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Good day,
I would like some CSS code so that the Whisker menu appears in the center as in Windows 11, I would greatly appreciate it.
Sorry for the bad English, but I'm using a translator.
I have no idea about Win 11. Do you mean the menu appears in the center of the screen?
xfce4-popup-whiskermenu -c
Debian Sid
Xfce 4.20 with Wayland/Labwc
Good day,
I would like some CSS code so that the Whisker menu appears in the center as in Windows 11, I would greatly appreciate it.
Sorry for the bad English, but I'm using a translator.
Welcome to this forum! And do not worry about your English
eriefisher is correct: the "xdotool" app will work quote well for your request (I am not sure whisker's "-c" option is implemented at this time). Simply add/create a new keyboard shortcut (Settings > Keyboard > Application Shortcuts) with the following command
sh -c "xdotool mousemove 400 300 && xfce4-popup-whiskermenu -p"
and you'll be on the way. Note: you will have to experiment with the example x/y coordinates i used (400 300) to fit your screen dimensions (width / height) to fix whisker's top left corner on your screen.
Cheers, m4a
Linux Mint 21.3 -- xfce 4.18 ... Apple iMAC -- Lenovo, Dell, HP Desktops and Laptops -- Family & Community Support
Thank you so much
Unfortunately it only works if it is operated through the keyboard. What I need is for it to be centered when I press the icon on the panel. Will there be any CSS code for it?
With CSS I have removed borders, changed the size of the icons that did not accept the panel configuration, but centering the whisker is the only thing I have not been able to.
CSS only effects the appearance and not the function. By default the whisker menu opens at its icon. To change that you can create a new .desktop file with the command I mentioned earlier and replace the "stock" one in the panel.
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Whisker Menu
Comment=Application Menu
GenericName=Application Menu
Exec=xfce4-popup-whiskermenu -c
You will have to edit it to reflect your situation.
Debian Sid
Xfce 4.20 with Wayland/Labwc
Thank you so much
Unfortunately it only works if it is operated through the keyboard. What I need is for it to be centered when I press the icon on the panel. Will there be any CSS code for it?
With CSS I have removed borders, changed the size of the icons that did not accept the panel configuration, but centering the whisker is the only thing I have not been able to.
With utmost respect for your CSS knowhow, your pop-up idea has nothing to do CSS (as far as I know), but deals with window managment, something Xfce is very good with. You can execute my proposed solution from the panel as well:
Step-1 ... Rightclick Panel > Panel > Add New Items > Launcher > +Add button
which added an empty launcher to the end of the panel
Step-2 ... Rightclick new button > Properties > + +(Add a new empty item) button > "Create Launcher" popup
which allows you to setup a new launcher using as its "Command" the sample solution (shell command) from above. For its title, tooltip and icon choose whatever you wish. Tried and tested it ok.
Step-3 ... move the new menu-popup button to where you like it.
Cheers, m4a
PS: with this technique (suggested by ToZ long ago) a lot of tasks can be setup with launcher buttons for those users that don't like to use the terminal/command line.
Linux Mint 21.3 -- xfce 4.18 ... Apple iMAC -- Lenovo, Dell, HP Desktops and Laptops -- Family & Community Support
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