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#1 2022-11-04 18:22:41

Registered: 2022-11-04
Posts: 2

Old xfce versions

Hello Everyone!

I'm very interested in the history of Xfce and am collecting old versions all over the internet and posting them at https://github.com/olegslavkin/xfce. I also use the emulator https://github.com/86Box/86Box on old versions of Linux such as Slackware 2.0.1, RedHat 5.2, Slackware-7.1, etc. and take screenshots. Xfce 3.x are preserved, but versions of XFce 1.x and 2.x are not found on the Internet.

If you suddenly have older versions that I do not have in the repository, please share them or just make a PR.


#2 2022-11-07 13:17:20

Registered: 2019-10-11
Posts: 69

Re: Old xfce versions

Oh wow, Thanks for sharing! I don't know if thi is appropriate sub forum for it, but seems it's what it's.


#3 2022-11-07 17:36:03

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,242

Re: Old xfce versions

Moved to "General Discussion"

@olegslavkin, welcome to the forum. There is another thread/request here for something similar but I can't find it right now. I did search myself some while ago but was unable to locate anything pre-Xfce3. Since Olivier is the founder, you might have more luck making a request via the xfce or xfce4-dev mailing lists.

Please remember to mark your thread [SOLVED] to make it easier for others to find
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#4 2022-11-07 19:49:34

Registered: 2022-11-04
Posts: 2

Re: Old xfce versions

Thanks for moving the topic. I asked Olivier in the mail a while ago, he had some preliminary versions, but now they are lost sad

Thank you for your help.


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