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#1 2024-09-04 12:13:50

Registered: 2024-08-25
Posts: 10

audio indicator keyboard

i have noticed that when i connect my thinkpad to an external audio device, be it bluetooth or plugged in usb interface, the speaker and microphone indicator on the laptop keyboard remains lit (as if they were turned off).

when i use the internal laptop audio it reverts back to normal behaviour (which is if muted lights on, otherwise no light)

can anyone confirm this?

p.s. audio works pretty fine in both cases, i can mute and unmute and change volume. its just an issue with the indicator.

Last edited by ape_din (2024-09-04 12:17:08)


#2 2024-09-06 13:02:13

Registered: 2024-08-25
Posts: 10

Re: audio indicator keyboard

ok got it. practically what it does is that since the system is muting the internal speaker and microphone (using the external audio device) the keyboard show those keys as lit.


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