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Hmm, just did an apt dist-upgrade and notice some wayland and x packages being upgrade. Upgrade went smooth with no errors but after a restart I can't login into xfce4-wayland.
Anybody else seeing issues?
If I switch to a tty and kill lightdm then startxfce4 --wayland the desktop starts right up so the startup and config files seem to be unaffected.
This has affect both labwc and wayfire.
Debian Sid
Xfce 4.20 with Wayland/Labwc
don't use Debian, but Xubuntu 24.04 (and xubuntudev PPA where is Xfce 4.20)
in apt log i see 22.1. upgraded about wayland only: xwayland:amd64 (2:23.2.6-1ubuntu0.1, 2:23.2.6-1ubuntu0.2)
and from lightdm to xfce4-wayland i still can login
if you try login from lightdm to xfce4-wayland, is any error in /var/log/lightdm/* ?
or as a last resort, maybe you can look to /var/log/apt/ what exact packages you upgraded and try downgrade some to previous version (one by one, if possible) to find what exact package is problematic for you...
Nothing in the logs to point to the issue. I'm not downgrading as it's a lot of effort and the issue is usually short term with sid. Here is a list of packages that got an upgrade today if anyone is curious.
libwayland-cursor0:amd64 (1.23.0-1+b1, 1.23.0-1+b2),
libwayland-server0:amd64 (1.23.0-1+b1, 1.23.0-1+b2),
libwayland-egl1:amd64 (1.23.0-1+b1, 1.23.0-1+b2),
libwayland-bin:amd64 (1.23.0-1+b1, 1.23.0-1+b2),
libwayland-dev:amd64 (1.23.0-1+b1, 1.23.0-1+b2),
libwayland-client0:amd64 (1.23.0-1+b1, 1.23.0-1+b2),
xserver-xorg-input-all:amd64 (1:7.7+23.2, 1:7.7+24),
xserver-xorg:amd64 (1:7.7+23.2, 1:7.7+24),
xserver-xorg-video-vesa:amd64 (1:2.6.0-1, 1:2.6.0-2),
x11-common:amd64 (1:7.7+23.2, 1:7.7+24),
xserver-xorg-input-all:amd64 (1:7.7+23.2, 1:7.7+24),
xserver-xorg:amd64 (1:7.7+23.2, 1:7.7+24),
xserver-xorg-video-vesa:amd64 (1:2.6.0-1, 1:2.6.0-2), l
xorg:amd64 (1:7.7+23.2, 1:7.7+24),
Not updated
xwayland (2:24.1.4-2)
Debian Sid
Xfce 4.20 with Wayland/Labwc
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