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#1 2022-06-15 00:30:06

Registered: 2022-06-14
Posts: 5

got xfce installed and I can choose it in the login screen, but...

once logged in, I get a black screen with top and bottom panels and some items in the panels I can click.

everything else is BLACK. no wallpaper/image, no response to a right or left click in the black area.

I guess I've missed something, but I don't know what... I followed the instructions from the download page about compiling each package, in order, and believe I got them all except for:

     xfce4-dev-tools (only required if you build from GIT)

since I built from the downloaded fat tar file.

Clues would be very much appreciated!

Thanks in advance.



#2 2022-06-15 01:37:46

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: got xfce installed and I can choose it in the login screen, but...

It sounds like xfdesktop isn't running. Are you able to confirm? Can you start a terminal and run:


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#3 2022-06-16 17:34:03

Registered: 2022-06-14
Posts: 5

Re: got xfce installed and I can choose it in the login screen, but...

Ah,... right you are!

Apparently I forgot to do sudo make install on that package, after ./configure and make, what with the whole raft of modules I needed to build and install.

One curiosity: when it starts up I get this:

** (xfdesktop:2841): WARNING **: 12:40:23.914: Failed to set the background '/usr/local/share/backgrounds/xfce/xfce-verticals.png': GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: No such interface "org.freedesktop.DisplayManager.AccountsService"

However, the "verticals" backdrop IS displayed.

I can readily ignore this if need be, but curiosity is piqued!

Thanks again!



#4 2022-06-16 20:19:24

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: got xfce installed and I can choose it in the login screen, but...

Are you using lightdm as your display manager? It looks like its looking for the accountsservice package which would handle the background as well. There is another post here though with people having issues with wallpaper and accountsservice.

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#5 2022-06-18 15:30:04

Registered: 2022-06-14
Posts: 5

Re: got xfce installed and I can choose it in the login screen, but...

I am probably using gdm, since it started out as a Gnome system. and it all seems to work, but for that weird error message.

Is lightdm preferred, or merely nice to have?




#6 2022-06-18 16:29:25

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: got xfce installed and I can choose it in the login screen, but...

fredex wrote:

Is lightdm preferred, or merely nice to have?

It's really just a matter of preference.

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