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how can i insert an image in a text posting here on the Xfce website? the image can be hosted on another site if it can't be hosted here. it's not a huge image.
Linux Mint Xfce 21.1
There are 4 links below your reply box. Click on [img] tag: on to see instructions.
[img=Image description]_URL_[/img]
Remember to edit the subject of your topic to include the [SOLVED] tag once you're satisfied with the answers or have found a solution (in which case, don't forget to share it as well), so that other members of the community can quickly refer to it and save their time. Pretty please!
where should I upload an image and get the _URL_ then?
where should I upload an image and get the _URL_ then?
To any image upload site like imgur, imgbb, etc.
Please remember to mark your thread [SOLVED] to make it easier for others to find
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