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#1 2015-09-20 22:14:50

From: East coast USA
Registered: 2015-09-13
Posts: 28

[Solved] Ubuntu 14.04.3 change ICON in properties

Using Xubuntu 14.04.3. I recently installed this distro, so there are a lot of things
I am trying to work out. This problem: I am unable to change the ICON in the file properties window.

On another Ubuntu 14.10 based PC, this works for any file when opening the properties window.
I am not sure if this can be accomplished using Xubuntu ?

Sorry, I attempted to insert a image to display, but I don't see where that can be done.


#2 2015-09-21 02:08:58

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: [Solved] Ubuntu 14.04.3 change ICON in properties

eightbits wrote:

Using Xubuntu 14.04.3. I recently installed this distro, so there are a lot of things
I am trying to work out. This problem: I am unable to change the ICON in the file properties window.

On another Ubuntu 14.10 based PC, this works for any file when opening the properties window.
I am not sure if this can be accomplished using Xubuntu ?

Sorry but no, not with Thunar.

Sorry, I attempted to insert a image to display, but I don't see where that can be done.

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#3 2015-09-21 16:51:37

From: East coast USA
Registered: 2015-09-13
Posts: 28

Re: [Solved] Ubuntu 14.04.3 change ICON in properties

Thank you ToZ. I guess I need to know more about the Xubuntu and it's components and requirements. Is there another way, if I understand , Thunar  is the file manager(?). and it is the file manager that handles those kinds of things such as how a file is displayed on the desk top(?). I will pay more attention to Thunar to understand that package.
Question: Is there another tool that can be used? I don't think this ruins using Ubuntu for me, I just have to accept what is different. But, if I am thinking correctly, Thunar can be replaced
with what ever is used for the Ubuntu distro and still get benefits from using Xubuntu.
But, Thank you for your quick response to my question.

I  will not mark this as solved yet, until i see if there is another method, then it will have to be marked solved.

Last edited by eightbits (2015-09-21 16:53:04)


#4 2015-09-21 17:26:38

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: [Solved] Ubuntu 14.04.3 change ICON in properties

Yes, thunar is the file manager. xfdesktop is the component that manages the desktop. Neither are capable of changing icons like you are asking.

However, nemo is a file manager that can both change the icons and manage the desktop (to get it to manage the desktop, I believe you need to stop xfdesktop first).

You can set the default file manager to use at Settings Manager > Preferred Applications > Utilities tab.
To get nemo to manage the desktop you need to prevent xfdesktop from starting. Try creating the file /usr/local/bin/xfdesktop with the following content:

exit 0

...and make it executable. This will override the installed xfdesktop executable and not start it. Then add nemo to your autostart applications and it should start managing the desktop.

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#5 2015-09-21 19:35:56

From: East coast USA
Registered: 2015-09-13
Posts: 28

Re: [Solved] Ubuntu 14.04.3 change ICON in properties

Ok ToZ:

To stop xfdektop, I need to creat a file that contains:

exit 0 

This is saved in the /usr/local/bin directory . When displaying (la -la) there is nothing in
this directory, is that correct  for this directory ?

I noticed I can not save a file without using sudo, is that what I should be experiencing ?

And lastly, by adding  the file “xfdesktop” and setting properties for this file as executable, can that
cause issues where there will be No desktop  and if so can the file be deleted somehow ?

I did install nemo and checked that off in the autostart applications window.


#6 2015-09-21 19:49:14

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: [Solved] Ubuntu 14.04.3 change ICON in properties

eightbits wrote:

Ok ToZ:

To stop xfdektop, I need to creat a file that contains:

exit 0 

This is saved in the /usr/local/bin directory . When displaying (la -la) there is nothing in
this directory, is that correct  for this directory ?

Yes. By default, most distros have nothing there. This directory is usually in your path before the regular /usr/bin (where most of the executables are stored), so putting a file here with the same name as the executable you want to override is one way to stop the executable from starting. Another way is to create a bin directory in your home directory and use it. Some distros don't specify this directory in your path so you may need to add it. Also using this location doesn't require sudo.

I noticed I can not save a file without using sudo, is that what I should be experiencing ?

Yes. Its a protected area so sudo (or root rights) are required.

And lastly, by adding  the file “xfdesktop” and setting properties for this file as executable, can that
cause issues where there will be No desktop  and if so can the file be deleted somehow ?

If there is no desktop, you can always start xfdesktop by pointing directly to the original executable:


...or delete the file you created in /usr/local/bin. But the effect here is that xfdesktop won't start (no desktop) and when nemo starts, it should start managing the desktop (at least in does on my Xubuntu 15.04 install).

I did install nemo and checked that off in the autostart applications window.

Log out and back in again and you should have nemo managing the desktop. Make sure you also make it your default file manager.

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#7 2015-09-21 20:32:07

From: East coast USA
Registered: 2015-09-13
Posts: 28

Re: [Solved] Ubuntu 14.04.3 change ICON in properties

OK, fantastic response ! I will attempt those actions per your several post. I am thinking that nemo (a part of Lint) which Lint is also supposed to be not so resource hungry is
a better alternative than nautilus . I will post back here and hopefully mark this as a solved post.


#8 2015-09-21 21:17:15

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: [Solved] Ubuntu 14.04.3 change ICON in properties

Something that you might run into when you remove xfdesktop is that you'll lose your wallpaper (nemo doesn't manage the wallpaper). You can use an app like nitrogen or feh to provide wallpaper services. Have a look at the Arch wiki information on both: Nitrogen and Feh. Although they are Arch wiki pages, the info in them should apply to other distros as well.

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#9 2015-09-22 02:47:31

From: East coast USA
Registered: 2015-09-13
Posts: 28

Re: [Solved] Ubuntu 14.04.3 change ICON in properties

ToZ: I followed your instructions and and it works. Not sure what the wall paper issue you mentioned. I did notice that the xfce menu I could get by right clicking
on the desk top does not bring up the window it did before. But, unless I am mistaken, I can still use the panel ICON that is in the upper left hand corner of the
panel and it brings up the same items from before. Am I correct on that?
The other pleasant results was that when clicking on a Desktop ICON that is a python file, I get the option to run in terminal, display(for editing) or run.
I did miss that using xfdesktop.
I think I am reaching the point where I have Xubuntu set like I want.
BTW, Is the nemo more efficent than nautilus?

I thank you very much for your assist in setting this up.  I think I can mark thsi request solved.
I also see that I can learn a lot more by using Xubuntu as it doesn't do all of the hand holding I get on my other PC which is running on Ubuntu 14.10

I still don't know what the wall paper issue is, I did notice all of the desktop icons were moved from the original locations.
Once again, your help was excellent.


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