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i created a new userid on my laptop that runs Xubuntu 20.04 LTS (last upgraded yesterday) and copied configuration files from another userid which has existed on here for years. the modifier keys (shift, ctrl, alt) cause a drip-like sound (goes to my bluetooth headphones when they are on, paired, and connected, else to the speaker). the pavucontrol app shows "system sounds" at 0% so it must not be a system sound. Settings>>Onboard Settings>>Keyboard>>Key-press Feedback>>Play sound is not selected. does anyone know how this got selected in a new userid or which setting is involved? i'd like to lower its volume level and select it on other userids.
edit 1:
i have Settings>>Accessibility>>Keyboard>>Sticky Keys>>Use Sticky Keys enabled on all my userids. i disabled it as a test and the drip sound quit happening. then i re-enabled it and the drip sound started happening, again. i have this set on all my userids but the drip sound only happens on one userid, the new one i recently created named "media".
earlier today, the drip sound quit when i was updating some files on the new userid "media". after more updates, like re-copying all the .desktop files into /home/media/Desktop, the drip sound came back. i will be doing more updates, tonight, and i will be testing these keys for sounds more often when switched to new userid "media".
Last edited by Skaperen (2024-09-22 01:05:52)
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