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#1 2023-08-08 07:18:13

From: Germany
Registered: 2016-03-04
Posts: 55

Window Manager Keyboard shortcuts: Switch window for same application

Comparing my years-migrated Xfce installation with a current OpenSuse TW Live Xfce, I found some new keyboard shortcuts:

Switch window for same application   Alt+`

What does this actually do? I can't get that configured on my Xfce. "`" on a german keyboard layout is typed by Shift+'. Doing so when setting the shortcut results in  "Shift+Alt+dead grave" which is different from the OpenSuse default.

And what do these actions do?

  • Switch application

  • Fill window

Last edited by Mo_B (2023-08-09 06:25:20)



#2 2023-08-08 18:50:28

From: Argentina
Registered: 2023-07-08
Posts: 2

Re: Window Manager Keyboard shortcuts: Switch window for same application

Hi how are things. Just today I entered this forum to ask a question similar to yours about the "fill window" issue. The keyboard shortcut that I put is "Super+v" and it helps me to put a program that I use in my work in full screen and that in gnome, for example, I cannot do it. It would be like when one is in the browser and uses "f11" to put in full screen. That would be, at least a part of your query.
It is not the same as "full screen" which is another keyboard shortcut. In the window manager the two options appear as "Maximize window" but they are not the same. In the "Configuration Editor" the command comes out as "fill_windows_key" On the other hand, the other command called the same to maximize the window is called "maximize_window_key" (which is the traditional one to maximize the window). In the window manager in advanced options it refers to and says "Raise the window". In short, the Fill key is to be able to maximize certain programs, at least that's what I understand. Perhaps there is someone wiser who can delve into the subject. Greetings


#3 2023-08-09 06:23:40

From: Germany
Registered: 2016-03-04
Posts: 55

Re: Window Manager Keyboard shortcuts: Switch window for same application

I tried Fill window. It looks the same like Maximize window, but you can't switch back. With Maximize you can switch to maximized and back to non-maximized. Fill window is just like manually sized to the max without using Maximize. Ok, it could make sense, but I don't need that.
Then I wonder about Fill window horizontally if it works equally compared to Maximize window horizontally but it doesn't do anything on any kind of window here.

Now I tried Switch window for same application. It doesn't do anything on single windows. Then I open 2 terminal emulators on the same screen. Doing the action just looses focus on the selected emulator and never comes back after that. What does it do?

Last edited by Mo_B (2023-08-09 06:25:36)



#4 2023-08-11 20:50:22

From: Argentina
Registered: 2023-07-08
Posts: 2

Re: Window Manager Keyboard shortcuts: Switch window for same application

Hi how are things.
Yes, it's true after maximizing it doesn't de-maximize or at least I didn't find the way. When I have two windows open and I use the "fill window" option on one of them to go back to the other window or application I use alt+tab, which is "Select Next Window" in the Window Manager settings. The truth is that for common use I don't know what the difference is with Maximize. But it works for me because it's the only option to maximize application windows that I use at work. In another desktop I did not find this option, except in Hyprland that configuring it with "fullscreen" does the same (with the difference that I can de-maximize it). I hope you don't know this option because it helps me a lot... haha And let's hope that someone else can answer your concern, which is also mine. Keep in mind that what I am writing is written in Spanish and I translate it into English with google translator. So maybe some of the configuration names are not the same, they will be similar.


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