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#1 2021-09-05 17:26:32

Registered: 2021-08-23
Posts: 3

Backup/copy XFCE Desktop/Settings...etc & restore to another distro

Hello all...

I really like the XFCE look/feel from Ubuntu/Mint(seemingly the development has more manpower) but loathe the distro; their creative choices.

Can I run a live install of one distro, backup, copy or whatever
and then restore that tarball to my current distro's XFCE desktop and it work without hosing my current?.

1. It will save ALOT of time configuring
2. It will save alot of time reading forums for weeks to find out all the ways to complete the end task on each one-off particular process.

And well, I'm lazy and have other things I could be doing vs going down THAT rabbit hole for aesthetics.


#2 2021-09-05 21:05:24

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,313

Re: Backup/copy XFCE Desktop/Settings...etc & restore to another distro

Can I run a live install of one distro, backup, copy or whatever

Are you thinking about incorporating one distro's default Xfce settings into another distro? If so, you would just need to find those default settings files and copy them over. For example, xubuntu has a xubuntu-default-settings package that contains them all. However, in this case, you would need to copy the files over to your distro's default xdg directories (note that xubuntu uses /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu as its default and other distros may just use /etc/xdg). Also, doing it this way will only apply the settings to a new user login in your current system (if ~/.config/xfce4 doesn't exist, it uses the info from /etc/xdg to initially populate it).

If you are thinking about grabbing the current user configuration and copying it over to another user/computer/distro, then see https://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?pid=34527#p34527 for info about which files to consider. The challenge you will have is trying to move the files from a live system as all of the configuration files may not be written to disk at that point in time.

then restore that tarball to my current distro's XFCE desktop and it work without hosing my current?.

What are you referring to when you say "my current"?

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