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#1 2023-10-03 20:54:35

Registered: 2023-10-03
Posts: 4

How to remove "recent" icon from Thunar left panel (XFCE DE)

Hi everybody!
For privacy reason I need to disable completely "recent files" option.
I succeded (I hope) with a workaroud I found googling

https://askubuntu.com/questions/540661/ … nvironment

(by the way there are also other suggestions around, depending from Desktop Environment used)


The workaround is not "nice" (after all you are forcing to an error an active service) and does not give you any guarantee of not collecting files.

My questions are:

A)Is there an "official" way to disable "recent files" from collecting files all around (when you work in medical environment privacy is never enough)?

B)Is there a way to "suppress" or delete or make hidden that "recent" icon from thunar?

Thank in advance


#2 2023-10-03 23:45:52

From: Canada
Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 11,192

Re: How to remove "recent" icon from Thunar left panel (XFCE DE)

Nano1 wrote:

I succeded (I hope) with a workaroud I found googling

https://askubuntu.com/questions/540661/ … nvironment

Thats one way, but I believe temporary files are created and at some point the content is written to the main file. Here is another approach that tells gtk to stop writing recent info.

B)Is there a way to "suppress" or delete or make hidden that "recent" icon from thunar?

Right-click the "Places" label and select Places. Uncheck Recent from the list.

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