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#1 2024-06-25 20:57:26

Registered: 2023-02-19
Posts: 101

Whisker Menu - What determines search field results

XFCE 4.18
Whisker Menu 2.8.0

I am having trouble understanding what is determining results generated Whisker Menu search field.  Some keyword search results generate many results even though not matching keywords typing in field. I am using it in combination with MenuLibre. I also tried adding “keywords” in MenuLibre “Advanced” tabs to get more specific search results.

For example if you just randomly type “aa” or “cc” you get a ton of results even though nothing has double letters.

Keyword: “aa”
Application Finder
ApplicAtion finder

Archive Manager
Archive mAnager

Keyword: "apple”
Application Finder
APPLlication findEr

So it appears to be ignoring search characters in between names, as long as it has those letters from search field.
Is there a way to turn this off and just generate results based on matching the combination of letters in exact order?
Might have to mention something about this, seems strange.

Thank You


#2 2024-06-30 20:36:37

Registered: 2023-02-19
Posts: 101

Re: Whisker Menu - What determines search field results

Just in case anyone was interested in this in the future.
I mentioned this to the developer and unfortunately this is intentional and no plans to add a setting for this.

"This is intentional, so that you can search for things like "ff" and get "Firefox" or "fw" and get "FocusWriter". I use it heavily myself. There is no option to turn it off, and I am leery of adding any more options since there are far too many as it is!"

Just tried "ff" and I get a ton of LibreOffice applications at the top and literally 60 application results.\
Anyways, seems strange that cannot type in a keyword and just get keyword results, but not up to me.

If anyone interested in this / interested in backing my request, it can be found here
https://gitlab.xfce.org/panel-plugins/x … issues/137

Thank You

Last edited by advice1010 (2024-06-30 22:46:08)


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