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#1 2022-08-07 02:02:07

From: right by Jesus, our Saviour
Registered: 2013-06-15
Posts: 824

my most common frustration with GUI

my most common frustration with GUI is finding stuff.  i have been using the "Add to Favorites" i get with a right click on items under Whisker >> Settings.  but i still have not found where i can set the pointer size even though i know i have used it many times.  i was sure i've added it as a favorite somewhere but i've looked through several other users and favorites are fairly consistent but just lacking the one i need.


#2 2022-08-07 10:29:40

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: my most common frustration with GUI

Settings Manager > Mouse and Touchpad > Theme

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#3 2022-08-07 23:02:17

From: right by Jesus, our Saviour
Registered: 2013-06-15
Posts: 824

Re: my most common frustration with GUI

ToZ wrote:

Settings Manager > Mouse and Touchpad > Theme

i was actually there.  i see what my problem is, now.  the number for the size was at around 26 or so.  i tried increasing it and nothing happened so i thought "that's not it".  turns out the pointer will suddenly get larger when the size number reaches 41.  i don't know if that's the way it works in just the one theme i have set, now, or in all themes.

i would be better if something showed the ranges of numbers to get each renderable graphical size.  a map of pointers rendered in each size with a marker for the original setting, with each active to click on to change the size, would be an easier UX/UI, IMHO.


#4 2022-08-07 23:59:50

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,241

Re: my most common frustration with GUI

Interesting suggestion. I've always believe that cursor sizes were limited to 16,32,48 and 64. I tried to find confirmation but could not. The cursor specification doesn't mention anything about valid sizes. Then I found this cursor theme and it comes in other sizes. Installing it makes the size change at greater frequencies on that screen.

So I guess, there reason that it is incremental, is that cursor sizes can be any size - it just depends on how the theme is created. That being said, perhaps an enhancement request would be a good idea to limit the ranges in that field to only valid values for the selected cursor theme.

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