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#1 2012-10-24 23:28:29

Registered: 2011-03-09
Posts: 9

[Solved] How to change font color of the title bar

Hi all,

I use the Greybird theme on Xubuntu 12.10, but I find it hard to read the text on the title bar of inactive windows and want to change the color of the text into a darker one.

I found that the theme files are in usr/share/themes/Greybird, but I don't know where to look further, like if I should edit files in the gtk-2.0 or gtk-3.0 folder and which file and what entry. I've been looking into several of the css files and such, but I just can't find what to edit. Could someone point me to the correct files and entries to change?
And will this affect all windows of all installed GUI applications like those created with wxWidgets and other GUI designers other than GTK as well, or should I then change other files as well?

And if I want to make a backup of the current theme, can I just copy a theme and rename the folder? And do I have to reboot before the changes take effect or is switching back and forth between themes good enough?

I hope someone can help me out.



#2 2012-10-25 02:54:13

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: [Solved] How to change font color of the title bar

To change the text colour on the title bar of inactive windows, you need to change the settings for the window manager theme (its what manages this aspect of it). Look in the xfwm4 folder for a file called themerc. This is the file you want to edit. Specifically, the variables:
- inactive_text_color
- inactive_text_shadow_color

And will this affect all windows of all installed GUI applications like those created with wxWidgets and other GUI designers other than GTK as well, or should I then change other files as well?

It will affect all windows of applications managed the xfwm (the Xfce window manager)

And if I want to make a backup of the current theme, can I just copy a theme and rename the folder?


And do I have to reboot before the changes take effect or is switching back and forth between themes good enough?

In this case, just changing the Window Manager theme back and forth is sufficient.

Note that changing the files in gtk-2.0 ad gtk-3.0 affects the GTK elements of the window (everything inside of the window frames and below the title bar). These settings are managed in the Appearance settings and any changes you make here can be enabled by switching the Appearance theme back and forth.

Please remember to mark your thread [SOLVED] to make it easier for others to find
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#3 2012-10-25 17:32:43

Registered: 2011-03-09
Posts: 9

Re: [Solved] How to change font color of the title bar

That worked :-) I can read the title bar again.

The switching back and forth worked as well. I haven't made a backup, I just commented out the previous settings and created new lines.


Last edited by Antignor (2012-10-25 17:33:23)


#4 2012-10-26 03:12:57

From: Hawkesbury NSW Australia
Registered: 2012-02-05
Posts: 560

Re: [Solved] How to change font color of the title bar

Antignor wrote:

That worked :-) I can read the title bar again.

The switching back and forth worked as well. I haven't made a backup, I just commented out the previous settings and created new lines.


It's a good idea to make a copy, probably best in ~/.themes, as if that theme is updated at any time you would lose your changes.


#5 2012-10-26 13:55:22

Registered: 2011-03-09
Posts: 9

Re: [Solved] How to change font color of the title bar

Ir's not like I've created a new theme, I only adjusted two lines. I now know where I can find it and I can also check back here as well in case I forget. So I think copying the entire them is a bit over the top in this case. What might be a good idea it to create a backup copy from that themerc file, so when the theme is overwritten by some update I can easily compare and replace.

Thanks for reminding me of it :-)


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