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#1 2023-10-01 19:09:32

From: Louisiana U.S.A.
Registered: 2011-09-17
Posts: 37


Since upgrading to the latest version of xfce through LinuxMint I've found that power management is completely broken.
I've had it set to Blank after 15 minutes, Put to Sleep after 20 minutes, and switch off after 30 minutes for years. It does nothing now.

Secondly, When I'm using Chrome to upload an image to social media, and I get the "Open File" dialog, I can browse to the folder that contains a thousand files. There used to be a search filter button to begin typing in the name of the file, which would filter out all the others and make it easier to select the file I want. It's gone now, so I'm left scrolling through this folder of files manually sifting through to make my selection.

Is there any "fix" for these problems?
I'm considering downgrading to the previous version, to get these features back.


#2 2023-10-01 21:22:52

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,313

Re: Why?

wisemagic wrote:

Since upgrading to the latest version of xfce through LinuxMint I've found that power management is completely broken.
I've had it set to Blank after 15 minutes, Put to Sleep after 20 minutes, and switch off after 30 minutes for years. It does nothing now.

Can you post back the output of the following commands:

ps -ef | grep power
xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -lv

Lets have a look at that first before we look at debug logs.

Secondly, When I'm using Chrome to upload an image to social media, and I get the "Open File" dialog, I can browse to the folder that contains a thousand files. There used to be a search filter button to begin typing in the name of the file, which would filter out all the others and make it easier to select the file I want. It's gone now, so I'm left scrolling through this folder of files manually sifting through to make my selection.

I believe this is the GtkFilechooser dialog. Try pressing Ctrl+F to bring up the search filter button.

Please remember to mark your thread [SOLVED] to make it easier for others to find
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#3 2023-10-01 21:28:49

From: Louisiana U.S.A.
Registered: 2011-09-17
Posts: 37

Re: Why?

Hi ToZ

wisemagic@black-box:~$ ps -ef | grep power
root        1853       1  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:04 /usr/libexec/upowerd
wisemag+  312238  312070  0 Sep30 ?        00:00:05 xfce4-power-manager
wisemag+  312308  312204  0 Sep30 ?        00:00:02 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xfce4/panel/wrapper-2.0 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xfce4/panel/plugins/libxfce4powermanager.so 75 14680076 power-manager-plugin Power Manager Plugin Display the battery levels of your devices and control the brightness of your display
wisemag+ 1176328 1176301  0 16:25 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto power

wisemagic@black-box:~$ xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -lv
/xfce4-power-manager/blank-on-ac                  15
/xfce4-power-manager/dpms-enabled                 true
/xfce4-power-manager/dpms-on-ac-off               30
/xfce4-power-manager/dpms-on-ac-sleep             20
/xfce4-power-manager/general-notification         false
/xfce4-power-manager/lid-action-on-battery        1
/xfce4-power-manager/power-button-action          3
/xfce4-power-manager/presentation-mode            true
/xfce4-power-manager/show-panel-label             0
/xfce4-power-manager/show-presentation-indicator  true
/xfce4-power-manager/show-tray-icon               false


#4 2023-10-01 22:04:51

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,313

Re: Why?

/xfce4-power-manager/presentation-mode            true

You have presentation mode enabled. That will suppress all power management activities. You can disable presentation mode by left-clicking on the panel plugin (and unchecking the option), or running the following command:

xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p /xfce4-power-manager/presentation-mode -s false

Please remember to mark your thread [SOLVED] to make it easier for others to find
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#5 2023-10-01 22:13:36

From: Louisiana U.S.A.
Registered: 2011-09-17
Posts: 37

Re: Why?

Yes, I do for the task I am currently running, while discussing this with you today. Normally it's not in presentation mode.

When I turn off presentation mode, close all applications and walk away for 2 hours, my desktop will be exactly as I left it. It won't go blank or sleep or switch off..... unless all 3 power management settings are set below 14 minutes.


#6 2023-10-01 22:16:33

From: Louisiana U.S.A.
Registered: 2011-09-17
Posts: 37

Re: Why?

Presentation mode off

wisemagic@black-box:~$ xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -lv
/xfce4-power-manager/blank-on-ac                  15
/xfce4-power-manager/dpms-enabled                 true
/xfce4-power-manager/dpms-on-ac-off               30
/xfce4-power-manager/dpms-on-ac-sleep             20
/xfce4-power-manager/general-notification         false
/xfce4-power-manager/lid-action-on-battery        1
/xfce4-power-manager/power-button-action          3
/xfce4-power-manager/presentation-mode            false
/xfce4-power-manager/show-panel-label             0
/xfce4-power-manager/show-presentation-indicator  true
/xfce4-power-manager/show-tray-icon               false


#7 2023-10-02 01:00:21

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,313

Re: Why?

Okay. Lets run it in debug mode to see if it can tell us what is happening:

xfce4-power-manager -q
xfce4-power-manager --no-daemon --debug

Then, lets set blank_on_ac to a lower value so you don't have to wait so long:

xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p /xfce4-power-manager/blank-on-ac -s 1

After at least 2 minutes have passed, can you post back the output from the terminal window where you ran xfce4-power-manager in debug mode?

Edit: Sorry missed the part about "less than 14 minutes". Try this approach again but with your default settings as well.

Last edited by ToZ (2023-10-02 01:10:17)

Please remember to mark your thread [SOLVED] to make it easier for others to find
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#8 2023-10-02 01:25:48

From: Louisiana U.S.A.
Registered: 2011-09-17
Posts: 37

Re: Why?

It did go blank.
Another thing I found out is that if the display settings are below 14 minutes, it works. 15 minutes and higher it fails.

wisemagic@black-box:~$ xfce4-power-manager --no-daemon --debug
TRACE[xfpm-main.c:210] xfpm_start(): Starting the power manager
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for lock-screen-suspend-hibernate
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for critical-power-level
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for show-brightness-popup
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for handle-brightness-keys
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for brightness-step-count
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for brightness-exponential
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for critical-power-action
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for hibernate-button-action
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for sleep-button-action
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for battery-button-action
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for lid-action-on-ac
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for brightness-level-on-ac
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for brightness-level-on-battery
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for brightness-slider-min-level
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for dpms-on-battery-sleep
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for dpms-on-battery-off
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for dpms-sleep-mode
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for inactivity-on-ac
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for inactivity-on-battery
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for inactivity-sleep-mode-on-ac
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for inactivity-sleep-mode-on-battery
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for brightness-on-ac
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for brightness-on-battery
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for network-manager-sleep
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for logind-handle-power-key
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for logind-handle-suspend-key
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for logind-handle-hibernate-key
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for logind-handle-lid-switch
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for heartbeat-command
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:289] xfpm_polkit_init_data(): Using unix session polkit subject
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:345] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): polkit request: (('unix-process', {'pid': <uint32 1309555>, 'start-time': <uint64 71452400>}), 'org.freedesktop.login1.power-off', @a{ss} {}, uint32 0, '')
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:366] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): Action=org.freedesktop.login1.power-off is authorized=TRUE
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:345] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): polkit request: (('unix-process', {'pid': <uint32 1309555>, 'start-time': <uint64 71452400>}), 'org.freedesktop.login1.reboot', @a{ss} {}, uint32 0, '')
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:366] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): Action=org.freedesktop.login1.reboot is authorized=TRUE
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:345] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): polkit request: (('unix-process', {'pid': <uint32 1309555>, 'start-time': <uint64 71452400>}), 'org.freedesktop.login1.suspend', @a{ss} {}, uint32 0, '')
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:366] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): Action=org.freedesktop.login1.suspend is authorized=TRUE
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:345] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): polkit request: (('unix-process', {'pid': <uint32 1309555>, 'start-time': <uint64 71452400>}), 'org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate', @a{ss} {}, uint32 0, '')
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:366] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): Action=org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate is authorized=FALSE
TRACE[xfpm-power.c:929] xfpm_power_get_power_devices(): Power device detected at : /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/mouse_hidpp_battery_0
TRACE[xfpm-power.c:888] xfpm_power_add_device(): 'mouse' device added
TRACE[xfpm-power.c:897] xfpm_power_add_device(): Battery device type 'mouse' detected at: /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/mouse_hidpp_battery_0
TRACE[xfpm-button.c:180] xfpm_button_xevent_key(): Grabbed key 124 : ((XfpmButtonKey) BUTTON_POWER_OFF)

(xfce4-power-manager:1309555): xfce4-power-manager-WARNING **: 20:19:12.616: could not map keysym 1008ffa8 to keycode

TRACE[xfpm-button.c:180] xfpm_button_xevent_key(): Grabbed key 213 : ((XfpmButtonKey) BUTTON_HIBERNATE)
TRACE[xfpm-button.c:180] xfpm_button_xevent_key(): Grabbed key 150 : ((XfpmButtonKey) BUTTON_SLEEP)
TRACE[xfpm-button.c:180] xfpm_button_xevent_key(): Grabbed key 233 : ((XfpmButtonKey) BUTTON_MON_BRIGHTNESS_UP)
TRACE[xfpm-button.c:180] xfpm_button_xevent_key(): Grabbed key 232 : ((XfpmButtonKey) BUTTON_MON_BRIGHTNESS_DOWN)
TRACE[xfpm-button.c:180] xfpm_button_xevent_key(): Grabbed key 244 : ((XfpmButtonKey) BUTTON_BATTERY)
TRACE[xfpm-button.c:180] xfpm_button_xevent_key(): Grabbed key 238 : ((XfpmButtonKey) BUTTON_KBD_BRIGHTNESS_UP)
TRACE[xfpm-button.c:180] xfpm_button_xevent_key(): Grabbed key 237 : ((XfpmButtonKey) BUTTON_KBD_BRIGHTNESS_DOWN)
TRACE[xfpm-power.c:209] xfpm_power_check_polkit_auth(): using logind suspend backend
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:345] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): polkit request: (('unix-process', {'pid': <uint32 1309555>, 'start-time': <uint64 71452400>}), 'org.freedesktop.login1.suspend', @a{ss} {}, uint32 0, '')
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:366] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): Action=org.freedesktop.login1.suspend is authorized=TRUE
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:345] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): polkit request: (('unix-process', {'pid': <uint32 1309555>, 'start-time': <uint64 71452400>}), 'org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate', @a{ss} {}, uint32 0, '')
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:366] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): Action=org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate is authorized=FALSE
TRACE[xfpm-power.c:1449] xfpm_update_blank_time(): Prev Timeout: 60 / New Timeout: 600
TRACE[xfpm-power.c:1449] xfpm_update_blank_time(): Prev Timeout: 600 / New Timeout: 60
TRACE[xfpm-manager.c:650] xfpm_manager_inhibit_sleep_systemd(): Inhibiting systemd sleep: handle-power-key:handle-suspend-key:handle-hibernate-key:handle-lid-switch

(xfce4-power-manager:1309555): xfce4-power-manager-WARNING **: 20:19:12.624: Failed to get keyboard max brightness level : GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Object does not exist at path “/org/freedesktop/UPower/KbdBacklight”
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:237] xfpm_polkit_free_data(): Destroying Polkit data
^CTRACE[xfpm-main.c:68] xfpm_quit_signal(): sig 2
TRACE[xfpm-manager.c:942] xfpm_manager_stop(): Stopping
TRACE[xfpm-manager.c:261] xfpm_manager_quit(): Exiting


#9 2023-10-02 02:35:40

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,313

Re: Why?

Can you run the same test with 15 minutes as the blank-on-ac value?


xfce4-power-manager --dump

Is this a desktop?

Please remember to mark your thread [SOLVED] to make it easier for others to find
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#10 2023-10-02 02:39:14

From: Louisiana U.S.A.
Registered: 2011-09-17
Posts: 37

Re: Why?

Yes, its a desktop PC

wisemagic@black-box:~$ xfce4-power-manager --dump
       Xfce power manager version 4.18.1
With policykit support
With network manager support
Can suspend: True
Can hibernate: False
Authorized to suspend: True
Authorized to hibernate: False
Authorized to shutdown: True
Has battery: False
Has brightness panel: False
Has power button: True
Has hibernate button: True
Has sleep button: True
Has battery button: True
Has LID: False


#11 2023-10-02 03:02:15

From: Louisiana U.S.A.
Registered: 2011-09-17
Posts: 37

Re: Why?

It did go blank after 15 minutes that time.

wisemagic@black-box:~$ xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p /xfce4-power-manager/blank-on-ac -s 15
wisemagic@black-box:~$ xfce4-power-manager -q
wisemagic@black-box:~$ xfce4-power-manager --no-daemon --debug
TRACE[xfpm-main.c:210] xfpm_start(): Starting the power manager
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for lock-screen-suspend-hibernate
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for critical-power-level
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for show-brightness-popup
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for handle-brightness-keys
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for brightness-step-count
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for brightness-exponential
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for critical-power-action
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for hibernate-button-action
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for sleep-button-action
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for battery-button-action
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for lid-action-on-ac
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for brightness-level-on-ac
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for brightness-level-on-battery
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for brightness-slider-min-level
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for dpms-on-battery-sleep
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for dpms-on-battery-off
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for dpms-sleep-mode
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for inactivity-on-ac
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for inactivity-on-battery
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for inactivity-sleep-mode-on-ac
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for inactivity-sleep-mode-on-battery
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for brightness-on-ac
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for brightness-on-battery
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for network-manager-sleep
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for logind-handle-power-key
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for logind-handle-suspend-key
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for logind-handle-hibernate-key
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for logind-handle-lid-switch
TRACE[xfpm-xfconf.c:166] xfpm_xfconf_load(): Using default configuration for heartbeat-command
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:289] xfpm_polkit_init_data(): Using unix session polkit subject
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:345] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): polkit request: (('unix-process', {'pid': <uint32 1363937>, 'start-time': <uint64 72029894>}), 'org.freedesktop.login1.power-off', @a{ss} {}, uint32 0, '')
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:366] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): Action=org.freedesktop.login1.power-off is authorized=TRUE
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:345] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): polkit request: (('unix-process', {'pid': <uint32 1363937>, 'start-time': <uint64 72029894>}), 'org.freedesktop.login1.reboot', @a{ss} {}, uint32 0, '')
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:366] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): Action=org.freedesktop.login1.reboot is authorized=TRUE
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:345] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): polkit request: (('unix-process', {'pid': <uint32 1363937>, 'start-time': <uint64 72029894>}), 'org.freedesktop.login1.suspend', @a{ss} {}, uint32 0, '')
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:366] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): Action=org.freedesktop.login1.suspend is authorized=TRUE
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:345] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): polkit request: (('unix-process', {'pid': <uint32 1363937>, 'start-time': <uint64 72029894>}), 'org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate', @a{ss} {}, uint32 0, '')
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:366] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): Action=org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate is authorized=FALSE
TRACE[xfpm-power.c:929] xfpm_power_get_power_devices(): Power device detected at : /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/mouse_hidpp_battery_0
TRACE[xfpm-power.c:888] xfpm_power_add_device(): 'mouse' device added
TRACE[xfpm-power.c:897] xfpm_power_add_device(): Battery device type 'mouse' detected at: /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/mouse_hidpp_battery_0
TRACE[xfpm-button.c:180] xfpm_button_xevent_key(): Grabbed key 124 : ((XfpmButtonKey) BUTTON_POWER_OFF)

(xfce4-power-manager:1363937): xfce4-power-manager-WARNING **: 21:55:27.555: could not map keysym 1008ffa8 to keycode

TRACE[xfpm-button.c:180] xfpm_button_xevent_key(): Grabbed key 213 : ((XfpmButtonKey) BUTTON_HIBERNATE)
TRACE[xfpm-button.c:180] xfpm_button_xevent_key(): Grabbed key 150 : ((XfpmButtonKey) BUTTON_SLEEP)
TRACE[xfpm-button.c:180] xfpm_button_xevent_key(): Grabbed key 233 : ((XfpmButtonKey) BUTTON_MON_BRIGHTNESS_UP)
TRACE[xfpm-button.c:180] xfpm_button_xevent_key(): Grabbed key 232 : ((XfpmButtonKey) BUTTON_MON_BRIGHTNESS_DOWN)
TRACE[xfpm-button.c:180] xfpm_button_xevent_key(): Grabbed key 244 : ((XfpmButtonKey) BUTTON_BATTERY)
TRACE[xfpm-button.c:180] xfpm_button_xevent_key(): Grabbed key 238 : ((XfpmButtonKey) BUTTON_KBD_BRIGHTNESS_UP)
TRACE[xfpm-button.c:180] xfpm_button_xevent_key(): Grabbed key 237 : ((XfpmButtonKey) BUTTON_KBD_BRIGHTNESS_DOWN)
TRACE[xfpm-power.c:209] xfpm_power_check_polkit_auth(): using logind suspend backend
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:345] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): polkit request: (('unix-process', {'pid': <uint32 1363937>, 'start-time': <uint64 72029894>}), 'org.freedesktop.login1.suspend', @a{ss} {}, uint32 0, '')
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:366] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): Action=org.freedesktop.login1.suspend is authorized=TRUE
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:345] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): polkit request: (('unix-process', {'pid': <uint32 1363937>, 'start-time': <uint64 72029894>}), 'org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate', @a{ss} {}, uint32 0, '')
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:366] xfpm_polkit_check_auth_intern(): Action=org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate is authorized=FALSE
TRACE[xfpm-power.c:1449] xfpm_update_blank_time(): Prev Timeout: 900 / New Timeout: 600
TRACE[xfpm-power.c:1449] xfpm_update_blank_time(): Prev Timeout: 600 / New Timeout: 900
TRACE[xfpm-manager.c:650] xfpm_manager_inhibit_sleep_systemd(): Inhibiting systemd sleep: handle-power-key:handle-suspend-key:handle-hibernate-key:handle-lid-switch

(xfce4-power-manager:1363937): xfce4-power-manager-WARNING **: 21:55:27.564: Failed to get keyboard max brightness level : GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Object does not exist at path “/org/freedesktop/UPower/KbdBacklight”
TRACE[xfpm-polkit.c:237] xfpm_polkit_free_data(): Destroying Polkit data
TRACE[xfpm-inhibit.c:404] xfpm_inhibit_inhibit(): Inhibit send application name=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable reason=Video Wake Lock sender=:1.35349
TRACE[xfpm-inhibit.c:94] xfpm_inhibit_has_inhibit_changed(): Inhibit added
TRACE[xfpm-power.c:949] xfpm_power_inhibit_changed_cb(): is_inhibit TRUE, screensaver_inhibited FALSE, presentation_mode FALSE
TRACE[xfpm-dpms.c:336] xfpm_dpms_inhibit(): dpms inhibited TRUE
TRACE[xfpm-power.c:976] xfpm_power_inhibit_changed_cb(): is_inhibit TRUE, screensaver_inhibited TRUE, presentation_mode FALSE
TRACE[xfpm-power.c:1449] xfpm_update_blank_time(): Prev Timeout: 900 / New Timeout: 0
TRACE[xfpm-inhibit.c:423] xfpm_inhibit_un_inhibit(): UnHibit message received
TRACE[xfpm-inhibit.c:88] xfpm_inhibit_has_inhibit_changed(): Inhibit removed
TRACE[xfpm-power.c:949] xfpm_power_inhibit_changed_cb(): is_inhibit FALSE, screensaver_inhibited TRUE, presentation_mode FALSE
TRACE[xfpm-dpms.c:336] xfpm_dpms_inhibit(): dpms inhibited FALSE
TRACE[xfpm-power.c:976] xfpm_power_inhibit_changed_cb(): is_inhibit FALSE, screensaver_inhibited FALSE, presentation_mode FALSE
TRACE[xfpm-power.c:1449] xfpm_update_blank_time(): Prev Timeout: 0 / New Timeout: 900
TRACE[xfpm-inhibit.c:423] xfpm_inhibit_un_inhibit(): UnHibit message received


#12 2023-10-02 03:22:01

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,313

Re: Why?

It did go blank after 15 minutes that time.

*scratches head

TRACE[xfpm-inhibit.c:404] xfpm_inhibit_inhibit(): Inhibit send application name=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable reason=Video Wake Lock sender=:1.35349

This is kind of what I was looking for in the logs - chrome is preventing any power management. But it should have prevented it?

Do you have chrome running when it doesn't blank?

Please remember to mark your thread [SOLVED] to make it easier for others to find
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#13 2023-10-02 03:43:35

From: Louisiana U.S.A.
Registered: 2011-09-17
Posts: 37

Re: Why?

Yes, playing around on an online game. I really don't expect it to blank while I'm using the PC.
When I did the test, the game I was running on Chrome was still running. I just didn't touch the mouse or keyboard
and it did go blank after the 15 minutes, with Chrome running.
When I shutdown for the evening, I close all applications,...Chrome, Thunderbird,.... everything. And just leave it.
This PC is in my bedroom. Anytime during the night that I wake up, the monitor is still on.
Sometimes it will go blank, and within a minute, it comes back on.

I have just recently upgraded to LinuxMint 21.2
I never had this problem until then. Getting support from LinuxMint is like pulling teeth.
That's why I'm checking with you. Not a big deal, as I can just turn the monitor off when I'm done using it,.... but the PC will not be doing any logging out or any "power" managing. Basically it will just be running without any of my applications running.

Last edited by wisemagic (2023-10-02 03:48:08)


#14 2023-10-02 03:53:09

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,313

Re: Why?

Keep an eye on the inhibition thing - support for videos/audio playing and preventing power management was recently added. If you have the power manager plugin added to the panel, you can single click it and it will show if any apps have an inhibit set.

Please remember to mark your thread [SOLVED] to make it easier for others to find
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#15 2023-10-02 04:11:53

From: Louisiana U.S.A.
Registered: 2011-09-17
Posts: 37

Re: Why?

I do have the panel plugin on the panel. Right now with 2 Chrome browsers open and Thunderbird open, clicking the applet on the panel shows my Logitech M705 mouse. It has always shown it at 55% battery. It will show 55% battery with a brand new set of batteries just put in.
I have a free partition. I'm going to install Xubuntu and see if it has this glitch. I'll let you know in a few days. Thanks for the help.


#16 2023-10-17 19:02:58

From: Louisiana U.S.A.
Registered: 2011-09-17
Posts: 37

Re: Why?

ToZ, after trying several things over the last few days, I have downgraded the power manager back to version 4.16.0-1.
It is working perfectly. I'm lost as to if this is a unique problem with how my LinuxMint 21.2 upgrade went or what could be causing this issue.
For now I have 4.16.0-1 version pinned by synaptic.

Last edited by wisemagic (2023-10-18 05:01:52)


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