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As a complete newbie to git and to XFCE development, I had to work out how to build a debug version of Thunar. I couldn't find any step-by-step guide explaining how to achieve this, so I put together my own set of instructions for future reference. I decided to post it here in case anyone else is interested in XFCE development in Linux Mint.
# #
# Building a debug version of XFCE Thunar from the Git repository #
# #
# in Linux Mint 17.1 XFCE x64 #
# #
# Tested on 2015-06-26 using #
# default Mint installation + #
# sudo apt-get update + #
# sudo apt-get dist-upgrade #
# #
# #
####### Update XFCE via PPA ###############
# Note: Compilation error occurs unless XFCE is updated
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.12
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
####### Set up Git ###########
# Sign up for a free account at GitHub:
# install git
sudo apt-get install git
# Set your user name in git
git config --global 'Whoever'
# Set your email address from your GitHub account
git config --global ''
# Set the editor to use, eg. Geany
git config --global core.editor "geany -imnst"
# Set the diff tool to use, eg. meld
git config --global merge.tool meld
# Enable coloured output in git
git config --global color.ui 'auto'
# Create a general git directory to contain repositories
mkdir $HOME/git_repos
# Go to the git directory
cd $HOME/git_repos
# Grab the thunar git repository
git clone
# Go to the local copy of the Thunar repository
cd thunar
# Make up a new git branch name for development purposes
export BRANCH="Whoever_"$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
# Create a new Thunar git branch using the branch name
git branch $BRANCH
# Set the new git branch as the active one
git checkout $BRANCH
# Check that the active git branch is the correct one
git status
######## Install Thunar build dependencies ###############
sudo apt-get install build-essential xfce4-dev-tools automake libtool autoconf intltool libglib2.0-dev libgtk2.0-dev libexo-1-dev libxfce4ui-1-dev xsltproc docbook.xsl
######## Set the build environment variables #########
# Set the installation directory for Thunar, eg. "$HOME/thunar-test"
export PREFIX="$HOME/thunar-test"
# Set the path to the pkgconfig .pc files
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
# Unset CFLAGS for a debug build
export CFLAGS=""
mkdir $PREFIX
######### Generate a make script ##########################
# Still in the cloned Thunar repository directory, generate a configured 'make' script with debugging enabled
./ --prefix=${PREFIX} --enable-debug=full
# Note: produced this warning:
# Please add the files codeset.m4 gettext.m4 glibc21.m4 iconv.m4 isc-posix.m4 lcmessage.m4 progtest.m4
# from the /usr/share/aclocal directory to your autoconf macro directory or directly to your aclocal.m4 file.
# You will also need config.guess and config.sub, which you can get from
# A post at
# states: 'You can safely ignore the "Please add..." message. It is benign.'
######## Edit Thunar source files and build Thunar - repeat as required #############
# Edit the source files as required ...
# Build the files
# Note: Possible 'make' errors:
# "/bin/bash: xsltproc: command not found"
# This error is caused by an undocumented dependency on package 'xsltproc'.
# Solution: install the package 'xsltproc': 'sudo apt-get install xsltproc'
# xsltproc -nonet Thunar.xml
# I/O error : Attempt to load network entity
# warning: failed to load external entity ""
# cannot parse
# This error is caused by xsltproc being run without network access and then failing to download 'docbook.xsl'. (Duh!)
# Solution: install the package 'docbook.xsl' so it is available locally: 'sudo apt-get install docbook.xsl'
# Check that make worked
make check
# Install the newly built Thunar
make install
# Go to the directory of the newly installed executable
cd $PREFIX/bin
# Stop any running Thunar process
thunar -q
# Run the newly built executable
I couldn't find any step-by-step guide explaining how to achieve this, so I put together my own set of instructions for future reference. I decided to post it here in case anyone else is interested in XFCE development in Linux Mint.
Might be helpful to others in the future if you also posted this in the Xfce DE sub-forum at Mint's community web forum. I have, at times, gotten the impression that not everyone there realizes that there is an Xfce forum (this one).
Might be helpful to others in the future if you also posted this in the Xfce DE sub-forum at Mint's community web forum.
You da man! (Err... Unless You da woman, lol.)
Thanks to you - and everyone else - for doing stuff like this which probably ultimately helps us "dumb users" who basically just live in the GUI and never compile/modify/patch anything.
[ Generated in 0.008 seconds, 8 queries executed - Memory usage: 547.38 KiB (Peak: 548.22 KiB) ]