the host system:

$ xfconf-query -c thunar -lv
/last-details-view-column-widths    50,50,127,50,50,91,50,50,927,50,50,60,50,64
/last-details-view-zoom-level       THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_38_PERCENT
/last-icon-view-zoom-level          THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_200_PERCENT
/last-image-preview-visible         false
/last-separator-position            434
/last-show-hidden                   true
/last-side-pane                     ThunarTreePane
/last-sort-column                   THUNAR_COLUMN_NAME
/last-sort-order                    GTK_SORT_ASCENDING
/last-view                          ThunarIconView
/last-window-height                 1020
/last-window-maximized              true
/last-window-width                  1091
/misc-directory-specific-settings   true
/misc-single-click                  false
/misc-thumbnail-mode                THUNAR_THUMBNAIL_MODE_ALWAYS

$ xfconf-query -c xsettings -lv
/Gdk/WindowScalingFactor        1
/Gtk/ButtonImages               true
/Gtk/CanChangeAccels            false
/Gtk/ColorPalette               black:white:gray50:red:purple:blue:light blue:green:yellow:orange:lavender:brown:goldenrod4:dodger blue:pink:light green:gray10:gray30:gray75:gray90
/Gtk/CursorThemeSize            0
/Gtk/DecorationLayout           menu:minimize,maximize,close
/Gtk/DialogsUseHeader           false
/Gtk/FontName                   Liberation Sans 11
/Gtk/MenuBarAccel               F10
/Gtk/MenuImages                 true
/Gtk/MonospaceFontName          Liberation Mono 14
/Gtk/TitlebarMiddleClick        lower
/Gtk/ToolbarIconSize            3
/Gtk/ToolbarStyle               icons
/Net/CursorBlink                true
/Net/CursorBlinkTime            1200
/Net/DndDragThreshold           8
/Net/DoubleClickDistance        5
/Net/DoubleClickTime            400
/Net/EnableEventSounds          true
/Net/EnableInputFeedbackSounds  true
/Net/IconThemeName              gnome
/Net/SoundThemeName             default
/Net/ThemeName                  Adwaita
/Xfce/SyncThemes                true
/Xft/Antialias                  1
/Xft/Hinting                    1
/Xft/HintStyle                  hintfull
/Xft/RGBA                       rgb

I wasn't aware thunar had ever used that circle icon. The host system is using the gnome-icon-theme, an AUR package providing the old gnome 2 icons AFAIK.

Here's another screenshot showing more detail:


The blue/red circles show up in xfce4-terminal "window button" in the taskbar, and xfce4-terminal window frame whenever running any systemd-nspawn container, booted or not before any commands are ran.

Of all the containers I use, the firefox container is the only one containing any GUI apps. I have one setup as a package caching server, one to build AUR packages in using my AUR helper https://github.com/Cody-Learner/aurch, and a few for testing cli stuff. They can be booted up, or entered without booting to run commands. The firefox container is not booted to use it. The package caching server is booted upon the host system booting up.

I'm thinking this might be systemd related. I'll downgrade systemd and related as a test, and report back.

EDIT: Solved

Firstly, I just noticed I've been stating the colored circles show up in thunar. That is incorrect and I meant to say xfce4-terminal. Sorry for the confusion that likely caused.

OK, seems systemd has a new feature that somehow places those icons... I downgraded to systemd and related from April this year 255.4-2 , and icons are gone.

Screenshot without circle icon:


Now onto how systemd manages to do that and it seems so out of place for it to even consider icons! AFAIK the only app doing it that I've noticed.

Thanks for everything Toz!

Last edited by jeff story (2024-06-19 22:09:12)


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