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Hello, fellow Xfce-users,
I'm currently developing a small media player remote for the Xfce panel.
It currently supports rhythmbox, mpd and quodlibet.
It shows track changes with the help of the notification daemon (with album art, also as tool-tip), grabs media keys, provides three humble buttons as its day-to-day user interface.
I wonder if it should support more players before it goes live so I'm asking you.
As the poll closes within 40 days, I'm gonna reconsider adding 1-2 more.
One constraint is that I don't want to poll (busy wait for a change of) the player to avoid unnecessary CPU load, so the remote controlled player needs to provide some callback mechanism to be considered, which is not always the case. Just vote regardless since I will file enhancement requests as and when the need arises.
If you are curious and can do the ./ && make && sudo make install three-jump, get the sources:
svn co xfce4-squeezebox-plugin
You may need to get a lot of -dev packages to compile all.
Please read the README, if you are on xubuntu or FreeBSD.
I know that it also compiles on debian etch and zenwalk.
You can add Cross Linux from Scratch to the list of distros your plugin is known to build on. Using it right now. Let us know when the first release is available and I will add the build instructions to CBLFS.
1. Help the ReliaFree Project -->
2. Distribution --> Cross Linux from Scratch
3. Registered Linux user #413054
4. (C)LFS user #17727.
5. Ask smart -->
You can add Cross Linux from Scratch to the list of distros your plugin is known to build on. Using it right now. Let us know when the first release is available and I will add the build instructions to CBLFS.
Thanks, I will do that.
Are there really specific build instructions required for CBLFS?
I'm aiming it to work out-of-the-box with any source-based distribution provided the compile-time dependencies are available.
i recently found "consonance"...
it's something like exaile or amarok but lighter and C only...
I use amarok.
mpg123 (the real thing, not 321) on the console!
I can't see how to vote though, perhaps I'm just NOOB to SMFs
Exaile...........of course
xmms2 and i think it wont be very difficult to support it..
although i use shortcuts more often.
Decibel Audio Player. It's very lightweight; just needs pygtk and your desired gstreamer plugins. It has as much playback functionality as you actually need.
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