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#1 2024-07-08 16:11:58

From: West Walton
Registered: 2024-07-08
Posts: 1

How to allow my own executable to run from Thunar/Desktop shortcut

OK so early days for me getting to grips with XFCE desktop but impressed with it's speed and design so far.

I have come across an issue which I assume is security/trust related but can't find anything obvious as to where I should be looking to fix it so hope you good people can point me in the right direction.

I have Ubuntu 24.04 running with Qt671 setup (built from source) so I can build my own Qt plugin modules in QT Creator.

I have the QtCreator executable in my home directory


I am remotely logging in via Windows RDP and all looks good with the core setup.

I can open the xfce terminal and navigate to 

cd  /home/chrisdev/myQtCreator13/bin/

and then run ./qtcreator which launches the program.

However if I try to create a desktop launcher with the action of 


it fails to launch. I also can't execute it from the Thunar file manager by right clicking on the qtcreator executable and choosing execute.

I can however navigate to


and RHM click and choose execute successfully.

Any suggestions how to track the issue down please?


#2 2024-10-12 13:03:13

Revision 6
Registered: 2024-10-12
Posts: 1
LinuxFirefox 131.0

Re: How to allow my own executable to run from Thunar/Desktop shortcut

I just found this today. Apparently the ability to run from the desktop is not enabled by default. I saved this snippet I found on the web, but haven't tried it yet. I think I've developed a problem with my ssd, I can't always save my work unless I fsck, but then it screws up again quickly, so I'm buying a new computer.

NOTE: This problem started BEFORE I found this. Hope this works as I want to run some thunar custom actions.

Xfce - How To Execute Shell Scripts from Thunar or the Desktop
There are a few shell scripts I like to launch directly from the desktop or from Thunar - however, as of Thunar 1.6.5, this option is not enabled by default.

To enable executing scripts directly from the desktop or Thunar, you'll need to change the hidden settings. This appears to only work on Thunar 1.6.6 or higher.

1. Open a terminal and run the following command:

xfconf-query --channel thunar --property /misc-exec-shell-scripts-by-default --create --type bool --set true


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