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xfce 4.16 with compiz on arch
xfce4 with xfwm4 in manjaro
I think it was pretty bad then, so I tried make it a little better.
Artix Linux - Xfce4.16
Arch / XFCE4
Not terribly exciting, but I'm not ... not when it comes to my desktop anyway - as you'll probably guess, I'm a bit of a minimamalist (duh, I use XFCE).
For what it's worth though:
Full size image here
And here's what it's like to use
Full size image here
That's faked up a bit, to show the xfdesktop popup windowlist and whiskermenu sumultaneously (normally only one can be visible at a time), to show functionality that would otherwise require me to waste people's time with multiple images.
Everything I need to know about what's going on on my system is available at a glance, thanks to an excessive number of applets on the panel at he top.
Everything I need to know about what's going on in my application (in this instance, Firefox displaying the about:blank page) is visible at a glance immediately below that. The content gets the lion's share of the available desktop real-estate (as it should do).
The (Kalu) notification panels about available updates remain when hovered on or disappear after a few seconds (or when clicked on).
Top-left-ish, is an instance of Terminator, with no borders/title or scrollbar, a transparent background and infinite scrollback. Bottom-right-ish, is a calculator app.
Thanks to ToZ, the pretty, blue '0' on the panel indicates I'm on the central workspace out of eleven and changes colour to red/green as I shift left/right respecively, with the number incrementing the further from the centre workspace I go, but even that's simply a pragmatic aide memoire rather than eyecandy as such (I know which of two workspaces with the same name I'm in by the colour)..
That's all there is to it, really; it's not very exciting, but my machine's a tool, not a toy, so I don't need more than that - a bit of transparency (so I can read two things at once) but otherwise no bells, whistles or other distractions: no wallpaper (if I'm using an app it has my full attention and, when I'm not, my time isn't spent staring at my computer like a catatonic staring at the asylum wall. so it doesn't matter what the desktop looks like); no docks, no wharfs, no trays, no panels, no taskbars, no 'start' menus, no widgets or any other doodads; I'm busy working on whatever I'm working on and that has my full attention, with the window(s) maximised and the titlebar hidden ... I swap between workspaces and applications with keyboard shortcuts/hotkeys, cursor between items to select things/options, avoiding the use of the mouse as much as is possible (I'm a keyboard warrior, me ).
Last edited by PseudAnonymous (2021-10-18 13:35:40)
Don't dance like nobody's watching, dance like a toddler instead - they don't even care if there's any music!
We should have a new topic for a new year.
Good Morning!
Do you mind telling me what your setting is? Are you using compiz?
How did you get to this amazing layout?
Thank you very much!
ウルトラの星光る時 ( When the Ultra Star shines )
Yes ! It will be interesting if Xfce users posting screenshots here with tweaked configs would post some informations about their layout and tweaks
ToZ wrote:We should have a new topic for a new year. Morning!
Do you mind telling me what your setting is? Are you using compiz?
How did you get to this amazing layout?
Thank you very much!
We should have a new topic for a new year.
I think i've found the icon theme. Must be vibrancy-colors.
But, i still have one question, what is the main theme? Greybird? My Greybird does not have this icons:
I appreciate your help.
Last edited by FabioJunior (2021-04-29 19:10:10)
ウルトラの星光る時 ( When the Ultra Star shines )
Yes, sorry. I should have included some more info about that setup.
So yes, slightly customized Vibrancy-Colors icon theme and Greybird GTK theme. I have made some css customizations, here they are:
/* transparent xfce4-panel */
.xfce4-panel.background button,
.xfce4-panel.background button.flat,
.xfce4-panel.background button:active,
.xfce4-panel.background button:hover,
.xfce4-panel.background button:active:hover,
.xfce4-panel.background .tasklist button,
.xfce4-panel.background .tasklist button.flat,
.xfce4-panel.background .tasklist button:active,
.xfce4-panel.background .tasklist button:hover,
.xfce4-panel.background .tasklist button:active:hover
border-color: transparent;
background-color: transparent;
background-image: none;
color: #fcfcfc;
box-shadow: none;
transition: none;
/* better thunar toolbar icons */
.thunar > grid > toolbar * { -gtk-icon-style: regular; -gtk-icon-transform: scale(0.9); }
/* thunar slimmer tabs */
.thunar tab {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
border: 0;
font-weight: normal;
min-width: 0;
/* thinner mousepad tabs */
.reorderable-page {
padding-top: 0px;
padding-bottom: 0px;
padding-left: 5px;
padding-right: 5px;
/*fix button heights in firefox */
button { min-height: 20px; min-width: 16px; padding: 3px 2px; }
/* Remove dotted lines from GTK+ 3 applications */, undershoot.right, undershoot.bottom, undershoot.left { background-image: none; }
/* slimmer headerbars */
headerbar entry,
headerbar spinbutton,
headerbar button,
headerbar separator {
margin-top: 0px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
headerbar {
min-height: 0px;
padding-left: 2px;
padding-right: 2px;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
border: 0px;
.csd .subtitle { font-size: 0; }
.csd .title { font-size: 7.5pt; }
.csd .titlebar>image { -gtk-icon-transform: scale(0.8); padding-left: 7px; }
.csd entry { font-size: 7pt; min-height: 20px; }
.csd entry image { padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; -gtk-icon-transform: scale(0.8); min-height: 0px; }
.csd .titlebar .titlebutton {background-color: rgba(255,0,0,0); }
/* shrink some panel icons */
#xfce4-power-manager-plugin > box > image { -gtk-icon-transform: scale(0.8); }
#xfce4-notification-plugin > image { -gtk-icon-transform: scale(0.8); }
#pulseaudio-button > image { -gtk-icon-transform: scale(0.8); }
#genmon-3 .genmon_imagebutton image { -gtk-icon-transform: scale(0.8); }
/* padding between panel icons */
#xfce4-power-manager-plugin { padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; }
#xfce4-notification-plugin { padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 5px; }
#pulseaudio-button { padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; }
.genmon_imagebutton { padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; }
/* Greybird missing right side fixes */
.horizontal.linked > entry:last-child,
.horizontal.linked > button:last-child,
.vertical.linked > button:last-child,
.path-bar > button:last-child {
border-right-style: solid;
border-right-width: 1px;
On the top panel, I have whiskermenu, mpd-plugin, (genmon for spacing), separator, clock, custom genmon weather script, separator, 3 other genmon scripts (updates, twitter, gmail), pulseaudio-plugin, power-manager-plugin and notification plugin.
On the side panel, window buttons (flat and labels disabled) and a genmon sysstat script.
Wallpaper is this one.
The jazz is just personal taste
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Here's mine. Wish I could get conky rings to work but alas!
@Toz really helped me a lot to get all this set up done.
Albert and plank because polybar was too time consuming.
Last edited by desipher (2021-05-22 06:53:21)
I think it was pretty bad then, so I tried make it a little better.
What are you using for [1] that type of effect on the terminal text? The colour shift looks absolutely astonishing.
And what's [2] that transparency on window? Is is just the xfce compositor alone or are you using something else entirely.
Xfce 4.16 with Metacity
What can you use to divide workspace on Linux?
What do you mean by "divide workspace"?
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What do you mean by "divide workspace"?
I don’t think Google Translate conveys my thoughts perfectly: I mean the design of the workspace, the infinite number of possibilities for you to arrange your environment to be the most productive.
Can you give an example of what a divided workspace looks like to you?
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Some screenshots here shows really cool ideas, didn't see screens from every year yet, but I'll manage it soon in spare time ^^
My Debian 11 with XFCE 4.16.
Last edited by thiago (2021-08-12 00:43:41)
I have to give thank you to ToZ for helping me to set various css styling.
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