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#1 Yesterday 20:21:33

bent fender
Registered: Yesterday
Posts: 3
LinuxSeaMonkey 2.53

mobility, mobility, mobility

Everything seems to be revolving around mobility these days. Well, my way of cloning a user's look-and-feel to another user used to be to just copy the source user's home folder over, period. That stopped working with kde around the time that uuid came into existence but XFCE is at least partly holding the fort! I tried this again by copy-pasting only the .xfce folder and it worked with ONE EXCEPTION. The clickable panel launchers were all there but their custom icons had to be re-assigned. That's still a lot better than having to do the whole setup ritual (which is no small feat when you have lots of users on lots of machines.

OSes have become plugins for programs and I am in the process of increasing my OS stable from 7 to 10; this way each distro gets to be booted about 3 time a month. Half of them are KDE, the other half XFCE with the exception of a single Cinnamon. To make my life easier I'm thinking of inching up the XFCE participation mostly for the above reasons.

I don't really know how XFCE does things as my hands-on time with it is very limited but if it were up to me I'd fix every path or link in a user directory solely in terms of THAT directory without every using absolute paths (which may be necessary for other paths but not for look-and-feel).  I'm NOT knocking XFCE, it is freakin' KDE that has every such file full of absolute paths pointing to another user's rags making cloning impossible. Again, I'm just ranting, but I'd like to see every look-and-feel detail if not in a single clonable/migratable file then at least in a single no less migratable/clonable directory or link to such.


#2 Today 16:27:14

From: Czech Republic
Registered: 2022-07-27
Posts: 89
LinuxChrome 134.0

Re: mobility, mobility, mobility

not sure if understand, you talk about custom app launchers added to xfce panel? (ex. by right click on app in whiskermenu, or via PanelPreferences/Items/Add/Launcher)

this is stored in ~/.config/xfce4/panel/launcher-*/*.desktop and if i look at mine, then *.desktop files have set "Icon=iconname" without relative or absolute path, only icon name... and used is icon file based on selected system theme...


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