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Hello, I have a laptop with Linux Mint xfce edition, sometimes I plug it into an external 4k display.
With Linux Mint Cinnamon I set the fractional scaling to 1.5x and everything is perfect:
As you see the text is crisp and perfectly rendered.
On xfce in order to achieve the same I set the fractional scaling to 0.75x075 and here's the result:
As you (may) see, the text looks blurred... The photo makes no justice by the way, with my own eyes it's really bad quality.
Is there a way to have the same fractional scaling of Cinnamon, that is without this loss of quality?
Under Settings>>Display>>General Tab>>Scale. The drop down menu should give you several choices.
Debian Sid
Xfce 4.20 with Wayland/Labwc
That's fully equivalent. It does not change the end result.
What dpi are you using Settings>>Appearance>>Fonts.
This may help.
Debian Sid
Xfce 4.20 with Wayland/Labwc
It's default 96. I can't mess around with it because it affects also the display of laptop and I would have to fix it everytime I switch display.
This is older but may help set a different dpi for each screen.
Debian Sid
Xfce 4.20 with Wayland/Labwc
This is older but may help set a different dpi for each screen.
> This i only a workaround, cause you loose the real resolution. With this scaling your monitor only displays half the pixel instead of re-rendering it in the scaled resolution
This is the problem, quote found in the link you provided.
I don't understand why there is this awuful blur and in Cinnamon or KDE I can just set the fractional scaling and everything works.
- If I set fractional scaling to 0.75x0.75 -> Blurred.
- If I set fractional scaling to 0.75x0.75 & increase DPI with the method of your link (so in my case from 96 to 140)-> Still Blurred.
- If I set fractional scaling to 1x1 (no scaling) and high DPI (140) -> Then text is sized ok but icons (such as minise/close buttons) stays small -> inconsistent and useless result.
Last edited by ironhak (2024-07-04 13:59:01)
high DPI (140) -> Then text is sized ok but icons (such as minise/close buttons) stays small -> inconsistent and useless result.
This can be addressed separately,
Setting>Window Manager>Style and select something with -hdpi or -xhdpi
Does,'t fix the issue. Fractional scaling is broken on xfce and it should be fixed. It's 2024 not 2005. 4k dislpay are replcaing 1080p ones.
Does,'t fix the issue.
Does for me.
On some narrowly assembled installations scaling works. For all possible tool kits in use within Linux, any scaling breaks more than it fixes. Wrong approach in my opinion.
I you want larger still then there needs to be a -xlxdpi option also. Fixed scale assets need updated, pixel references in themes abandoned, then global DPI works fine.
With Cinnamon I just press a button and it works without issues.
Please work on that.
Fix the blur and fix the weird things where higher values of scaling produces a smaller output.
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