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#1 2020-09-13 07:15:24

Registered: 2016-09-18
Posts: 28

Puppy Linux dpup buster 32 bit PAE WITH XFCE4 from josejp2424

the amateur developer josejp2424 did publish in the late days one actualised version from the 64 bit version


a new 32 bit version PAE for good PC / laptops running better in 32 bit mode. those distros for 32 bits with new versions of binaries (busters is actual Debian stuff!!!) are rare now and this Puppy Linux will continue to be an important ressource for XFCE4 lover for this reason. You find both at sourceforge!

and it runs very very good!

Different from the other Puppy Linux, it comes with (until now on my laptop) perfect working PulseAudio (as my powerful DELL Laptop has both good visualisation and very good sound, I am happy). I will test it progressive on other Laptop as soon I have made an well working USB stick.

But I have a rest of difficulties (probably) because I am not accustomed with the use of XFCE4.

Thunar works good but opens with columns being to short in the field for "name"; it seems there is no minimum value for the file name (I don't wish fix format of column size at all, but to short to see somewhat else as the 2 first chars of name is also wrong (for hidden files there are not 2 but one point followed by only 1 char!). As Thunar "knows" minimum is 2 chars, there is probably somewhere a setting value for that? And if it is so, it is probably possible to write 5 or 8 instead 2?

Next problem, also in Thunar, for file time, I use very intensive the file time, for file of the day, it write in the column «TODAY» so that if I am sorting by time, I can't see somewhat. I is idiotic! How to change that?

Next problem: If I move or add icons on the deskop (I will my Icons at the RIGHT SIDE, at the bottom, because the app's open her windows on top left and I can not see the icons after opening the applications and I MUST MOVE the windows of applications else if they are small. I find it can not right)

Last disorder is that to save the settings of Xfce4 being not in etc but in ~/.config I must mark the setting 'open the view on hidden files'! And after that, at new start, Thunar it set so... How to avoid this?

Kind regards

Last edited by oui (2020-09-13 07:16:21)


#2 2020-09-13 12:30:07

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: Puppy Linux dpup buster 32 bit PAE WITH XFCE4 from josejp2424

You don't mention which version of Xfce and thunar you are running.

oui wrote:

Thunar works good but opens with columns being to short in the field for "name"; it seems there is no minimum value for the file name (I don't wish fix format of column size at all, but to short to see somewhat else as the 2 first chars of name is also wrong (for hidden files there are not 2 but one point followed by only 1 char!). As Thunar "knows" minimum is 2 chars, there is probably somewhere a setting value for that? And if it is so, it is probably possible to write 5 or 8 instead 2?

While in List view, go to View>Configure Columns and check "Automatically expand columns as needed". You cal also drag the header separators to make the column wider.

Next problem, also in Thunar, for file time, I use very intensive the file time, for file of the day, it write in the column «TODAY» so that if I am sorting by time, I can't see somewhat. I is idiotic! How to change that?

Go to Edit>Preferences. In the Date section, you can select the format that you want to use for "Today".

Next problem: If I move or add icons on the deskop (I will my Icons at the RIGHT SIDE, at the bottom, because the app's open her windows on top left and I can not see the icons after opening the applications and I MUST MOVE the windows of applications else if they are small. I find it can not right)

Go to Settings Manager > Window Manager Tweaks > Placement tab. Play with the smart placement slider until windows are placed correctly for your needs. You can also select between place windows under mouse pointer or centre of screen by default, but smart placement may change that.

Last disorder is that to save the settings of Xfce4 being not in etc but in ~/.config I must mark the setting 'open the view on hidden files'! And after that, at new start, Thunar it set so... How to avoid this?

Thunar remembers that setting. You can use Ctrl+h as a quick shortcut.

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#3 2020-09-13 21:14:52

Registered: 2016-09-18
Posts: 28

Re: Puppy Linux dpup buster 32 bit PAE WITH XFCE4 from josejp2424

Hi ToZ

Thank you very much for your help. I did remaster one time more my 'live' ISO and about all is now perfect.

Only one detail is not clear for me:

ToZ wrote:
oui wrote:

... Next problem: If I move or add icons on the deskop (I will my Icons at the RIGHT SIDE, at the bottom, because the app's open her windows on top left and I can not see the icons after opening the applications and I MUST MOVE the windows of applications else if they are small. I find it can not right)

Go to Settings Manager > Window Manager Tweaks > Placement tab. Play with the smart placement slider until windows are placed correctly for your needs. You can also select between place windows under mouse pointer or centre of screen by default, but smart placement may change that.

is that only for windows of app's of also to place new icons and save then and her position?

last question: is there some handbook (if possible in one of my two really fluent languages French or German) for xfce, mousepad and thunar, and, if, existing, man pages to operate out the commando line with options and repertory or file names?

Kind regards


#4 2020-09-13 21:47:18

Registered: 2016-09-18
Posts: 28

Re: Puppy Linux dpup buster 32 bit PAE WITH XFCE4 from josejp2424


For all:

If you are interesting to try one Puppy Dpup Buster with XFCE4 on some Linux PC (coming from Windows or Macbook, I don't know! I am to long using only Linux and sometimes ReactOS, but test ReactOS is not the not the same as use regular Windows!), your don't need to change anything or create some separate partition or an USB somewhat, or burn some CD (you can do it: it is the most normal and easy way for Puppy Linux, but, today, it is not required any more since long time ago... Note: such a CD is a good restore CD in case of troubles on the PC: you can add through the package manager, is immediately as icon on the desktop each restore tool being downloadable from Debian and start your work ;-) ).

If CD start, nothing to do, only follow the instructions on the screen!

If not, note that

Puppy's DON'T LIKE to be installed!


- create a new dir, for ex. 'xfcePup32'

- open the ISO with the adequate tool of your actual distro (in Puppy, the default files manager does it hitting on the ISO)

- and copy in xfcePup32 bei drag and drop for ex. 4 files: vmlinuz, initrdgz and all the files (often 2 files, depending of the Puppy Linux version) ending with *.sfs

- if that is done, add the needing parts of following text into your /etc/grub.d/40_custom:

menuentry  "Puppy 32 bit XFCE4" {
# next line is only an example! You MUST name the right partition by number (my example) or by uuid !
   set root=(hd0,7)
   linux /xfcePup32/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda7 psubdir=xfcePup32 ro quiet
   initrd /xfcePup32/initrd.gz

- and finish the action with an update grub and restart!

you only did add 1 directory with 4 files in it in your system, nothing else. after restart, puppy starts (if you select it, of course!) and nothing more itself on your harddisk. It only read the 4 files and copy them into the RAM. After that, ALL happens in RAM (if you have enough RAM, if not, it can be, it starts only until a waiting point, and read the needing software requiring by you through your actions on demand from one of the *.sfs files, if it is able to start with as few RAM size) and perhaps your SWAP (as needing in Linux. But you can adding start parameter in the grub lines prevent that, if it is important for you, for ex. not your own PC etc. Pls ask at the Puppy forum). If you want it, you can save the session at the end. Follow the instruction (I do never that! I save files on my HD but not more!)...

with a few experience + good internet connection, download + above test is matter of only ab. 1/4 hour, not more!

Enjoy it!

Kind regards

Last edited by oui (2020-09-13 21:55:34)


#5 2020-09-13 22:39:17

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: Puppy Linux dpup buster 32 bit PAE WITH XFCE4 from josejp2424

oui wrote:

is that only for windows of app's of also to place new icons and save then and her position?

If you are talking about icon placement on the desktop, its still done via a grid set up - its not free form. However, in Xfce 4.14, you can specify which corner and which direction of the screen is default.

last question: is there some handbook (if possible in one of my two really fluent languages French or German) for xfce, mousepad and thunar, and, if, existing, man pages to operate out the commando line with options and repertory or file names?

Xfce's documentation is located at: https://docs.xfce.org/. There has been some effort expended to clean it up and add more information. I would start there.

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#6 2020-09-14 06:20:02

Registered: 2016-09-18
Posts: 28

Re: Puppy Linux dpup buster 32 bit PAE WITH XFCE4 from josejp2424

Thank you very much!


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