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#1 2013-07-04 08:50:31

Registered: 2013-07-04
Posts: 1

Prb with Xfce 4.10 and Audio Mixer, missing option.

I'll just upgrading Xfce 4.8 on a Debian Wheezy (7.1) to Xfce4.10 from the testing branch, the upgrade works well.
But, I see that the audio mixer plugin not show anymore the "Command" option, when I check the properties of this plugins.

The version of the audio mixer in Xfce4.8 show this option, below two combobox.

Why this "regression" in Xfce4.10 ? Only the two previous comboxbox are present in the properties. Now I can't set a custom command (ie. pavucontrol) that's start when I click on the icon in the systray ?


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