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#1 2016-05-23 08:38:13

Arran, the real
From: Isle of Arran, Scotland
Registered: 2016-05-22
Posts: 11



To download my daily paper I need Flash. The display message reads: «To view this digital edition you will need to have the latest version of Flash installed. To install Flash, please visit http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/.»

So I installed as on Kubuntu the Flashplayer-Plugin via muon successfully inclusive the data.

When I now open the page, select the edition and click on it, I get the message that I need Flash. I am also offered to install the newest Adobe thingy for Ubuntu, but when I try this way by selecting «Apt for Ubuntu 10.04» and higher, I get the message «no file_to_app results to show».

The really bad situation is that now the download in Kubuntu is also not working, as I use the same Firefox profile.

Has anybody here an Idea how to correct this?

Best greetings from Scotland's best holyday Island.


#2 2016-05-23 10:37:36

Registered: 2013-11-09
Posts: 860

Re: Flashplayer-Plugin

I'm having trouble seeing how this has anything to do with Xfce.

Have you asked about this on the Community Forum of the distro you are using?

MX-23 (based on Debian Stable) with our flagship Xfce 4.18.


#3 2016-05-23 13:00:17

Arran, the real
From: Isle of Arran, Scotland
Registered: 2016-05-22
Posts: 11

Re: Flashplayer-Plugin

Yes, I have. But no real help yet. I have even asked the provider of the Newspaper, but too, not yet received an response.

Best greetings from Scotland's best holyday Island.


#4 2016-05-23 20:19:12

From: Trinidad, CO
Registered: 2011-03-30
Posts: 467

Re: Flashplayer-Plugin

What distro are you using and what versions of Xfce and Firefox?

Registered Linux user #470359
Permanently recovered BOFH
Any advice in this post is worth exactly what you paid for it.


#5 2016-05-23 21:16:55

From: Where Mr. Bankruptcy is Prez
Registered: 2013-03-24
Posts: 1,115

Re: Flashplayer-Plugin

What is the website in question? Is it compatible with the (few versions behind) version of Adobe Flash that is available for linux users in general, or does it require the version that one gets via the Chrome browser?

And, no, this isn't specific to Xfce. I suppose if it bothers you, you can move the thread to the "General" area, lol.


Last edited by MountainDewManiac (2016-05-23 21:18:21)

Mountain Dew Maniac

How to Ask for Help <=== Click on this link


#6 2016-05-24 00:38:36

Registered: 2013-11-09
Posts: 860

Re: Flashplayer-Plugin

But help can only be effective within the limits of the individual distro. We have dealt with Flash, pepperflash and HTML5 for our users, and have posted solutions for them. If OP's distro is not doing that, the answer simply can't be to turn to the Xfce Forum IMHO.

MX-23 (based on Debian Stable) with our flagship Xfce 4.18.


#7 2016-05-24 08:36:36

Arran, the real
From: Isle of Arran, Scotland
Registered: 2016-05-22
Posts: 11

Re: Flashplayer-Plugin

I am not so sure, Xfce, (the newest Version Xubuntu, Firefox 46.0.1 to answer question 4) is really so innocent.

Before installing Xfce and, making the dist-upgrade, I was on Kubuntu like every morning and downloaded and read the paper. Then I installed XFCE and had no direct need for Flash. Only the following morning, when I actually wanted to see how XFCE handles this, this error message started to show.  I have not upgraded, dist-upgraded or changed anything with/in the repos or anywhere else in KUBUNTU.

The good thing is the response from the company handling the electronic part of the Newspaper, reading
«However the good news is that we have been preparing and we are prepared for the removal of flash in which we will introduce an HTML reader.» Reading between the lines, the ball rests now at the Publishing Company.

Perhaps you can help me with another, related, question: do you know a browser who supports Flash (but no Goggle product, please).

The other good info is, that I can download the paper on my wife's laptop.

Best greetings from Scotland's best holyday Island.


#8 2016-05-24 16:39:42

Arran, the real
From: Isle of Arran, Scotland
Registered: 2016-05-22
Posts: 11

Re: Flashplayer-Plugin

One more good thing, albeit not a long term solution: I can download with my wife's Laptop (Firefox). As long we find no solution, I will withheld all upgrades with it.

Best greetings from Scotland's best holyday Island.


#9 2016-06-16 00:23:09

Registered: 2013-10-20
Posts: 4

Re: Flashplayer-Plugin


sudo apt-get install browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash

This will install the google chrome's flash player and a wrapper enabling it to be used in FF. Tested w/ FF 45.0.2


#10 2016-06-16 01:50:39

Registered: 2014-05-26
Posts: 34

Re: Flashplayer-Plugin

Yeah, just install freshplayerplugin & every non-chrome browsers will be done.
Enough of flashplugin-nonfree 11.2 it's mouse lag very slow when draw sumopaint.
freshplayer works normally when draw since it support flash 20+ .

Right now very few Linux users knows about freshplayerplugin & still advice that old 11.2 to newbies.


#11 2016-06-16 09:23:09

Registered: 2013-11-09
Posts: 860

Re: Flashplayer-Plugin

We ship with that as default,, and have had good experience with it.

MX-23 (based on Debian Stable) with our flagship Xfce 4.18.


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