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#1 2020-02-20 09:34:50

Registered: 2020-02-20
Posts: 11

Mousepad: new themes?

Hi all,

I hope this is the correct place to ask. If not please feel free to move it:

I thought I'd try editing a few of the themes for Mousepad, and then save them to a local config, just as the instructions provide for terminal. But I can neither any information about Mousepad nor can I find any obvious location on my system for where the existing themes for it are stored.

Is this possible? Can I do something like


and put my files in there?


#2 2020-02-20 11:47:38

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,242

Re: Mousepad: new themes?

Hello and welcome.

Yes, Mousepad can make use of gtksourceview styles (color schemes). If you put them in ~/.local/share/gtksourceview-3.0/styles, mousepad will pick them up.

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#3 2020-02-20 12:59:48

Registered: 2020-02-20
Posts: 11

Re: Mousepad: new themes?

strangely, that didn't finally work.

Did the expected - restart etc. but nope, no new theme options appear. To be sure I hadn't corrupted any formatting I just copied a theme from /usr/share dir, made a small edit, and saved the file in suggested location. Not picked up by Mousepad.

It's possible my installation is missing something. It's xfce4 on top of a base Arch install, that said though I did install xfce4 and xfce4-goodies as groups.


#4 2020-02-20 18:08:19

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,242

Re: Mousepad: new themes?

That's odd. Try running this command:

gsettings set org.xfce.mousepad.preferences.view color-scheme 'STYLE'

...where STYLE is the name of an xml style file in ~/.local/share/gtksourceview-3.0/styles.


gsettings set org.xfce.mousepad.preferences.view color-scheme 'build'

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#5 2020-02-20 18:31:24

Registered: 2020-02-20
Posts: 11

Re: Mousepad: new themes?

I simply get no output at all.

Doesn't throw any errors or indeed messages. And yes gsettings is installed, I simply have no output. Nor has Mousepad picked up any additional options.


#6 2020-02-20 23:02:18

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,242

Re: Mousepad: new themes?

Really odd. I just built an Arch-based Xfce install and all I had to do was drop a style file in that location and restart mousepad. Can I see:

ls -l ~/.local/share/gtksourceview-3.0/styles

...as well as the content of the file you put in there?

Also, the results of:

gsettings get org.xfce.mousepad.preferences.view color-scheme

Note: I've been using the styles from here.

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#7 2020-02-20 23:25:52

Registered: 2020-02-20
Posts: 11

Re: Mousepad: new themes?

Sure, here you go. Just a note before I paste the output - when you said "all I had to do was drop a style file in that location" well, I had to create


and subdirs as they didn't exist.

If it's helpful to you (and thank you for trying to help, it's very much appreciated), once I'd finished installing xfce on top of Arch and I created my user, using the `useradd -m` option in fact only created the folder


but NOT any of the expected subdirectories below it. So, when trying to solve another recent problem and which was the fact that the folders I had to add into /home/<username> such as "Downloads" or "Documents" were not correctly displaying their icons, I discovered that the file


didn't exist. After creating this file and logging back in all was well. So, it's possible that something wasn't quite set up correctly when creating my user account?

Output of

ls -l ~/.local/share/gtksourceview-3.0/styles

total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 alan alan 4340 Feb 20 12:10 my-solarized-dark.xml

Output of

gsettings get org.xfce.mousepad.preferences.view color-scheme


The theme file above is simply a copy of the supplied 'solarized-dark` but in which I changed the background colour (I believe) to black. So:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  This file is part of GtkSourceView

  Copyright (C) 2011 Craig Russell
  Author: Craig Russell <craig@craig-russell.co.uk>

  GtkSourceView is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  GtkSourceView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

<style-scheme id="solarized-dark" _name="Solarized Dark" version="1.0">
  <author>Craig Russell</author>
  <_description>Color scheme using Solarized dark color palette</_description>

  <!-- Solarized Palette -->
  <color name="base03"  value="#000000"/>
  <color name="base02"  value="#073642"/>
  <color name="base01"  value="#586E75"/>
  <color name="base00"  value="#657B83"/>
  <color name="base0"   value="#839496"/>
  <color name="base1"   value="#93A1A1"/>
  <color name="base2"   value="#EEE8D5"/>
  <color name="base3"   value="#FDF6E3"/>
  <color name="yellow"  value="#B58900"/>
  <color name="orange"  value="#CB4B16"/>
  <color name="red"     value="#DC322F"/>
  <color name="magenta" value="#D33682"/>
  <color name="violet"  value="#6C71C4"/>
  <color name="blue"    value="#268BD2"/>
  <color name="cyan"    value="#2AA198"/>
  <color name="green"   value="#859900"/>

  <color name="base03-02-blend" value="#032F3B"/>

  <!-- Global Settings -->
  <style name="text"                        foreground="base1" background="base03"/>
  <style name="selection"                   foreground="base03" background="base00"/>
  <style name="cursor"                      foreground="base1"/>
  <style name="secondary-cursor"            foreground="base00"/>
  <style name="current-line"                background="base02"/>
  <style name="line-numbers"                foreground="base01" background="base02"/>
  <style name="background-pattern"          background="base03-02-blend"/>

  <!-- Bracket Matching -->
  <style name="bracket-match"               foreground="base03" background="base01"/>
  <style name="bracket-mismatch"            foreground="red" background="base01"/>

  <!-- Right Margin -->
  <style name="right-margin"                foreground="base2" background="base1"/>

  <!-- Search Matching -->
  <style name="search-match"                foreground="base03" background="yellow"/>

  <!-- Comments -->
  <style name="def:comment"                 foreground="base01"/>
  <style name="def:shebang"                 foreground="base01" bold="true"/>
  <style name="def:doc-comment-element"     italic="true"/>

  <!-- Constants -->
  <style name="def:constant"                foreground="cyan"/>
  <style name="def:special-char"            foreground="green"/>

  <!-- Identifiers -->
  <style name="def:identifier"              foreground="blue"/>

  <!-- Statements -->
  <style name="def:statement"               foreground="orange"/>

  <!-- Types -->
  <style name="def:type"                    foreground="yellow"/>

  <!-- Operators -->
  <style name="def:operator"                foreground="green"/>

  <!-- Others -->
  <style name="def:preprocessor"            foreground="violet"/>
  <style name="def:error"                   foreground="red" bold="true"/>
  <style name="def:note"                    foreground="magenta" bold="true"/>
  <style name="def:underlined"              italic="true" underline="single"/>

  <!-- Heading styles, uncomment to enable -->
  <style name="def:heading0"                scale="5.0"/>
  <style name="def:heading1"                scale="2.5"/>
  <style name="def:heading2"                scale="2.0"/>
  <style name="def:heading3"                scale="1.7"/>
  <style name="def:heading4"                scale="1.5"/>
  <style name="def:heading5"                scale="1.3"/>
  <style name="def:heading6"                scale="1.2"/>


#8 2020-02-20 23:58:54

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,242

Re: Mousepad: new themes?

xfce_curious wrote:

but NOT any of the expected subdirectories below it. So, when trying to solve another recent problem and which was the fact that the folders I had to add into /home/<username> such as "Downloads" or "Documents" were not correctly displaying their icons, I discovered that the file


didn't exist. After creating this file and logging back in all was well. So, it's possible that something wasn't quite set up correctly when creating my user account?

That shouldn't matter, however, if you install the xdg-user-dirs package, it will create all those folders for you automatically and the user-dirs.dirs file.

Output of

gsettings get org.xfce.mousepad.preferences.view color-scheme


Try again without the xml part:

gsettings set org.xfce.mousepad.preferences.view color-scheme 'my-solarized-theme'

Please remember to mark your thread [SOLVED] to make it easier for others to find
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#9 2020-02-21 09:22:21

Registered: 2020-02-20
Posts: 11

Re: Mousepad: new themes?


No output, nothing changes, Mousepad not picked it up, nor is it available.

p.s. yes, thank you, I did install that user-dirs package. Am slightly surprised it wasn't included in either xorg or xfce4 groups.


#10 2020-02-21 11:20:10

Registered: 2020-02-20
Posts: 11

Re: Mousepad: new themes?

Solved it! (with thanks for your help)

I followed one of the above links you posted to the Gtk styles page. I clicked on one of them, copied and pasted the raw text into a local '.xml' file, and which Mousepad picked up immediately (expected behaviour).

I opened the installed Gtk styles under the /usr/share, and copied and pasted one into local and renamed the file. I renamed the file "solarized-dark.xml" to "solarized-other.xml". Mousepad didn't pick this one up.

Why? Because I had to also change the title of that file at the first lines of the xml file description:

<style-scheme id="solarized-dark" _name="Solarized Dark" version="1.0">


<style-scheme id="solarized-other" _name="Solarized Other" version="1.0">

Thanks again though - a small thing but very useful, and good to know that my install isn't borked smile


#11 2020-02-21 12:03:15

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,242

Re: Mousepad: new themes?

Good catch. I was only using new themes for my testing.

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#12 2024-02-15 11:13:35

Registered: 2024-02-15
Posts: 1

Re: Mousepad: new themes?

first of all, i apologize for bringing back old topics, i know some people dont like that, but i have a good reason: when newbies (like me) search for a problem and this is the first result we get, its very helpful to have different approaches which could solve the problem!
so, this is what happened to me:
as it says in the docs:

Manual actions required for some version changes
As of version 0.5.4, Mousepad is likely to use GtkSourceView 4 (this is decided at compile time by the packager). If this is the case, the custom themes must be copied from ~/.local/share/gtksourceview-3.0/styles/ to ~/.local/share/gtksourceview-4/styles/:

im on debian (bookworm) and my mousepad version is 0.5.10 but as nothing else seemed to work, y just softlinked the 3.0 folder from a 4 folder and that did the trick, after restarting mousepad, it picked up the theme instantly!
i dont even have that 'gsettings' command, but i didnt need that, just to put the theme files into the new 'gtksourceview-4' (not 4.0, just 4) even if the version i have is previous the one noted on the docs!
hope this could help someone and save you some time!


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