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#1 2013-12-20 11:57:31

Registered: 2013-12-20
Posts: 5

How to move notifications to second monitor?


How does one set notifications to appear on additional monitor rather than the primary?

Notifications Settings allow for moving of notifaction area on primary, but does not regognize second display, ie bottom right is bottom right of monitor 1, not 2.

I want notifications to appear on the bottom right hand corner of Display 2.

My setup is:

Debian Jessie with XFCE4 (dual dispay spanned not mirrored.)

In startup I have the below which configures dsiplay to span rather than mirror.

xrandr --output DVI-I-1 --left-of VGA-1

And I have: 'xdotool' installed so i can 'move-to-next-monitor' with a keyboard shortcut.

Ultimatley I'm trying to get Skype notfications to appear this way too, and am hoping that in fidning a sollution to this I may solve my Skype notification issue too.

NB: I have seen this work so know it's possible!

On my work PC I've same setup and on random days my Skype Notifications appear on the bottom right hand corner of my addition monitor, but can not work our how / why.

Any assistance greatly appreaciated.



#2 2013-12-20 12:54:06

Registered: 2013-12-20
Posts: 5

Re: How to move notifications to second monitor?

In writing this I've solved the first part of my question:

Application Menu -> Settings -> Notifications

Move Notifications window / box from Left monitor to Right with xdotool  'move-to-next-monitor' keyboard shortcut

Select Default postion: Bottom (or top) right and slect 'Preview'

Notification now displays on second monitor.

No luck as yet with Skype, when moving Skype to second monitor; the notifications simply stop for a while then reapear back on monitor 1


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