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#1 2025-01-20 19:03:58

From: Craiova, Romania
Registered: 2011-09-09
Posts: 17
LinuxFirefox 134.0

[SOLVED] Orage icon (with date) not shown anymore in the system tray

Dear XFCE community,

Everything about XFCE and its programs is great!

But I have this problem when I upgraded my system (I use openSUSE Tumbleweed and update it frequently. I suspect my problem is because of the new XFCE 4.20): The Orage (loaded at startup hidden) does not show anymore its icon in the system tray.

Thank you!

Last edited by lalesculiviu (2025-01-21 12:54:38)


#2 2025-01-21 02:21:02

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,784
LinuxFirefox 133.0

Re: [SOLVED] Orage icon (with date) not shown anymore in the system tray

Can you post the ouput of:

xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -lv

...as well as run xfce4-panel in debug mode and post back the output?

xfce4-panel -q
PANEL_DEBUG=1 xfce4-panel

loaded at startup hidden

What does this mean?

Mark solved threads as [SOLVED] to make it easier for others to find solutions.
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#3 2025-01-21 05:55:37

From: Craiova, Romania
Registered: 2011-09-09
Posts: 17
LinuxFirefox 134.0

Re: [SOLVED] Orage icon (with date) not shown anymore in the system tray

ToZ wrote:

Can you post the ouput of:

xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -lv

...as well as run xfce4-panel in debug mode and post back the output?

xfce4-panel -q
PANEL_DEBUG=1 xfce4-panel

loaded at startup hidden

What does this mean?

goghi@localhost:~> xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -lv
/configver                                   2
/panels                                      [1]
/panels/panel-1/length                       100
/panels/panel-1/length-adjust                false
/panels/panel-1/plugin-ids                   [1,3,13,8,12,2,4,5,15,6,7,9,10,11]
/panels/panel-1/position                     p=10;x=0;y=0
/panels/panel-1/position-locked              true
/panels/panel-1/size                         48
/plugins/plugin-1                            whiskermenu
/plugins/plugin-10                           clock
/plugins/plugin-10/digital-format            %a %d %b, %R
/plugins/plugin-10/digital-layout            3
/plugins/plugin-10/digital-time-font         Sans 12
/plugins/plugin-10/digital-time-format       %H:%M
/plugins/plugin-10/show-frame                false
/plugins/plugin-11                           separator
/plugins/plugin-11/style                     0
/plugins/plugin-12                           launcher
/plugins/plugin-12/items                     [17282186593.desktop]
/plugins/plugin-13                           launcher
/plugins/plugin-13/items                     [17282186764.desktop]
/plugins/plugin-14                           notification-plugin
/plugins/plugin-15                           xfce4-dict-plugin
/plugins/plugin-1/button-icon                xfce4_xicon1
/plugins/plugin-1/button-title                Go 
/plugins/plugin-1/favorites                  [thunar.desktop,firefox.desktop,org.opensuse.YaST.desktop,org.opensuse.yast.Packager.desktop,xfce4-terminal-emulator.desktop]
/plugins/plugin-1/recent                     [org.kde.lskat.desktop,org.kde.kpat.desktop,gnubg.desktop,xfce4-about.desktop,thunar.desktop,xfce4-taskmanager.desktop,org.gnome.SwellFoop.desktop,menulibre-kdiff3.desktop,org.kde.krusader.desktop,org.kde.kate.desktop]
/plugins/plugin-2                            separator
/plugins/plugin-2/style                      0
/plugins/plugin-3                            launcher
/plugins/plugin-3/items                      [17282186471.desktop]
/plugins/plugin-4                            tasklist
/plugins/plugin-4/flat-buttons               true
/plugins/plugin-4/grouping                   false
/plugins/plugin-4/show-handle                true
/plugins/plugin-5                            separator
/plugins/plugin-5/expand                     true
/plugins/plugin-5/style                      0
/plugins/plugin-6                            pulseaudio
/plugins/plugin-6/enable-keyboard-shortcuts  true
/plugins/plugin-6/known-players              audacious;firefox
/plugins/plugin-7                            systray
/plugins/plugin-7/hidden-items               [nm-applet]
/plugins/plugin-7/hidden-legacy-items        []
/plugins/plugin-7/icon-size                  48
/plugins/plugin-7/known-items                [redshift,nm-applet]
/plugins/plugin-7/known-legacy-items         [system-config-printer,claws-mail,audacious,orage]
/plugins/plugin-7/menu-is-primary            true
/plugins/plugin-7/show-frame                 false
/plugins/plugin-7/square-icons               true
/plugins/plugin-7/symbolic-icons             true
/plugins/plugin-8                            launcher
/plugins/plugin-8/items                      [17282186522.desktop]
/plugins/plugin-9                            separator
/plugins/plugin-9/style                      0
goghi@localhost:~> xfce4-panel -q

(xfce4-panel:3971): dbind-WARNING **: 07:53:40.411: AT-SPI: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name is not activatable
goghi@localhost:~> PANEL_DEBUG=1 xfce4-panel
xfce4-panel(main): version 4.20.0 on gtk+ 3.24.43 (3.24.43), glib 2.82.4 (2.82.2)

(xfce4-panel:3990): dbind-WARNING **: 07:53:42.316: AT-SPI: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name is not activatable
xfce4-panel(module-factory): reading /usr/share/xfce4/panel/plugins
xfce4-panel(application): found window manager after 1 tries
xfce4-panel(base-window): 0x55c1ec781290: rgba visual=0x55c1ec5efd40, compositing=true
xfce4-panel(base-window): 0x55c1ec781290: rgba visual=0x55c1ec5efd40, compositing=true
xfce4-panel(display-layout): 0x55c1ec781290: display=:0.0{comp=true}, screen-0[0x55c1ec5e19c0]=[1920,1080] (HDMI-1=[0,0;1920,1080])
xfce4-panel(positioning): 0x55c1ec781290: screen=0x55c1ec5e19c0, monitors=1, output-name=(null), span-monitors=false, base=0,0
xfce4-panel(positioning): 0x55c1ec781290: working-area: screen=0x55c1ec5e19c0, x=0, y=0, w=1920, h=1080
xfce4-panel(struts): 0x55c1ec781290: bottom=49, start_x=0, end_x=1919
xfce4-panel(external): Exported object at path /org/xfce/Panel/Wrapper/1
xfce4-panel(module): new item (type=external-wrapper, name=whiskermenu, id=1)
xfce4-panel(external): whiskermenu-1: child spawned; pid=3995, argc=7
xfce4-panel(module): new item (type=object-type, name=launcher, id=3)
xfce4-panel(module): new item (type=object-type, name=launcher, id=13)
xfce4-panel(module): new item (type=object-type, name=launcher, id=8)
xfce4-panel(module): new item (type=object-type, name=launcher, id=12)
xfce4-panel(module): new item (type=object-type, name=separator, id=2)
xfce4-panel(module): new item (type=object-type, name=tasklist, id=4)
xfce4-panel(module): new item (type=object-type, name=separator, id=5)
xfce4-panel(external): Exported object at path /org/xfce/Panel/Wrapper/15
xfce4-panel(module): new item (type=external-wrapper, name=xfce4-dict-plugin, id=15)
xfce4-panel(external): xfce4-dict-plugin-15: child spawned; pid=3996, argc=7
xfce4-panel(external): Exported object at path /org/xfce/Panel/Wrapper/6
xfce4-panel(module): new item (type=external-wrapper, name=pulseaudio, id=6)
xfce4-panel(external): pulseaudio-6: child spawned; pid=3997, argc=7
xfce4-panel(external): Exported object at path /org/xfce/Panel/Wrapper/7
xfce4-panel(module): new item (type=external-wrapper, name=systray, id=7)
xfce4-panel(external): systray-7: child spawned; pid=3998, argc=7
xfce4-panel(module): new item (type=object-type, name=separator, id=9)
xfce4-panel(clock): trying to instantiate d-bus sleep monitor
xfce4-panel(module): new item (type=object-type, name=clock, id=10)
xfce4-panel(module): new item (type=object-type, name=separator, id=11)
xfce4-panel(clock): d-bus service org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit not active

(wrapper-2.0:3998): dbind-WARNING **: 07:53:42.506: AT-SPI: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name is not activatable
xfce4-panel(clock): keeping proxy for org.freedesktop.login1

(wrapper-2.0:3996): dbind-WARNING **: 07:53:42.515: AT-SPI: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name is not activatable

(wrapper-2.0:3995): dbind-WARNING **: 07:53:42.520: AT-SPI: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name is not activatable

(wrapper-2.0:3997): dbind-WARNING **: 07:53:42.522: AT-SPI: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name is not activatable
xfce4-panel(external): systray-7: child is embedded; 8 properties in queue
xfce4-panel(external): whiskermenu-1: child is embedded; 8 properties in queue
xfce4-panel(external): xfce4-dict-plugin-15: child is embedded; 8 properties in queue
xfce4-panel(external): pulseaudio-6: child is embedded; 8 properties in queue
xfce4-panel(systray): rgba visual is 0x564817968aa0
xfce4-panel(systray): registered manager on screen 0

By hidden I mean in the Orage Preferences, Calendar Window, Calendar Start -> Hide (not Show or Minimized).

Last edited by lalesculiviu (2025-01-21 05:58:16)


#4 2025-01-21 12:46:17

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,784
LinuxFirefox 133.0

Re: [SOLVED] Orage icon (with date) not shown anymore in the system tray

The panel plugin has bee deprecated. However, you can integrate orage with the clock plugin - see: https://docs.xfce.org/apps/orage/panel_integration.

Or you can manually run "orage -t" to toggle its visibility.

Mark solved threads as [SOLVED] to make it easier for others to find solutions.
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#5 2025-01-21 12:55:34

From: Craiova, Romania
Registered: 2011-09-09
Posts: 17
LinuxFirefox 134.0

Re: [SOLVED] Orage icon (with date) not shown anymore in the system tray

ToZ wrote:

The panel plugin has bee deprecated. However, you can integrate orage with the clock plugin - see: https://docs.xfce.org/apps/orage/panel_integration.

Or you can manually run "orage -t" to toggle its visibility.

Thank you, ToZ! It runs in the clock plugin.

Added later 23 h 53 min 52 s:
Hello again,

I have one more question/report: The old-style Orage system tray icon allowed me to hover the cursor and it told me the next 5 alarms. Is it possible to do this now, with the new functionality?


#6 2025-01-22 16:29:32

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,784
LinuxFirefox 134.0

Re: [SOLVED] Orage icon (with date) not shown anymore in the system tray

Hmm. I went to have a closer look and tried to build from source and came across this. Looks like the systray plugin is back but disabled by default. To enable it, you need to build from source with the "--enable-x11-tray-icon" build parameter. Then the old tray icon does show up in the systray like it used to.

This was released in version 4.20.0 of orage but orage would need to be build with that special parameter.

Mark solved threads as [SOLVED] to make it easier for others to find solutions.
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#7 2025-01-22 16:37:10

From: Craiova, Romania
Registered: 2011-09-09
Posts: 17
LinuxFirefox 134.0

Re: [SOLVED] Orage icon (with date) not shown anymore in the system tray

Thank you, ToZ! Interesting to know!

I might compile by myself.


#8 2025-01-22 18:52:20

From: Czech Republic
Registered: 2022-07-27
Posts: 87
LinuxChrome 132.0

Re: [SOLVED] Orage icon (with date) not shown anymore in the system tray

ToZ wrote:

Or you can manually run "orage -t" to toggle its visibility.

BTW: using -t switch is usefull also if set as command for Clock/Timer plugin, without it is only show, with switch is first click show, second hide ;-)


#9 2025-01-22 18:58:47

From: Craiova, Romania
Registered: 2011-09-09
Posts: 17
LinuxFirefox 134.0

Re: [SOLVED] Orage icon (with date) not shown anymore in the system tray

k3dAR wrote:
ToZ wrote:

Or you can manually run "orage -t" to toggle its visibility.

BTW: using -t switch is usefull also if set as command for Clock/Timer plugin, without it is only show, with switch is first click show, second hide ;-)

Just nice! Thank you!


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