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There are some very nice xwfm4 themes for Xfce, but you may prefer one of the GTK themes - except that you wish the theme's colors were different. Here's a simple way to change those GTK colors.
First, find a color combination you like. A good place to look is, which has hundreds of examples. The most important pair of colors will be one for the background of most windows and panels, and another for the window titlebars and margins, and for selected text and menus. Write down the hexadecimal code for the colors you like, e.g. #8CA93E.
Now choose a GTK theme you want to modify. For this example, I'll use the Clearlooks theme, which is already in my Xubuntu 9.10 file system under /usr/share/themes. First I open a terminal and enter
sudo mkdir /usr/share/themes/MyTheme1
This creates a new theme folder called MyTheme1. (You can choose a less boring name!)
As with other GTK themes, the Clearlooks directory contains a single folder called gtk-2.0, within which is a single text file, gtkrc. I copy this folder and its file to my new theme folder with
sudo cp -R /usr/share/themes/Clearlooks/gtk-2.0 /usr/share/themes/MyTheme1
Next, I open gtkrc for editing in a text editor:
sudo mousepad /usr/share/themes/MyTheme1/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
The basic colors used in the theme are specified at the beginning of the Clearlooks file:
gtk-color-scheme = "base_color:#ffffff\nfg_color:#000000\ntooltip_fg_color:#000000\nselected_bg_color:#8CA93E\nselected_fg_color:#ffffff\ntext_color:#1A1A1A\nbg_color:#F6FA9C\ntooltip_bg_color:#F6FA9C"
These basic colors are modified and used in ways which are specified later in the gtkrc file, but here I can change them to ones I like. I'm happy with with white (#ffffff) for the base color and selected foreground, and with gray (#1A1A1A) for text and black (#000000) for general foreground and tooltip foreground. However I don't like the light blue background (#F6FA9C) for windows and tooltips, or the darker blue for titlebars, margins and selected backgrounds (#8CA93E). I change the light blue to #F6FA9C, which is a sort of faded straw color, and the darker blue to #8CA93E, which is a nice leaf-green.
I save and close the gtkrc file, then go to Appearance in the Xfce Settings Manager. Under the Style tab, I choose MyTheme1, which has automatically been added to the list of available themes, and click on Close. My new colors now appear in some windows, and this is a good time to see whether I like what the the gtkrc styling has does with them. If not, I can re-edit the basic colors to see what happens. To make sure my new theme is applied system-wide, I log out and log back in. Old theme, new colors - easy!
Note that the panel background color won't change if you already have a panel-styling .gtkrc-2.0 file in your /home directory (see A styling file there has priority over a gtkrc file in a system-wide theme.
Welcome to the board, gnome_refugee.
Great work on helping spread some good info! If you'd like, the more appropriate place would probably be on the Xfce Wiki. Don't let that stop you from posting though!
Hi, s0ulslack.
I like these forums better for posting ideas because other posters can comment and you can have conversations about tips!
Like my username 'gnome_refugee' suggests, I moved from Ubuntu 9.10 to Xubuntu 9.10 (fresh install) on the same machine (Dell Vostro 1320 laptop) and am *really* impressed. Xfce is faster at everything and has great desktop usability features that Gnome hasn't thought of yet.
Still tweaking and experimenting...
I think this is thread that i am looking (or better to say - people i am looking). I am trying to modify one gtk theme (BSM Compact Silver Dark).
I posted here one question (
i am using one gtk theme - bsm compact silver dark.
Want to change just one thing-the color that indicate active/maximized window in xfce panel. Just to difference active window.
I have no idea what should i change, but i think that i had to modify gtkrc file (as i did at the end to modify desktop icons).So, if anyyone knows which part i need to change to have new color for active/maximized window, i will be grateful.
I added here the picture of my panel-chrome is maximized, but you can see no difference on screen. And bellow is my gtkrc:
The second question would be:
how to delete lines between menu panels, so that - e.g. all icons in openoffice would be in one compact area:
# Author: BSM
# These are the defined colors for the theme, you can change them in GNOME's appearance preferences.
#gtk_color_scheme = "fg_color:#101010101010\nbg_color:#ebebebebebeb\ntext_color:#1a1a1a1a1a1a\n base_color:#ffffffffffff\n selected_fg_color:#000000000000\n selected_bg_color:#60c4af9dd709\n tooltip_fg_color:#000000000000\n tooltip_bg_color:#f5f5f5f5b5b5"
gtk_color_scheme = "fg_color:#101010101010\nbg_color:#ebebebebebeb\ntext_color:#1a1a1a1a1a1a\nbase_color:#ffffffffffff\nselected_fg_color:#000000000000\nselected_bg_color:#A9A9A9\ntooltip_fg_color:#000000000000\ntooltip_bg_color:#f0f0f0"
#gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller.
gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-large-toolbar=16,16:gtk-small-toolbar=16,16:panel-menu=16,16:gtk-button=16,16" # This enables "compact-mode".
gtk-button-images = 0 # Enables or disables icons on buttons (OS X-like).
#gtk-menu-popup-delay = 1 # Makes menus pop up faster! Set to 1 instead of 0 to avoid Banshee 1 bug.
include "panel.rc" # This includes the file that handles panel theming. Gradient panel backgrounds are enabled by default. Please edit panel.rc or comment out this line to remove gradient panels. You can also choose one of the following lines instead, for different-sized panels.:
#include "panel28.rc" # Use this instead for 28px gradient panels.
#include "panel32.rc" # Use this instead for 32px gradient panels.
#include "panel40.rc" # Use this instead for 40px gradient panels.
#include "panel48.rc" # Use this instead for 48px gradient panels.
# The following lines make panel-menu-applet and gimmie applet's text bold.
style "bold-panel-menu"
#font_name = "Bold"
widget "*Panel*MenuBar*" style "bold-panel-menu"
widget "*gimmie*" style "bold-panel-menu"
style "clearlooks-default"
GtkButton ::child-displacement-x = 0 # Pressed button icon displacement.
GtkButton ::child-displacement-y = 0 # Pressed button icon displacement.
GtkButton ::default-border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
GtkCheckButton ::indicator-size = 12 # Size for check buttons.
GtkRadioButton ::indicator-size = 12 # Size for radio buttons.
GtkPaned ::handle-size = 3 # Width of handles.
GtkRange ::trough-border = 0
GtkRange ::slider-width = 12
GtkRange ::stepper-size = 12
GtkScale ::slider-length = 24 # Length of sliders.
GtkScale ::trough-side-details = 1
GtkScrollbar ::min-slider-length = 30 # Min. length of scrollbars.
GtkMenuBar ::internal-padding = 0
GtkExpander ::expander-size = 10
GtkToolbar ::internal-padding = 0 # Toolbar padding.
GtkTreeView ::expander-size = 12
GtkTreeView ::vertical-separator = 0
GtkMenu ::horizontal-padding = 0
GtkMenu ::vertical-padding = 0
WnckTasklist ::fade-overlay-rect = 0
GtkButton ::focus-padding = 0 # This can give you a more compact appearance.
GtkScrolledWindow ::scrollbar-spacing = 1 # This sets the spacing between scrollbars.
GtkTreeView::odd_row_color = mix(0.98, shade (0.93,@base_color), @selected_bg_color) # This sets the color for odd row items.
GtkEntry::honors-transparent-bg-hint = 1
# Uncomment one or both of the following for flat/unified menus or toolbars:
# GtkToolbar ::shadow-type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE # Makes toolbars flat and unified.
# GtkMenuBar ::shadow-type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE # Makes menus flat and unified.
xthickness = 1
ythickness = 1
fg[NORMAL] = @fg_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color
fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
fg[ACTIVE] = @fg_color
fg[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color)
bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.02, @bg_color)
bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color # Color for selected items.
bg[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.90, @bg_color)
base[NORMAL] = @base_color
base[PRELIGHT] = shade (0.95, @bg_color)
base[ACTIVE] = shade (1.35, @selected_bg_color)
base[SELECTED] = shade (1.25, @selected_bg_color) # Color for selected base items.
base[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color
text[NORMAL] = @text_color
text[PRELIGHT] = @text_color
text[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color
text[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
text[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color)
engine "clearlooks"
reliefstyle = 1 # 0 makes buttons/widgets less raised.
menubarstyle = 0 # Gradient menubar, use tweak in line 66 for flat menubars.
toolbarstyle = 0 # 0 makes bad toolbars flat.
animation = TRUE # FALSE disables progressbar animations.
style = GUMMY # Could also be set to GLOSSY.
radius = 1.0 # Roundness of widgets.
hint = "use-hints" # Set a hint to disable backward compatibility fallbacks.
# bg[NORMAL] = "#FF00FF"
# bg[PRELIGHT] = "#FF00FF"
# bg[SELECTED] = "#FF00FF"
# bg[ACTIVE] = "#FF00FF"
# base[NORMAL] = "#FF00FF"
# base[PRELIGHT] = "#FF00FF"
# base[SELECTED] = "#FF00FF"
# base[INSENSITIVE] = "#FF00FF"
# base[ACTIVE] = "#FF00FF"
style "evolution-hack" = "clearlooks-default" # Hacks for Evolution Mail.
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.04, @bg_color) # Color for evo treeview headers.
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.08, @bg_color) # Color for evo treeview header prelight.
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.90, @bg_color) # Color for unfocused evo selected items.
bg[SELECTED] = shade (1.25, @selected_bg_color) # Color for evo selected items.
fg[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color # Color for evo active text.
fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color # Color for evo selected text.
style "clearlooks-wide"
xthickness = 2 # Can't change, or clowns will eat you.
ythickness = 2 # Can't change, or clowns will eat you.
style "clearlooks-wider"
xthickness = 3 # Can't change, or clowns will eat you.
ythickness = 3 # Can't change, or clowns will eat you.
engine "clearlooks"
radius = 1.1 # Firefox > 3.0.6 location bar's bug fix
style "clearlooks-button" = "clearlooks-wider"
#xthickness = 1 # Can't change, or clowns will eat you.
#ythickness = 1 # Can't change, or clowns will eat you.
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.04, @bg_color) # Color for buttons.
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.08, @bg_color) # Color for button-prelight.
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.85, @bg_color) # Color for pressed-buttons.
style "clearlooks-notebook-bg"
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.04, @bg_color) # Tab background.
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.94, @bg_color) # Unfocused tab background.
style "clearlooks-notebook" = "clearlooks-notebook-bg"
xthickness = 1 # Width of tabs and notebook borders.
ythickness = 1 # Height of tabs and notebook borders.
style "clearlooks-menu" = "clearlooks-wider"
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.05, @bg_color) # Color of menu background.
engine "clearlooks"
radius = 1.0 # Roundness of menu items.
style "clearlooks-menu-item" = "clearlooks-wider"
fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color # Color of selected menu item text.
bg[SELECTED] = shade (1.25, @selected_bg_color) # Color of menu items.
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.25, @selected_bg_color) # Color of menu items.
style "clearlooks-separator-menu-item"
xthickness = 1
ythickness = 1
# Code for pixmap menu separators.
engine "pixmap"
function = HLINE
recolorable = TRUE
file = "Menu-Menubar/menu-line.png"
border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }
stretch = TRUE
style "clearlooks-menubar"
xthickness = 1
ythickness = 1
engine "clearlooks"
hint = "menubar"
style "clearlooks-treeview"
bg[SELECTED] = shade (1.25, @selected_bg_color) # Color workaround for Banshee 1.0.
GtkTreeView::odd_row_color = shade(1.03,@tooltip_bg_color)
GtkTreeView::even_row_color = @tooltip_bg_color
# GtkTreeView::odd_col_color = shade(0.95,@tooltip_bg_color)
# GtkTreeView::even_col_color = @tooltip_bg_color
engine "clearlooks"
hint = "treeview"
radius = 0.0 # This makes treeview progressbars square.
style "clearlooks-treeview-header" = "clearlooks-default"
xthickness = 2
ythickness = 1
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.04, @bg_color) # Color for treeview headers.
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.08, @bg_color) # Color for treeview header prelight.
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.85, @bg_color) # Color for pressed-treeview.
engine "clearlooks" {
hint = "treeview-header"
style "clearlooks-frame-title"
fg[NORMAL] = lighter (@fg_color)
style "clearlooks-tooltips" = "clearlooks-wider"
bg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_bg_color
fg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_fg_color
style "metacity-frame" = "clearlooks-default"
# bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color # Color for metacity borders.
style "clearlooks-progressbar"
xthickness = 1
ythickness = 1
fg[PRELIGHT] = @base_color # Progressbar prelighted text.
engine "clearlooks"
radius = 1.0 # Roundness of progressbars.
hint = "progressbar"
style "clearlooks-statusbar"
engine "clearlooks"
hint = "statusbar"
style "clearlooks-comboboxentry"
engine "clearlooks"
hint = "comboboxentry"
style "clearlooks-spinbutton"
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.04, @bg_color) # Color for spinbuttons.
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.08, @bg_color) # Color for spinbutton prelight.
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.85, @bg_color) # Color for pressed-spinbuttons.
engine "clearlooks"
hint = "spinbutton"
style "clearlooks-scale" = "clearlooks-button"
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.04, @bg_color) # Color for sliders.
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.08, @bg_color) # Color for slider prelight.
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.85, @bg_color) # Color for pressed-sliders.
engine "clearlooks"
hint = "scale"
style "clearlooks-hscale" = "clearlooks-scale"
engine "clearlooks"
hint = "hscale"
style "clearlooks-vscale" = "clearlooks-scale"
engine "clearlooks"
hint = "vscale"
style "clearlooks-nautilus-location" # Workaround for nautilus' messages.
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.25, @selected_bg_color)
style "clearlooks-radiocheck" = "clearlooks-default"
text[NORMAL] = shade (0.8, @selected_bg_color) # Color for checks/radio items.
# bg[SELECTED] = lighter (@selected_bg_color) # Color for prelight of check/radio buttons.
style "clearlooks-scrollbar"
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.04, @bg_color) # Color for non-colored scrollbars.
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.08, @bg_color) # Color for scrollbar prelight? (probably obsolete)
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.85, @bg_color) # Color for pressed scrollbar buttons.
# bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color # You can change the color of colorized scrollbars here.
engine "clearlooks"
# colorize_scrollbar = TRUE # Uncommenting this gives you colorful scrollbars.
radius = 1.0 # Roundness of scrollbars.
hint = "scrollbar"
style = GLOSSY
style "clearlooks-hscrollbar" = "clearlooks-scrollbar"
engine "clearlooks"
hint = "hscrollbar"
style "clearlooks-vscrollbar" = "clearlooks-scrollbar"
engine "clearlooks"
hint = "vscrollbar"
#Gradient toolbars are enabled for this theme.
style "clearlooks-toolbar" = "clearlooks-default"
bg[NORMAL] = shade (0.965, @bg_color) # Darkens gradient toolbars to match with unified metacity theme.
engine "clearlooks"
toolbarstyle = 0
style "clearlooks-evo-new-button-workaround"
bg[NORMAL] = shade (0.965, @bg_color)
engine "clearlooks"
toolbarstyle = 0
widget_class "EShellWindow.GtkVBox.BonoboDock.BonoboDockBand.BonoboDockItem*" style "clearlooks-evo-new-button-workaround"
class "GtkHandleBox" style "clearlooks-toolbar"
# Matches
# Clearlooks default style is applied to every widget.
class "GtkWidget" style "clearlooks-default"
# Increase the x/ythickness in some widgets.
class "GtkToolbar" style "clearlooks-toolbar"
class "GtkFrame" style "clearlooks-wide"
class "GtkEntry" style "clearlooks-wider"
class "MetaFrames" style "metacity-frame"
class "GtkSeparator" style "clearlooks-wide"
class "GtkWindow" style "metacity-frame"
class "GtkCalendar" style "clearlooks-wide"
class "GtkSpinButton" style "clearlooks-spinbutton"
class "GtkScale" style "clearlooks-scale"
class "GtkVScale" style "clearlooks-vscale"
class "GtkHScale" style "clearlooks-hscale"
class "GtkScrollbar" style "clearlooks-scrollbar"
class "GtkVScrollbar" style "clearlooks-vscrollbar"
class "GtkHScrollbar" style "clearlooks-hscrollbar"
class "GtkRadio*" style "clearlooks-radiocheck"
class "GtkCheck*" style "clearlooks-radiocheck"
# General matching following, the order is choosen so that the right styles override each other eg. progressbar needs to be more important then the menu match.
# This is not perfect, it could be done better (That is modify *every* widget in the notebook, and change those back that we really don't want changed)
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkEventBox>" style "clearlooks-notebook-bg"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkDrawingArea>" style "clearlooks-notebook-bg"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkLayout>" style "clearlooks-notebook-bg"
widget_class "*.GtkNotebook.*.GtkViewport" style "clearlooks-notebook"
widget_class "*<GtkButton>" style "clearlooks-button"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>" style "clearlooks-notebook"
widget_class "*<GtkStatusbar>*" style "clearlooks-statusbar"
widget_class "*<GtkComboBoxEntry>*" style "clearlooks-comboboxentry"
widget_class "*<GtkCombo>*" style "clearlooks-comboboxentry"
widget_class "*<GtkMenuBar>*" style "clearlooks-menubar"
widget_class "*<GtkMenu>*" style "clearlooks-menu"
widget_class "*<GtkMenuItem>*" style "clearlooks-menu-item"
widget_class "*<GtkSeparatorMenuItem>*" style "clearlooks-separator-menu-item"
widget_class "*.<GtkFrame>.<GtkLabel>" style "clearlooks-frame-title"
widget_class "*.<GtkTreeView>*" style "clearlooks-treeview"
widget_class "*<GtkProgressBar>" style "clearlooks-progressbar"
# Treeview header
widget_class "*.<GtkTreeView>.<GtkButton>" style "clearlooks-treeview-header"
widget_class "*.<GtkCTree>.<GtkButton>" style "clearlooks-treeview-header"
widget_class "*.<GtkList>.<GtkButton>" style "clearlooks-treeview-header"
widget_class "*.<GtkCList>.<GtkButton>" style "clearlooks-treeview-header"
# Workarounds for Evolution
widget_class "*.ETable.ECanvas" style "clearlooks-treeview-header"
widget_class "*.ETree.ECanvas" style "clearlooks-treeview-header"
widget_class "*GtkCTree*" style "evolution-hack"
widget_class "*GtkList*" style "evolution-hack"
widget_class "*GtkCList*" style "evolution-hack"
widget_class "*.ETree.*" style "evolution-hack"
widget_class "*EInfoLabel*" style "evolution-hack"
# The window of the tooltip is called "gtk-tooltip"
# This will not work if one embeds eg. a button into the tooltip.
# As far as I can tell right now we will need to rework the theme
# quite a bit to get this working correctly.
# (It will involve setting different priorities, etc.)
widget "gtk-tooltip*" style "clearlooks-tooltips"
# Special case the nautilus-extra-view-widget
# ToDo: A more generic approach for all applications that have a widget like this.
widget "*.nautilus-extra-view-widget" style : highest "clearlooks-nautilus-location"
# Work around for
# Note that the work around assumes that the combobox is _not_ in appears-as-list mode.
# This style does not affect GtkComboBoxEntry, it does have an effect on comboboxes in appears-as-list mode though.
style "clearlooks-text-is-fg-color-workaround"
text[NORMAL] = @fg_color
text[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color
text[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
text[ACTIVE] = @fg_color
text[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color)
widget_class "*.<GtkComboBox>.<GtkCellView>" style "clearlooks-text-is-fg-color-workaround"
style "clearlooks-menuitem-text-is-fg-color-workaround"
text[NORMAL] = @fg_color
text[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
text[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
text[ACTIVE] = @fg_color
text[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color)
widget "*.gtk-combobox-popup-menu.*" style "clearlooks-menuitem-text-is-fg-color-workaround"
# Work around the usage of GtkLabel inside GtkListItems to display text.
# This breaks because the label is shown on a background that is based on the base color set.
style "clearlooks-fg-is-text-color-workaround"
fg[NORMAL] = @text_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = @text_color
fg[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color
fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
fg[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color)
widget_class "*<GtkListItem>*" style "clearlooks-fg-is-text-color-workaround"
# The same problem also exists for GtkCList and GtkCTree.
# Only match GtkCList and not the parent widgets, because that would also change the headers.
widget_class "*<GtkCList>" style "clearlooks-fg-is-text-color-workaround"
widget_class "*<EelEditableLabel>" style "clearlooks-fg-is-text-color-workaround"
# The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is 42.
style "xfdesktop-icon-view" {
XfdesktopIconView::label-alpha = 00
base[NORMAL] = "#000000"
base[SELECTED] = "#fdf6f6"
base[ACTIVE] = "#fdf6f6"
fg[NORMAL] = "#ffffff"
fg[SELECTED] = "#ffffff"
fg[ACTIVE] = "#ffffff"
widget_class "*XfdesktopIconView*" style "xfdesktop-icon-view"
If I understand correctly, you want to highlight (with a different color) the active task item in the Task List on the panel. I was going to point you to panel styling in the Xfce wiki (, under 'Gtkrc files'), but I don't think that would work, because the Task List is a separate applet operating on the panel. I found a tasklist-2.rc file buried in ~/.config/, but it doesn't have styling options.
I don't use Task List myself and haven't tried modifying it. Anyone else?
Hi-found help on panel.rc need to be changed: still-can not find how to change only fonts color-but now it is also better as before:
I think that font colors are not handled in panel.rc-but can not find anything that should point it in gtkrc-i mean, i found colors, but have no idea what to change.
Well I guess this is the tread I'm looking for.
I want to change the color of active windows in xfce panel on NUMIX theme.
According to what is written above I should change "bg[ACTIVE]" color. The point is that whatever I do to the original skin, I end up with completely broken skin. Here is the original gtk2rc file:
# Numix GTK Theme
gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color:#dedede\nfg_color:#555555\nbase_color:#f9f9f9\ntext_color:#333333\nselected_bg_color:#d64937\nselected_fg_color:#f9f9f9\ntooltip_bg_color:#2d2d2d\ntooltip_fg_color:#dedede\ntitlebar_bg_color:#2d2d2d\ntitlebar_fg_color:#dcdcdc\nmenubar_bg_color:#2d2d2d\nmenubar_fg_color:#dcdcdc\ntoolbar_bg_color:#dedede\ntoolbar_fg_color:#555555\nmenu_bg_color:#2d2d2d\nmenu_fg_color:#dcdcdc\npanel_bg_color:#2d2d2d\npanel_fg_color:#dcdcdc\nlink_color:#fc6f5d"
# Default Style
style "murrine-default" {
GtkArrow::arrow-scaling= 0.6
GtkButton::child-displacement-x = 0
GtkButton::child-displacement-y = 0
GtkButton::default-border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
GtkButtonBox::child-min-height = 26
GtkCheckButton::indicator-size = 16
# The following line hints to gecko (and possibly other appliations)
# that the entry should be drawn transparently on the canvas.
# Without this, gecko will fill in the background of the entry.
GtkEntry::honors-transparent-bg-hint = 1
GtkEntry::state-hint = 0
GtkExpander::expander-size = 16
GtkImage::x-ayatana-indicator-dynamic = 1
GtkMenu::horizontal-padding = 0
GtkMenu::vertical-padding = 0
GtkMenuBar::internal-padding = 0
GtkMenuBar::window-dragging = 1
GtkMenuItem::arrow-scaling= 0.5
GtkPaned::handle-size = 1
GtkProgressBar::min-horizontal-bar-height = 12
GtkProgressBar::min-vertical-bar-width = 12
GtkRange::trough-border = 0
GtkRange::slider-width = 12
GtkRange::stepper-size = 12
GtkRange::stepper_spacing = 0
GtkRange::trough-under-steppers = 1
GtkScale::slider-length = 16
GtkScale::slider-width = 16
GtkScale::trough-side-details = 1
GtkScrollbar::activate-slider = 1
GtkScrollbar::has-backward-stepper = 0
GtkScrollbar::has-forward-stepper = 0
GtkScrollbar::has-secondary-backward-stepper = 0
GtkScrollbar::has-secondary-forward-stepper = 0
GtkScrollbar::min-slider-length = 80
GtkScrollbar::slider-width = 12
GtkScrollbar::trough-border = 0
GtkScrolledWindow::scrollbar-spacing = 0
GtkScrolledWindow::scrollbars-within-bevel = 1
GtkSeparatorMenuItem::horizontal-padding = 0
GtkToolbar::internal-padding = 0
GtkTreeView::expander-size = 11
GtkTreeView::vertical-separator = 0
GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 1
# The following line prevents the Firefox tabs
# from jumping a few pixels when you create a new tab
GtkWidget::focus-padding = 0
GtkWidget::wide-separators = 1
GtkWidget::separator-width = 1
GtkWidget::separator-height = 1
GtkWindow::resize-grip-height = 0
GtkWindow::resize-grip-width = 0
WnckTasklist::fade-overlay-rect = 0
GnomeHRef::link_color = @link_color
GtkHTML::link-color = @link_color
GtkIMHtmlr::hyperlink-color = @link_color
GtkIMHtml::hyperlink-color = @link_color
GtkWidget::link-color = @link_color
GtkWidget::visited-link-color = @text_color
GtkToolbar::shadow-type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE # Makes toolbars flat and unified
GtkMenuBar::shadow-type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE # Makes menubars flat and unified
xthickness = 1
ythickness = 1
fg[NORMAL] = @fg_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color
fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
fg[ACTIVE] = @fg_color
fg[INSENSITIVE] = mix (0.5, @bg_color, @fg_color)
bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.02, @bg_color)
bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.9, @bg_color)
bg[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color
base[NORMAL] = @base_color
base[PRELIGHT] = shade (0.95, @base_color)
base[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color
base[ACTIVE] = @selected_bg_color
base[INSENSITIVE] = shade (0.85, @base_color)
text[NORMAL] = @text_color
text[PRELIGHT] = @text_color
text[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
text[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color
text[INSENSITIVE] = mix (0.5, @base_color, @text_color)
engine "murrine" {
animation = FALSE
arrowstyle = 1 # 0 = normal arrows, 1 = filled arrows
border_shades = { 1.0, 1.0 } # gradient to draw on border
colorize_scrollbar = FALSE
comboboxstyle = 0 # 0 = normal combobox, 1 = colorized combobox below arrow
contrast = 0.8 # overal contrast with borders
focusstyle = 1 # 0 = none, 1 = grey dotted, 2 = colored with fill, 3 = colored glow
glazestyle = 0 # 0 = flat highlight, 1 = curved highlight, 2 = concave, 3 = top curved highlight, 4 = beryl highlight
glowstyle = 0 # 0 = glow on top, 1 = glow on bottom, 2 = glow on top and bottom, 3 = glow on middle vertically, 4 = glow on middle horizontally, 5 = glow on all sides
glow_shade = 1.0 # amount of glow
gradient_shades = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 } # gradient to draw on widgets
highlight_shade = 1.0 # amount of highlight
lightborder_shade = 1.0 # amount of inset light border
lightborderstyle = 1 # 0 = lightborder on top side, 1 = lightborder on all sides
listviewheaderstyle = 0 # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = raised
listviewstyle = 0 # 0 = none, 1 = dotted, 2 = line
menubaritemstyle = 0 # 0 = menuitem look, 1 = button look
menubarstyle = 0 # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = gradient, 3 = striped
menuitemstyle = 0 # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = striped
menustyle = 0 # 0 = none, 1 = vertical striped
progressbarstyle = 0 # 0 = none, 1 = diagonal striped, 2 = vertical striped
reliefstyle = 0 # 0 = flat, 1 = inset, 2 = shadow, 3 = shadow with gradient, 4 = stronger shadow with gradient
roundness = 2 # roundness of widgets
scrollbarstyle = 0 # 0 = none, 1 = circles, 2 = handles, 3 = diagonal stripes, 4 = diagonal stripes and handles, 5 = horizontal stripes, 6 = horizontal stripes and handles
sliderstyle = 0 # 0 = none, 1 = handles
stepperstyle = 1 # 0 = standard, 1 = integrated stepper handles
toolbarstyle = 0 # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = gradient
style "murrine-wide" {
xthickness = 2
ythickness = 2
style "murrine-wider" {
xthickness = 3
ythickness = 3
style "murrine-thin" {
xthickness = 0
ythickness = 0
# Notebook
style "murrine-notebook-bg" {
bg[NORMAL] = @base_color
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.87, @base_color)
style "murrine-notebook" = "murrine-notebook-bg" {
xthickness = 2
ythickness = 2
engine "murrine" {
roundness = 2
# Various Standard Widgets
style "murrine-button" = "murrine-wider" {
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.08, @bg_color)
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.10, @bg_color)
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.95, nselected_bg_color)
bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (0.85, @bg_color)
engine "murrine" {
style "murrine-scrollbar" {
bg[NORMAL] = mix (0.21, @fg_color, @bg_color)
bg[PRELIGHT] = mix (0.31, @fg_color, @bg_color)
bg[ACTIVE] = @selected_bg_color
engine "murrine" {
roundness = 0
contrast = 0.0
border_shades = { 0.9, 0.9 }
trough_shades = { 0.97, 0.97 }
trough_border_shades = { 1.0, 1.0 }
style "murrine-overlay-scrollbar" {
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.8, @bg_color)
bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (0.97, @bg_color)
base[SELECTED] = shade (0.6, @base_color)
base[INSENSITIVE] = shade (0.85, @base_color)
style "murrine-scale" = "murrine-thin" {
bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
bg[ACTIVE] = @bg_color
bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color
bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (0.95, @bg_color)
engine "murrine" {
roundness = 8
gradient_shades = { 1.08, 1.08, 1.08, 1.08 }
border_shades = { 1.0, 1.0 }
trough_shades = { 1.08, 1.08 }
trough_border_shades = { 0.8, 0.8 }
style "murrine-progressbar" = "murrine-thin" {
bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (1.08, @bg_color)
fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
engine "murrine" {
roundness = 2
border_shades = { 1.2, 1.2 }
trough_border_shades = { 0.8, 0.8 }
style "murrine-treeview-header" = "murrine-button" {
engine "murrine" {
roundness = 0
style "murrine-treeview" {
engine "murrine" {
roundness = 0
style "murrine-frame-title" {
fg[NORMAL] = lighter (@fg_color)
style "murrine-tooltips" {
xthickness = 5
ythickness = 5
bg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_bg_color
bg[SELECTED] = @tooltip_bg_color
fg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_fg_color
engine "murrine" {
textstyle = 0
roundness = 2
rgba = FALSE
style "murrine-spinbutton" = "murrine-button" {
engine "murrine" {
style "murrine-radiocheck" = "murrine-default" {
bg[SELECTED] = @base_color
text[NORMAL] = @selected_bg_color
text[PRELIGHT] = @selected_bg_color
style "murrine-entry" = "murrine-wider" {
engine "murrine" {
border_shades = { 1.15, 1.15 }
style "metacity-frame" = "murrine-default" {
bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color
style "murrine-statusbar" { }
style "murrine-comboboxentry" = "murrine-entry" { }
style "murrine-hscale" = "murrine-scale" { }
style "murrine-vscale" = "murrine-scale" { }
style "murrine-hscrollbar" = "murrine-scrollbar" { }
style "murrine-vscrollbar" = "murrine-scrollbar" { }
# Menus
style "murrine-menu" = "murrine-thin" {
bg[NORMAL] = @menu_bg_color
bg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_bg_color
bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color
bg[ACTIVE] = @menu_bg_color
bg[INSENSITIVE] = @menu_bg_color
fg[NORMAL] = @menu_fg_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
fg[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color
fg[INSENSITIVE] = mix (0.5, @menu_bg_color, @menu_fg_color)
text[NORMAL] = @menu_fg_color
text[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
text[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
text[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color
text[INSENSITIVE] = mix (0.5, @menu_bg_color, @menu_fg_color)
engine "murrine" {
roundness = 0
style "murrine-menu-item" = "murrine-wider" {
bg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_bg_color
bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color
bg[ACTIVE] = @selected_bg_color
fg[NORMAL] = @menu_fg_color # Fix for XFCE menu text
fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
fg[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color
fg[INSENSITIVE] = mix (0.5, @menu_bg_color, @menu_fg_color)
engine "murrine" {
textstyle = 0
border_shades = { 1.2, 1.2 }
style "murrine-separator-menu-item" = "murrine-thin" { }
style "murrine-menubar" {
bg[NORMAL] = @menubar_bg_color
bg[PRELIGHT] = mix (0.21, @menubar_fg_color, @menubar_bg_color)
bg[SELECTED] = mix (0.21, @menubar_fg_color, @menubar_bg_color)
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.9, @menubar_bg_color)
bg[INSENSITIVE] = @menubar_bg_color
fg[NORMAL] = @menubar_fg_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.08, @menubar_fg_color)
fg[SELECTED] = shade (1.08, @menubar_fg_color)
fg[ACTIVE] = @menubar_fg_color
fg[INSENSITIVE] = mix (0.5, @menubar_bg_color, @menubar_fg_color)
engine "murrine" {
roundness = 0
style "murrine-menubaritem" {
bg[NORMAL] = @menubar_bg_color
bg[PRELIGHT] = mix (0.21, @menubar_fg_color, @menubar_bg_color)
bg[SELECTED] = mix (0.21, @menubar_fg_color, @menubar_bg_color)
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.9, @menubar_bg_color)
bg[INSENSITIVE] = @menubar_bg_color
fg[NORMAL] = @menubar_fg_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.08, @menubar_fg_color)
fg[SELECTED] = shade (1.08, @menubar_fg_color)
fg[ACTIVE] = @menubar_fg_color
fg[INSENSITIVE] = mix (0.5, @menubar_bg_color, @menubar_fg_color)
engine "murrine" {
roundness = 0
# Toolbars
style "murrine-toolbar" = "murrine-thin" {
bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.02, @bg_color)
bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.9, @bg_color)
bg[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color
fg[NORMAL] = @fg_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color
fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
fg[ACTIVE] = @fg_color
fg[INSENSITIVE] = mix (0.5, @bg_color, @fg_color)
engine "murrine" {
style "murrine-toolbutton" = "murrine-button" {
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.08, @bg_color)
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.10, @bg_color)
bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.95, @bg_color)
bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (0.85, @bg_color)
fg[NORMAL] = @fg_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color
fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
fg[ACTIVE] = @fg_color
fg[INSENSITIVE] = mix (0.5, @bg_color, @fg_color)
engine "murrine" {
class "GtkToolbar" style "murrine-toolbar"
class "GtkHandleBox" style "murrine-toolbar"
widget_class "*Toolbar*.*Separator*" style "murrine-toolbar"
# Panels
style "murrine-panel" = "murrine-thin" {
xthickness = 2
bg[NORMAL] = @panel_bg_color
bg[PRELIGHT] = mix (0.21, @panel_fg_color, @panel_bg_color)
bg[SELECTED] = mix (0.21, @panel_fg_color, @panel_bg_color)
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.8, @panel_bg_color)
bg[INSENSITIVE] = @panel_bg_color
fg[NORMAL] = @panel_fg_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.08, @panel_fg_color)
fg[SELECTED] = shade (1.08, @panel_fg_color)
fg[ACTIVE] = @panel_fg_color
fg[INSENSITIVE] = mix (0.5, @panel_bg_color, @panel_fg_color)
base[NORMAL] = @panel_bg_color
base[PRELIGHT] = mix (0.21, @panel_fg_color, @panel_bg_color)
base[SELECTED] = mix (0.21, @panel_fg_color, @panel_bg_color)
base[ACTIVE] = shade (0.9, @panel_bg_color)
base[INSENSITIVE] = @panel_bg_color
text[NORMAL] = @panel_fg_color
text[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.08, @panel_fg_color)
text[SELECTED] = shade (1.08, @panel_fg_color)
text[ACTIVE] = @panel_fg_color
text[INSENSITIVE] = mix (0.5, @panel_bg_color, @panel_fg_color)
engine "murrine" {
roundness = 0
contrast = 0.0
widget "*PanelWidget*" style "murrine-panel"
widget "*PanelApplet*" style "murrine-panel"
widget "*fast-user-switch*" style "murrine-panel"
widget "*CPUFreq*Applet*" style "murrine-panel"
widget "*indicator-applet*" style "murrine-panel"
class "PanelApp*" style "murrine-panel"
class "PanelToplevel*" style "murrine-panel"
widget_class "*PanelToplevel*" style "murrine-panel"
widget_class "*notif*" style "murrine-panel"
widget_class "*Notif*" style "murrine-panel"
widget_class "*Tray*" style "murrine-panel"
widget_class "*tray*" style "murrine-panel"
widget_class "*computertemp*" style "murrine-panel"
widget_class "*Applet*Tomboy*" style "murrine-panel"
widget_class "*Applet*Netstatus*" style "murrine-panel"
widget "*gdm-user-switch-menubar*" style "murrine-panel"
style "bold-panel-item" {
font_name = "Bold"
engine "murrine" {
roundness = 0
widget "*Panel*MenuBar*" style "bold-panel-item"
widget "*gimmie*" style "bold-panel-item"
# widget_class "*Mail*" style "murrine-panel" # Disabled to fix Evolution bug
# class "*Panel*" style "murrine-panel" # Disabled to fix bug
# XFCE Styles
style "workspace-switcher" = "murrine-panel" {
bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color
style "xfce-header" {
bg[NORMAL] = shade (0.9, @bg_color)
base[NORMAL] = shade (1.18, @bg_color)
style "xfdesktop-windowlist" {
bg[NORMAL] = @base_color
fg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (0.95, @base_color)
text[INSENSITIVE] = shade (0.95, @base_color)
style "xfdesktop-icon-view" {
XfdesktopIconView::label-alpha = 0
XfdesktopIconView::selected-label-alpha = 60
XfdesktopIconVIew::ellipsize-icon-labels = 1
base[NORMAL] = @selected_bg_color
base[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color
base[ACTIVE] = @selected_bg_color
fg[NORMAL] = @selected_fg_color
fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
fg[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color
engine "murrine" {
textstyle = 5
text_shade = 0.05
style "xfwm-tabwin" {
Xfwm4TabwinWidget::border-width = 0
Xfwm4TabwinWidget::icon-size = 64
bg[NORMAL] = @menu_bg_color
fg[NORMAL] = @menu_fg_color
engine "murrine" {
focusstyle = 0
style "xfsm-logout" {
bg[NORMAL] = @menu_bg_color
bg[ACTIVE] = @menu_bg_color
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.1, @menu_bg_color)
bg[SELECTED] = shade (0.5, @menu_bg_color)
bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (1.3, @menu_bg_color)
fg[NORMAL] = @menu_fg_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = @menu_fg_color
text[NORMAL] = @menu_fg_color
engine "murrine" {
style "xfsm-logout-button" {
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.2, @menu_bg_color)
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.4, @menu_bg_color)
engine "murrine" {
widget "*WnckPager*" style "workspace-switcher"
widget "*Xfce*Panel*" style "murrine-panel"
class "*Xfce*Panel*" style "murrine-panel"
# Thunar Styles
style "sidepane" {
base[NORMAL] = @bg_color
base[INSENSITIVE] = mix (0.4, shade (1.35, @selected_bg_color), shade (0.9, @base_color))
bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
text[NORMAL] = mix (0.9, @fg_color, @bg_color)
widget_class "*ThunarShortcutsView*" style "sidepane"
widget_class "*ThunarTreeView*" style "sidepane"
widget_class "*ThunarLocationEntry*" style "murrine-entry"
# Gtk2 Open-File Dialog
widget_class "*GtkFileChooserWidget.GtkFileChooserDefault.GtkVBox.GtkHPaned.GtkVBox.GtkScrolledWindow.GtkTreeView*" style "sidepane"
widget_class "*GtkFileChooserWidget.GtkFileChooserDefault.GtkVBox.GtkHPaned.GtkVBox.GtkScrolledWindow.<GtkTreeView>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
# Google Chrome/Chromium Styles (requires 9.0.597 or newer)
style "chromium-toolbar-button" {
engine "murrine" {
roundness = 2
textstyle = 0
style "chrome-gtk-frame" {
ChromeGtkFrame::frame-color = @titlebar_bg_color
ChromeGtkFrame::inactive-frame-color = @titlebar_bg_color
ChromeGtkFrame::frame-gradient-size = 0
ChromeGtkFrame::frame-gradient-color = @titlebar_bg_color
ChromeGtkFrame::incognito-frame-color = @titlebar_bg_color
ChromeGtkFrame::incognito-inactive-frame-color = @titlebar_bg_color
ChromeGtkFrame::incognito-frame-gradient-size = 0
ChromeGtkFrame::incognito-frame-gradient-color = @titlebar_bg_color
ChromeGtkFrame::scrollbar-trough-color = @bg_color
ChromeGtkFrame::scrollbar-slider-normal-color = mix (0.21, @fg_color, @bg_color)
ChromeGtkFrame::scrollbar-slider-prelight-color = mix (0.31, @fg_color, @bg_color)
class "ChromeGtkFrame" style "chrome-gtk-frame"
widget_class "*Chrom*Button*" style "chromium-toolbar-button"
# General Styles
class "GtkWidget" style "murrine-default"
class "GtkFrame" style "murrine-wide"
class "MetaFrames" style "metacity-frame"
class "GtkWindow" style "metacity-frame"
class "GtkSeparator" style "murrine-wide"
class "GtkCalendar" style "murrine-wide"
class "GtkSpinButton" style "murrine-spinbutton"
class "GtkScale" style "murrine-scale"
class "GtkVScale" style "murrine-vscale"
class "GtkHScale" style "murrine-hscale"
class "GtkScrollbar" style "murrine-scrollbar"
class "GtkVScrollbar" style "murrine-vscrollbar"
class "GtkHScrollbar" style "murrine-hscrollbar"
class "GtkRadio*" style "murrine-radiocheck"
class "GtkCheck*" style "murrine-radiocheck"
class "GtkEntry" style "murrine-entry"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>" style "murrine-notebook"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkEventBox>" style "murrine-notebook-bg"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkDrawingArea>" style "murrine-notebook-bg"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkLayout>" style "murrine-notebook-bg"
widget_class "*.GtkNotebook.*.GtkViewport" style "murrine-notebook"
widget_class "*<GtkButton>" style "murrine-button"
widget_class "*<GtkStatusbar>*" style "murrine-statusbar"
widget_class "*<GtkProgress>" style "murrine-progressbar"
widget_class "*<GtkProgressBar>" style "murrine-progressbar"
widget_class "*<GtkComboBoxEntry>*" style "murrine-comboboxentry"
widget_class "*<GtkCombo>*" style "murrine-comboboxentry"
widget_class "*<GtkMenu>*" style "murrine-menu"
widget_class "*<GtkMenuItem>*" style "murrine-menu-item"
widget_class "*<GtkSeparatorMenuItem>*" style "murrine-separator-menu-item"
widget_class "*Menu*.*Sepa*" style "murrine-separator-menu-item"
widget_class "*<GtkMenuBar>*" style "murrine-menubar"
widget_class "*<GtkMenuBar>*<GtkMenuItem>*" style "murrine-menubaritem"
widget_class "*GtkToolButton*" style "murrine-toolbutton"
widget_class "*GtkToggleToolButton*" style "murrine-toolbutton"
widget_class "*GtkMenuToolButton*" style "murrine-toolbutton"
widget_class "*GtkToolbar*Button" style "murrine-toolbutton"
widget_class "*.<GtkFrame>.<GtkLabel>" style "murrine-frame-title"
widget_class "*.<GtkTreeView>*" style "murrine-treeview"
widget_class "*.<GtkTreeView>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
widget_class "*.<GtkCTree>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
widget_class "*.<GtkList>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
widget_class "*.<GtkCList>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
widget "gtk-tooltip*" style "murrine-tooltips"
widget_class "*<GtkScrolledWindow>*<OsScrollbar>" style "murrine-overlay-scrollbar"
# Workarounds and Non-Standard Styling
style "text-is-fg-color-workaround" {
text[NORMAL] = @text_color
text[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color
text[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
text[ACTIVE] = @fg_color
text[INSENSITIVE] = mix (0.5, @bg_color, @fg_color)
widget_class "*.<GtkComboBox>.<GtkCellView>" style "text-is-fg-color-workaround"
style "fg-is-text-color-workaround" {
fg[NORMAL] = @text_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = @text_color
fg[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color
fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
fg[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@fg_color)
widget_class "*<GtkListItem>*" style "fg-is-text-color-workaround"
widget_class "*<GtkCList>" style "fg-is-text-color-workaround"
widget_class "*<EelEditableLabel>" style "fg-is-text-color-workaround"
style "murrine-evo-new-button-workaround" {
engine "murrine" {
toolbarstyle = 0
widget_class "EShellWindow.GtkVBox.BonoboDock.BonoboDockBand.BonoboDockItem*" style "murrine-evo-new-button-workaround"
style "inkscape-toolbar-fix" {
engine "murrine" {
gradient_shades = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }
highlight_shade = 1.0
#widget "*GtkHandleBox*" style "inkscape-toolbar-fix"
#widget "*HandleBox*CommandsToolbar*" style "inkscape-toolbar-fix"
#widget "*HandleBox*SnapToolbar*" style "inkscape-toolbar-fix"
widget "*HandleBox*SelectToolbar*" style "inkscape-toolbar-fix"
widget "*HandleBox*NodeToolbar*" style "inkscape-toolbar-fix"
widget "*HandleBox*TweakToolbar*" style "inkscape-toolbar-fix"
widget "*HandleBox*ZoomToolbar*" style "inkscape-toolbar-fix"
widget "*HandleBox*StarToolbar*" style "inkscape-toolbar-fix"
widget "*HandleBox*RectToolbar*" style "inkscape-toolbar-fix"
widget "*HandleBox*3DBoxToolbar*" style "inkscape-toolbar-fix"
widget "*HandleBox*ArcToolbar*" style "inkscape-toolbar-fix"
widget "*HandleBox*SpiralToolbar*" style "inkscape-toolbar-fix"
widget "*HandleBox*PencilToolbar*" style "inkscape-toolbar-fix"
widget "*HandleBox*PenToolbar*" style "inkscape-toolbar-fix"
widget "*HandleBox*CalligraphyToolbar*" style "inkscape-toolbar-fix"
widget "*HandleBox*EraserToolbar*" style "inkscape-toolbar-fix"
widget "*HandleBox*LPEToolToolbar*" style "inkscape-toolbar-fix"
widget "*HandleBox*DropperToolbar*" style "inkscape-toolbar-fix"
widget "*HandleBox*ConnectorToolbar*" style "inkscape-toolbar-fix"
widget "*HandleBox*PaintbucketToolbar*" style "inkscape-toolbar-fix"
# Performance Fixes
style "performance-fix" {
engine "murrine" {
textstyle = 0
widget_class "*gtkmm__GtkWindow*" style "performance-fix" # Inkscape
widget_class "*GimpDisplayShell*" style "performance-fix" # Gimp
widget_class "*GimpToolbox*" style "performance-fix"
widget_class "*GimpMenuDock*" style "performance-fix"
widget "*OOoFixed*" style "performance-fix" # Openoffice/Libreoffice
widget_class "*MozContainer*" style "performance-fix" # Firefox (Not sure if this one does anything though.)
widget_class "*XfceHeading*" style "xfce-header"
widget_class "*XfceDesktop*" style "xfdesktop-windowlist"
widget_class "*XfdesktopIconView*" style "xfdesktop-icon-view"
widget "xfwm4-tabwin*" style "xfwm-tabwin"
widget_class "*XfsmLogoutDialog*" style "xfsm-logout"
widget_class "*XfsmLogoutDialog*GtkButton" style "xfsm-logout-button"
Any help would be appreciated.
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