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Good evening
I have installed something called "tuxtrans" which is based on Ubuntu 14.04.
In Ubuntu I was able to set up language support (need: Japanese, English and German),
enable the Japanese input method and switching between Japanese/English (or German) as well as the keyboard layouts.
So far I could not find the relevant settings in Xubuntu.
Could somebody please direct to the places, where I can make the relevant settings?
Thank you.
Ohaio... I mean hellow and welcom to Xfce forum.
Your sentences are only afirmations....
* do you want change keyboard layout?
* do you want change language from japanesse, english, german?
keyboard layout if for the "change keyboard layout" issue.
The language thing I remmember that in the login screen you have in one place the hability to change, but maybe that could be different fomr your.
Xfce use transifex for translation things.
Last edited by Jristz (2014-08-05 06:02:48)
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yes, I managed to set up the required keyboard layouts, but ...
"language support" hangs = does NOT download the necessary dictionaries etc. when I try to install "other languages".
Not even restarting the computer changes that. It is always the same: an inidicator bar supposed to show the "progress", which does not happen.
I also noticed, that "Ubuntu Software Center" crashes (shuts down) whenever I try to activate it.
That cannot be normal.
May I state this again ...
Would somebody PLEASE point me into the right direction?
Good evening (again)
I am for the last 3 days trying to enable Japanese input.
That includes a complete new installation.
I am also asking this on the Japanese list, but do not get any answers.
* Installed (completely new) 14.04
* language support -> update -> add languages -> English / German / Japanese installed
* ad keyboard layout -> Japanese (the PC, was determined during installation) + German
* under "input method" it says "Ibus"
* also installed via the Software center something like ibus-m17m / mozc / fcitx (whatever these things are)
* read: .. but cannot make any sense out of that.
anyway, trying to execute the instructions there DO NOT enable Japanese input
I assume, I am missing something. Maybe the necessity to execute one of those million character long commands in the terminal?
* as I said before: under 12.04 I went to "language support" -> choose input method -> ibus -> activate = OK.
I would really appreciate some advice as to how to activate this function.
Thank you.
here is what I have done:
sudo apt-get install ibus ibus-anthy
ibus-daemon -d (on success there should appear a popup telling you that you can press Shift+Space)
RMB on newly appeared icon in systray -> preferences->input method -> add -> japanese - Anthy
LMB on sysicon -> choose japanese
LMB on sysicon -> Input Method Japanese
Go into a text editor, press Shift+Space to activate ibus
Start typing, e.g. 'yatta' and press enter to get the raw hiragana, F7+Enter to get it in katakana and up/down arrows or tab to choose one of the dictionary conversions e.g. kanji
I basically followed this: … untulinux/
I also tried these: … _using_uim … usty-tahr/
but they were too complicated or incompatible with XFCE or did not work.
Btw, ZKanji works fine for me in wine.
Last edited by xyzdragon (2016-08-27 17:41:21)
I know nothing about all this, but I know how to do an internet search, and this one led me quickly to this page on how to write Japanese using tuxtrans:
Have you looked at that already?
MX-23 (based on Debian Stable) with our flagship Xfce 4.18.
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