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#1 2024-01-03 10:46:56

Registered: 2013-11-09
Posts: 860

MX-23 Xfce released as official Raspberry Pi respin

I thought I might announce that we (slaved like dogs and) released 4 days ago our flagship version for use on recent RPi devices (Pi 4, 400 and the new 5) where it performs beautifully. It is attracting much interest in its first few days and we are looking forward to a bright future.

Announcement: https://mxlinux.org/blog/mx-23-1-raspbe … os-respin/
Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/mx-lin … p/download
Intro video: https://youtube.com/watch?v=xSMCulTtkN0
RPi Tips: https://mxlinux.org/wiki/rpi-tips/

Last edited by Jerry3904 (2024-01-22 00:12:59)

MX-23 (based on Debian Stable) with our flagship Xfce 4.18.


#2 2024-01-09 16:27:19

Registered: 2022-12-12
Posts: 18

Re: MX-23 Xfce released as official Raspberry Pi respin

That does look nice.  I've been looking for a replacement for Manjaro XFCE on my RPi4.  The desktop experience is too sluggish for my liking.


#3 2024-01-11 20:10:33

Registered: 2013-11-09
Posts: 860

Re: MX-23 Xfce released as official Raspberry Pi respin

Let me know how it goes (sorry this is slow, been in the mountains).

MX-23 (based on Debian Stable) with our flagship Xfce 4.18.


#4 2024-01-24 15:29:40

Registered: 2022-12-12
Posts: 18

Re: MX-23 Xfce released as official Raspberry Pi respin

I've been running it on my RPi4 for a couple weeks now.  With the XFCE desktop it's definitely faster than Manjaro XFCE.  I'm planning to try Fluxbox soon.  I just need a simple system that I can remote into and do python or browse.  Debian Bookworm is also a big plus over Arch for a system like this.


#5 2024-01-25 09:59:23

Registered: 2013-11-09
Posts: 860

Re: MX-23 Xfce released as official Raspberry Pi respin

Thanks for the feedback--Xfce is terrific on the Pi, it's not for nothing that it's our flagship!

MX Fluxbox can be installed (maybe you know already) by opening MX Package Installer > Popular Applications tab, Window Managers section. If you've never used Fluxbox before, I highly recommend you take a look at the short Manual and/or the intro video--both linked on the default desktop.

Last edited by Jerry3904 (2024-01-25 09:59:55)

MX-23 (based on Debian Stable) with our flagship Xfce 4.18.


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